The CDC wants your trust back: It’ll ‘take time to rebuild.’

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
The CDC’s new director is traveling the country, meeting with state leaders and using social media to win back the public’s trust.

09/16/2023 07:00 AM EDT

Mandy Cohen wants to win back America’s trust.

The new CDC director spent her first two months on the job telling audiences in New York, Wisconsin and Washington state the agency has made mistakes, a mea culpa of sorts meant to show that she understands past shortcomings.

“Trust is easily broken and, as folks know, trust takes time to rebuild,” Cohen told POLITICO. “It isn’t something you can fix overnight. I know that this is a long-term way of thinking about it.”

Her trust tour, which has several more stops in the works, comes as the Biden administration begins its latest Covid-19 vaccine push and at a time when her agency faces scrutiny over its decisions and messaging during the pandemic. She is contending with a public that has, for the most part, moved beyond Covid and growing vaccine skepticism fueled by some presidential candidates and public health officials.

Oh noes why would anyone distrust the CDC ...Theyre staffed with the experts

eat a bag of dicks mindy
this guy on nitter had something to say
The deviants and commie vermin have pretty much succeeded in destroying any credibility govt. and other institutions have. Now they're sniveling about the results. Fucking morons. Having destroyed them, they will now face the very practices they used to try and destroy their opposition. I hope the new Masters take the original approach of the Founders and just deport the scum, but it will probably be a lot messier, more like the French Revolution. The Right is just as psychotic and dishonest.

Oh well, shit happens; people will reap what they sow, every single time. It's not like history has never warned us about letting nutjobs run around loose.
The deviants and commie vermin have pretty succeeded in destroying any credibility govt. and other institutions have. Now they're sniveling about the results. Fucking morons. Having destroyed them, they will now face the very practices they used to try and destroy their opposition. I hope the new MAsters take the original approach of the Founders and just deport the scum, but it will probably be a lot messier, more like the French Revolution. Oh well, shit happens.
I am not worried
PRETTY SURE the new vaxx is safe and effective
trust the science!

I encourage all leftist to get the shot
As far as I'm concerned, the CDC, along with the DOJ, education dept. the DEP and others have all destroyed their usefulness a long time ago. Disband them. We can't afford their bullshit.

American epidemiologists are feeling defensive.

They’re embarrassed that people have figured out the new American push for mRNA Covid jabs doesn’t match what the rest of the world is doing.

As you may know, most countries are not recommending Covid boosters for most healthy adults under 65 this fall. Meanwhile, the United States is pushing shots on six-month-old infants as well as healthy teenagers (!) and adults.

So why is the United States so far out of step?

The CDC’s new director is traveling the country, meeting with state leaders and using social media to win back the public’s trust.

09/16/2023 07:00 AM EDT

Mandy Cohen wants to win back America’s trust.

The new CDC director spent her first two months on the job telling audiences in New York, Wisconsin and Washington state the agency has made mistakes, a mea culpa of sorts meant to show that she understands past shortcomings.

“Trust is easily broken and, as folks know, trust takes time to rebuild,” Cohen told POLITICO. “It isn’t something you can fix overnight. I know that this is a long-term way of thinking about it.”

Her trust tour, which has several more stops in the works, comes as the Biden administration begins its latest Covid-19 vaccine push and at a time when her agency faces scrutiny over its decisions and messaging during the pandemic. She is contending with a public that has, for the most part, moved beyond Covid and growing vaccine skepticism fueled by some presidential candidates and public health officials.

Oh noes why would anyone distrust the CDC ...Theyre staffed with the experts

eat a bag of dicks mindy
this guy on nitter had something to say
View attachment 831688
I think a good place to begin to build trust would be not to force people to get a vaccine in order to keep their jobs, and then if they have a bad reaction to the vaccine, including dying from it, are not then censored by the government so they cannot warn anyone about what just happened............(deep breath)...............and then maybe............just maybe............compensate the people who suffered from the vaccine that you just forced to take the shot and, at the same time, back peddle saying you were never forced to take the shot by the government?

Oh, and not lie about not masking, and then masking, and the double masking, and back to not masking, and get the idea.

Baby steps.
The CDC’s new director is traveling the country, meeting with state leaders and using social media to win back the public’s trust.

09/16/2023 07:00 AM EDT

Mandy Cohen wants to win back America’s trust.

The new CDC director spent her first two months on the job telling audiences in New York, Wisconsin and Washington state the agency has made mistakes, a mea culpa of sorts meant to show that she understands past shortcomings.

“Trust is easily broken and, as folks know, trust takes time to rebuild,” Cohen told POLITICO. “It isn’t something you can fix overnight. I know that this is a long-term way of thinking about it.”

Her trust tour, which has several more stops in the works, comes as the Biden administration begins its latest Covid-19 vaccine push and at a time when her agency faces scrutiny over its decisions and messaging during the pandemic. She is contending with a public that has, for the most part, moved beyond Covid and growing vaccine skepticism fueled by some presidential candidates and public health officials.

Oh noes why would anyone distrust the CDC ...Theyre staffed with the experts

eat a bag of dicks mindy
this guy on nitter had something to say
View attachment 831688

These "public health experts" revealed themselves all too easily. They will NEVER--and I mean NEVER--get my trust back.
These "public health experts" revealed themselves all too easily. They will NEVER--and I mean NEVER--get my trust back.
They would not care if it were not for forcing Climate Change down everyones collective throat around the world like they did Covid

And the results will kill more people.

As the UN states that billions will die from starvation, in the same breath they tell farmers around the world to stop growing as much food because fertilizer produces carbon emissions. Also, think of the people dying from the economic misery of the war on fossil fuels.

What we need is a Nuremburg court revival.
The CDC’s new director is traveling the country, meeting with state leaders and using social media to win back the public’s trust.

09/16/2023 07:00 AM EDT

Mandy Cohen wants to win back America’s trust.

The new CDC director spent her first two months on the job telling audiences in New York, Wisconsin and Washington state the agency has made mistakes, a mea culpa of sorts meant to show that she understands past shortcomings.

“Trust is easily broken and, as folks know, trust takes time to rebuild,” Cohen told POLITICO. “It isn’t something you can fix overnight. I know that this is a long-term way of thinking about it.”

Her trust tour, which has several more stops in the works, comes as the Biden administration begins its latest Covid-19 vaccine push and at a time when her agency faces scrutiny over its decisions and messaging during the pandemic. She is contending with a public that has, for the most part, moved beyond Covid and growing vaccine skepticism fueled by some presidential candidates and public health officials.

Oh noes why would anyone distrust the CDC ...Theyre staffed with the experts

eat a bag of dicks mindy
this guy on nitter had something to say
View attachment 831688
So..basically, in order for "full transparency", the CDC has to entertain and debunk every vaccine and health conspiracy theory before people like you will be satisfied?
Hmm...sounds familiar (election fraud). :)
Jesus christ you're an idiot
Piss off ya wanker

View attachment 831713
If you don't want the vaccine, don't get it. But stop spreading your fear and ignorance. The fact of the matter remains those vaccines have saved millions of lives worldwide.
The CDC has had credibility problems, primarily in the messaging department. A lot of that might be due to the fact that the information and studies on these viruses changes on almost a weekly basis.
Add to that the fact that the last administration not only bungled the response to the virus, but actively sought to discredit the CDC and it's not hard to see why there might be trust issues.
Eat a bag of dicks Mindy.

How many generations will she have to wait before the CDC's credibility will be restored with half the population? Hell men were still pulling nails and straightening them out for reuse 40 years after the Great Depression.

She knows that it's a lot easier with politicians who can be bought and sold for either power or reelection than the public.
As long as this sht is on your website, not only will people not trust you, they will know that you are an enemy.

Children Who Are Not Vaccinated​

Children aged 6 months–4 years should get two or three doses of updated COVID-19 vaccine depending on which vaccine they receive.


Children Who Got Previous COVID-19 Vaccine(s)​

Children aged 6 months–4 years who got COVID-19 vaccines before September 12, 2023, should get one or two doses of updated COVID-19 vaccine depending on which vaccine and the number of doses they’ve previously received.
I think a good place to begin to build trust would be not to force people to get a vaccine in order to keep their jobs, and then if they have a bad reaction to the vaccine, including dying from it, are not then censored by the government so they cannot warn anyone about what just happened............(deep breath)...............and then maybe............just maybe............compensate the people who suffered from the vaccine that you just forced to take the shot and, at the same time, back peddle saying you were never forced to take the shot by the government?

Oh, and not lie about not masking, and then masking, and the double masking, and back to not masking, and get the idea.

Baby steps.

There primary mistake was not reacting to the real morbidity rate of COVID, which is right there with a bad flu, after they started procedures and processes assuming a 2%-3% overall mortality rate that was possible during the first few months of the pandemic, where there wasn't enough data. Then they stuck with those draconian procedures because someone decided they couldn't backtrack without people ignoring them.
How many years in advance? All the way back to the origin of SARS2? What is the origin of SARS2?
I cannot give an accurate answer to your question, but I can speculate, based upon the records of the US Patent Office as interpreted by David Martin. At least 2003, perhaps before.

If one studies the work of Katherine Watt at Substack, judging by the way federal laws and Executive Orders have been written to accomodate the PREP Act and others, maybe as far back as the 1980's. Recall that Pharma was granted immunity from liability for their shots in 1986 under Reagan.

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