The Chargers are nobodys team in the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE.

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Course the Colts moving to Indy was considered to be a bad move too.

The colts owner as much a jerk as he was,he at least moved them to a city that was not dead last in wage earners though and a city so poor that most familys are lower class ones that have to work two jobs. have you seen the PSL's they are asking for? It does not take a genius to see this has disater written all over it.the majority of vegas residents will never be able to afford those tickets out there they are asking for.

these are the same economists that said the rams move to st louis was a very bad idea.They called that one right.No reason these experts are blowing smoke now all of a sudden.:biggrin: with the exception of the warner'faulk years when they were the greatest show on turf in a five year period and went to two superbowls during that time,that place was half empty all the time as well.

15 0ut of those 20 years they were there,that place was a ghost town,it was the same with the rams as it is with the chargers in LA,their games alwasy felt like ROAD games as well. :D:abgg2q.jpg: would be pretty foolhardy to ignore what these experts are saying after they called THAT one correctly back then.thats like if your car is broken and not running,and a very credible mechanic with a great reputation tells you you need it fixed and you ignore him,you screwed up and your car broke down as a resort.same thing,no difference. so just a little bit difference there with the Colts back then and the raiders now.

PLUS i dont ever recall back then economic experts saying it would be disasterous for the colts in indy as they did with the rams in st louis and the raiders in vegas.:D Jim Irsey was an asshole,BUT he wasnt a stupid ass moron like davis and spanos are.HE knew what he was doing.

The Raiders even when they were great in LA,nobody showed up,the year after they won the superbowl out there,the next season for the home opener they only drew just over 44,ooo fans.the OAKLAND Raiders might have won a superbowl out there in LA but nobody cared.same will happen with the Raiders in vegas and be even worse. the reason I am confidant of this is I know a vegas resident out there and he told me the games the hockey team had,it felt like road games just as st louis fans felt like Ram games were ROAD games most the time there.:abgg2q.jpg:
I wonder why USC draws so many fans?

I dont know,YOUR a californian,if you want to find out,you can always do some research on it.LOL

Here is what I was talking about how the Rams in stank louis,they had the same kind of luck there the chargers are in LA. this is what THEIR crowds ALWAYS looked like other than the brief warner/faulk years. this was taken during middle of the 2nd quarter no less not when coming back from halftime or just starting.:laughing0301::lmao:


I went to their home opener their last season there against the seahawks and it looked just like this,against a team that had been to the superbowl back to back no less.:haha: I went there also like ten years ago and the same thing.I am not shitting.:laughing0301: Vegas will be as huge a mistake for the raiders as it is for the chargers in LA I GUARANTEE.

once they start losing and are as pathetic as the rams were in st louis,they will ALSO have stadiums that look like this. they will not be dedicated and loyal like oakland fans are.Oakland has the most passionate dedicated fans in the world.

just four years ago after starting the season off 0-13,on a dark rainy cold night in hard pouring downpour of rain.that place was packed and sold out. to leave the most dedicated loyal fans in the country like that is a crime pure and simple. I know Gramps as a chiefs fan remembers that game how it was packed. The only time there were any empty seats was halftime when they left for refreshments.I SAW the game on tv so I was pretty much there,I know.
I'm not a Californian. I'm from Montana originally.
Where I come from there's not much to do but hunt and go to football games in the Fall.
I just lived in California long enough to know that Southern Californians have too many other things to do than go to a Chargers game. Half of the home games weren't sellouts. So I could only hear them on the radio. But the funny thing is, watching a Chargers game was fun. Going to a Titans game here in TN is a pain in the ass. You're ether sweating your balls off or freezing to death.

true they were not like Oakland which ALWAYS packs them in win or lose like the year when they started off 0-13 that I just mentioned or like they did last night.

I was under the impression you LIVED in san diego now since you have talked about the chargers a lot in the past?

Yeah I see what your saying.I get that.But thats my point. You're proving for me WHY they never should have left SD.

Thats the major difference between the chargers now playing in Carson and when they played in SD.

When they were in SD,they at LEAST sold out HALF the time when they were crappy like the year they went 1-15 with Ryan Leaf at quarterback . and when they were GREAT,like when they went 14-2 with marty shottenheimer they would sell out all games then.

When they were crappy like the year they went 1-15, They would STILL turn out and pack them in and cheer them on against exciting teams like the pittsburgh steelers when they were a dynasty in the 70's and against their division rivals the chiefs,broncos,seahawks "when they were still in the division." and the raiders.

speaking of the Raiders that is the other difference.I realise Raider games were always home games for the Raiders in SD the fact LA has a bunch of Raider fans there but that was the ONLY time in SD where the opposing fans always outnumbered the home team fans where its EVERY sunday in carson.:iyfyus.jpg::haha::laughing0301::lmao:

yeah you are right,when they were CRAPPY in SD,when they played against equally crappy teams like cleveland for example,yeah yoou are correct,games like that they did not draw well. but at LEAST they DID turn out and pack them in against their division rivals i mentioned or exciting teams such as the steelers in the 70's when they were a dynasty or like the Bills in the 90's when they went to four straight superbowls and had exciting players to watch,Major difference there my man.:D;)
I lived in SD for several years. I sold my home in SpringValley in 2003.
I just couldn't find a decent job there.
So I went into the Army.
BTW, I was at the SD vs Raiders game when John Madden was coach.
The Chargers were beating the Faiders and Kenny Stabler fumbled the ball forward and eventually his TE tipped it into the endzone falling on it.
Everyone in the stadium knew that play was illegal but the refs.
The Faider fans were lucky to get out of the place alive.

comedy gold.How much longer can spanos suffer this embarrassment? LOL

that video and commentary by fouts and eagle was priceless.LOL

CBS announcers ripped the Chargers after embarrassing Chiefs-fan takeover in LA

Fouts: I just want to go back to when Rivers tried to draw the Chiefs offsides. Lot of Chiefs fans here, and they were making a lot of noise. And that hurt Rivers. He could not be loud enough to try to induce the Chiefs to jump offsides.

Eagle: Now, look, that’s been an issue. There’s no getting around it. You look around the stands, and whatever fanbase is part of the road team, they travel. They come to LA. They come to Carson.

Fouts: They know they can get seats here. Arrowhead is always sold out. Chargers did sell out their season tickets here at StubHub, but it appears that maybe some of those fans are going on that secondary market. What do you think?

Eagle: I would agree.

The Chiefs were one of several fanbases to take over StubHub Center since Dean Spanos engineered the Chargers’ move to Los Angeles last season.
Looks like the chargers fight for LA is all over now.the Rams own their ass.LOL

same thing again.Just like last time when the chiefs fans took over,Niner fans ruled the roost in last sundays game.LOL

Ever since the Chargers moved from San Diego to Los Angeles, they’ve lost home field advantage.
Chargers' Stub Hub Center Is Filled With 49ers Fans During Today's Game (PIC)

second verse same as the first.

Chargers LA Experiment Continues To Be A Joke As 49ers Fans Take Over Their Stadium

totally pathetic.

Niners become latest fanbase to completely take over the Chargers' stadium
CBS’s national broadcast going in on the Chargers. As a San Diegan, I love it. As someone who is supposed to be a dispassionate observer of the NFL for my job, I think we can all realize this is a joke and an embarrassment to the league.

In the second-biggest market in the country, the Chargers can’t find 25,000 of their own fans to pack a tiny soccer stadium. It’s pathetic.

It won’t change any time soon.

The “Fight for LA” has been a pathetic mess and a complete failure. There’s no other way to see it.
Dan Fouts Rips Los Angeles Chargers Home Crowd In Week 1
this is too funny,had the 49er fans not showed up in carson last sunday,you would have seen just 5000 people in the whole 27,000 seating capacity stadium.LOL
gee you think? :abgg2q.jpg::haha::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:

Sam Farmer: “It’s sort of been proven LA is not a two-team market”


Rams are the ONLY team that has proven to work in LA.chargers are proving that now with the way they are bombing there,did not work with raiders and it sure as hell is not working with the chargers.:cuckoo:
Its no longer just whispers that the NFL wants the chargers back in LA.last year it was just local media in SD reporting it so it was just whispers but now NATIONAL media is talking about it. this sportswriter of ESPN spilled the beans.LOL

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this is too funny,had the 49er fans not showed up in carson last sunday,you would have seen just 5000 people in the whole 27,000 seating capacity stadium. LOL

Everyone knows LA stinks when it comes to sports! Basketball has been the king for as long as I can remember! Going back 20+ years when Raiders moved there and were winning, the place still never sold out! The Chargers have only exacerbated the situation being a mediocre team trying to find a market outside of their real home, SD! I've never been in favor of these moves! The cities that have been team homes more than likely gave all kinds of concessions in the past only to be jilted with these impromptu decisions to relocate! :102::1041: :2cents:
this is too funny,had the 49er fans not showed up in carson last sunday,you would have seen just 5000 people in the whole 27,000 seating capacity stadium. LOL

Everyone knows LA stinks when it comes to sports! Basketball has been the king for as long as I can remember! Going back 20+ years when Raiders moved there and were winning, the place still never sold out! The Chargers have only exacerbated the situation being a mediocre team trying to find a market outside of their real home, SD! I've never been in favor of these moves! The cities that have been team homes more than likely gave all kinds of concessions in the past only to be jilted with these impromptu decisions to relocate! :102::1041: :2cents:

You got some things correct here.some not. Yeah that is so true about the Raiders,even when they were great and were winning that lace was a half empty stadium all the time.the year they went to the superbowl,the average crowd attendance was 42,000. the year they won it out there,the nest season for their home opener,the attendance was a mere 44,000:haha::lmao: Rams on the other hand have ALWAYS been embraced by the city.their home opener that year drew over 65,000 fans in had standing room only seats because they sold out.they of course were playing in a baseball stadium. the oakland raiders might have a superbowl out there in LA but clearly nobody in LA cafred.:lmao::iyfyus.jpg::laughing0301:

LA is RAMS country.The Rams have ALWAYS done well with fan attendance out there. The majority of their time that THEY were in LA for 49 years before they moved to stank louis,they always ranked in the top five in league attendance. these were the kinds of crowds they ALWAYS had at the LA coliseum and in Anaheim.:)

their crowds ALWAYS looked like this.





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totally incredible that the chargers gave up THIS in san diego/


for THAT in carson.:abgg2q.jpg:


i see nothing but empty seats here in that pic of that game above playing in carson dont you?:abgg2q.jpg:
Last time I went to a pro football game was 20 years ago in Philadelphia. The Eagles were playing the Cowboys. They were dumping their drinks on some kid who had a Cowboys Jacket on. Grown men were doing this. To that extent, I think loyalty is silliness in terms of sports entertainment.

I almost went to jail that day. lol. I flexed on them mofos. I put the fear of God in em. What a bunch of aholes. They did get escorted out of the stadium, though.

I've never went to a live game since. It's not worth it. You don't see that kind of stuff at a baseball game. People act right at the baseball game. Worst thing that happens is somebody might run through the field nekit, but that's about it, and that's very seldom.
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Last time I went to a pro football game was 20 years ago in Philadelphia. The Eagles were playing the Cowboys. They were dumping their drinks on some kid who had a Cowboys Jacket on. Grown men were doing this. To that extent, I think loyalty is silliness in terms of sports entertainment.

I almost went to jail that day. lol. I flexed on them mofos. I put the fear of God in em. What a bunch of aholes. They did get escorted out of the stadium, though.

I've never went to a live game since. It's not worth it. You don't see that kind of stuff at a baseball game. People act right at the baseball game. Worst thing that happens is somebody might run through the field nekit, but that's about it, and that's very seldom.

I haven't been to a live game @ Soldier's Field in 30+ yrs when they were SB contenders! Fans can be nutz! :aargh:
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