The Cat Is Out Of The Bag...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
… and no amount of denial, obfuscation, and lies can re-cloak it. Pocahontas Warren doubled her support among Dems - from 8% to15% in just 3 weeks - by promising 42 million Americans with college debt up to $50,000 each in exchange for their votes. Yesterday front-runner Joe Biden unveiled his $1.7 trillion version of AOC's $90 trillion Green Dream and given the faithful's angry responses to even the most mildly pragmatic statements of other candidates - Amy Klobuchar's "We can't afford free college for all" - and John Hickenlooper's more direct "Socialism is not the answer," it is clear to all but the most deluded that the Dem Party is now the Democrat Socialist Party if not yet in name then certainly in ideology.

The 2020 election will be the Democrat Socialists vs America.
Where do they come up with these figures? My guess is that they polled about half a dozen college age kids.
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Who gives a shit who or what the tards run, their dog will lose against Trump.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
I would had thought the 2016 presidential election would had been the election for a third party to break out because both of the major parties ran candidates with very high disapproval ratings. But it didn't happen.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
Necessity being the mother of invention. I'd say the odds are still not in favor of it but the possibility of a new centrist party emerging that would include the vehemently anti-Trump right (George Will), the anti-Trump Independents, and the anti-socialist Dems is increasing daily.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
I would had though the 2016 presidential election would had been the election for a third party to break out because both of the major parties ran candidates with very high disapproval ratings. But it didn't happen.
Yeah, same here. We're only getting more and more divided, though, so hopefully the gap will become more inviting.
It's always a contest to see which Dem/Socialist can buy enough votes (with OUR money) to win.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
Necessity being the mother of invention. I'd say the odds are still not in favor of it but the possibility of a new centrist party emerging that would include the vehemently anti-Trump right (George Will), the anti-Trump Independents, and the anti-socialist Dems is increasing daily.
The DOW remains high and unemployment is at a record low, inflation is under control and we are at relative peace but you wish for a third party to emerge because you have a psychotic hatred for the president and you can't bring yourself to vote for any of the democrats in the candidate clown car. No surprises here.
I would had though the 2016 presidential election would had been the election for a third party to break out because both of the major parties ran candidates with very high disapproval ratings. But it didn't happen.
Yeah, same here. We're only getting more and more divided, though, so hopefully the gap will become more inviting.
It will take a strong personality - a cult of personality - who can galvanize the voters. I don't see out one out there.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.

There will never be a strong 3rd party. Bill Kristol tried that in 2016 running Evan McMullen, and his Mormon shill even lost in Utah. The GOP cleaned house in 2016 and good riddance to the Never-Trumpers, and welcome to the middle-class workers:
List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia
If Trump has a 90% approval among GOP voters, then the 10% who oppose Trump are Never-Trump losers. They should come home after seeing the choices in 2020. Trump isn't perfect, but he's going to bat for US workers more than any other president in memory.

The dems still have a reckoning to go thru between young the socialists and the union Old Guard Biden supporters. If there is a 3rd party it might come from one of those factions. Bummed Bernie voters and the young socialists? Or, Biden and the Obama coalition? Either way the 3rd party route is doomed to fail.

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