The Centurion: Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-relevant civilization couture story I wrote inspired by the humanity-idealistic film History of the World, Part I.

Signing off (this time I think I mean it!),


Alastair was a valiant Centurion serving the great Julius Caesar in Rome. Alastair was fascinated by the life and deeds of Caesar's some-time ally Mark Antony (who would someday defend the legacy of Caesar in some ways!). Alastair was privately studying the development of Roman bath-houses and how they catered to a civilization interest in 'shared spaces.' Alastair wanted to hoist the social ornamentation associated with these bath-houses to discuss/evaluate the value of government-sponsored orphanages. In fact, Alastair became so obsessed with the concept of orphanage-management that he started writing poems about 'children of the damned.'

'Tis the season,
to be Merry,
when children sing,
and are given berries!

I dream of Caesar's palace,
and the orphanages he will build,
for the Glory of Rome,
and of course the pride of the guild...

Alastair's poems were published in a special scroll for public viewing near the town center in Rome where various artists and critics could comment on them. Caesar himself noticed the hubbub generated by Alastair's poems and invited him to eat with him at his palace with wine and roast pig. Alastair was very impressed with Caesar's fortunes and asked him if he would introduce him to his friend Mark Antony, but Caesar wanted Alastair to first meet with his private 'apothecary-scientist' named Caius so the two could discuss poetics and science in the 'New Rome' --- Caesar's Rome. Alastair humbly accepted the proposal.

It turns out that Caius was building a nifty 'time-travel' device which he named the Vortex. Apparently, the Vortex could open up rifts in the nearly-invisible 'folds' in space-time and therefore allow the traveller to 'leap' across time-periods. Caius asked Alastair to go into the Vortex, and given that Alastair had no friends or family (and hence no personal risk), he consented to be the first 'subject.' Alastair walked into the Vortex and found himself immediately in Dickensian England (on the streets of London) where there was a myriad of mercantilism-related activities complementing a slowly industrializing world.

Alastair learned of the collapse of Rome, the rise of the British Empire, and the emergence of a new world-power called 'America.' Alastair quickly set about doing some research in London, trying to get personal notes about his private study of orphanage-management by differing forms of governance. Alastair learned that a popular writer was circulating ideas regarding the social value of focusing on the civics-profitability as well as the moral rewards of wise orphanage-management. Alastair was intrigued by this writer and realized they had much in common. Alastair met with this writer and had some ale and bread with him and discovered that the writer was expounding on orphanages since his own son was kidnapped at a young age.

Alastair promised the writer he would try to search for his lost son while researching orphanage-management in modern London. Alastair also met a beautiful woman, an saloon-maid named Wendie, who told him that inquiries about orphanage-management would surely arouse suspicions from an 'unforgiving' Parliament. Alastair was attracted to Wendie but did not let this divert his attention away from his special 'time-travel mission.' Alastair continued studying orphanage-management by the British government and also continued searching for the kidnapped son of the writer he met earlier.

Who could have imagined that the kidnapped son of the writer Alastair met was in fact now a 12 year-old pickpocket personally renamed Artful Combs? Artful was street-smart and very cynical and confessed to Alastair that he was recruiting orphans as pickpockets to defy the British government's seeming neglect towards orphanage-management issues. Alastair talked more and more with Artful and realized that he was the son of the writer he met earlier (since the two shared many personality-traits and perspectives on civilization governance and morality). Artful told Alastair that he was paranoid that British police would target his 'orphan-pickpocket operation' since it would 'inspire' many Londoners to think more seriously about orphanage-management.

Artful invited Alastair to visit his special underground 'orphan's lair' in London. When Alastair climbed down the winding ramps and stairways into the underground 'lair,' he noticed there were about 50 children in all there (all orphans)! Artful was their undoubted leader and captain and introduced the kids to Alastair. Alastair told the children he was a 'time-traveller' here in London to study and understand orphanage-management values and concerns. When Artful heard this 'inspiring message,' he told Alastair to come with him into the other room where the orphans and Artful kept a special 'golden-child' as their real 'hero-god.'

ARTFUL: So you've been through a 'Vortex' which landed you in London!
ALASTAIR: Children love good storytelling...
ARTFUL: Whether or not you're a time-traveller is of no consequence...
ALASTAIR: You're referring to the moral malaise caused by homelessness?
ARTFUL: Do you realize how many orphans there are in London today?
ALASTAIR: So who is this 'golden-child' you keep in this special 'room'?
ARTFUL: We call this baby 'Jesus,' since he will bring us optimism!
ALASTAIR: I suppose 'Jesus' will tell you about proper government.
ARTFUL: You don't know much about the life of Jesus, do you?
ALASTAIR: I know that Christianity was instrumental in the downfall of Rome.
ARTFUL: Well, this baby 'Jesus' will protect us from the tides of profiteers.
ALASTAIR: You should be a writer...
ARTFUL: I think my father is a writer (I don't remember him).
ALASTAIR: That's funny. Someday, they'll make a poem about an 'evil child.'
ARTFUL: Civilizations tend to become more and more...self-conscious.
ALASTAIR: I will 'return' to Rome, Artful, and tell Caesar of 'Jesus.'
ARTFUL: I don't know if I believe you, but maybe Caesar thinks 'Jesus' is special.
ALASTAIR: In Rome, I will use my sword to honor your little 'orphan-crusade.'
ARTFUL: Perhaps there is hidden 'virtue' in Rome that is still hidden in London!
ALASTAIR: Perhaps this new world ('America') will offer citizens "kids' meals."



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