The Chargers are nobodys team in the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE.

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the NFL announcers are still referring to them as the SAN DIEGO chargers.Spanos cant be happy about that.LOL

ESPN L.A. Chargers on Twitter

"Back to you guys in San Diego." - "I wish we were in San Diego, but we're in Los Angeles."

comedy gold the replies here.LOL

Believe me, everyone in Los Angeles wishes they were back in San Diego. The @Chargers are not wanted here.

It's so obvious the people in LA will never back the Chargers! What an asinine move leaving San Diego was!

They’re not even in LA. They’re in Carson!

Need help packing? Lol
The organization has now come to grips and accepted it that they play 16 road games all year long now.:lmao::haha:

  • L.A. didn’t invite them, San Diego is mad at them, and these are the results—even in a pint-sized soccer stadium, the transplanted team is drawing more opposing fans than “home” fans
And now look. Or don’t. Nobody is going to Chargers games.
Giving L.A. a second NFL team is like giving Miami a second snowplow. Nobody asked for it, nobody wants it and nobody knows what to do with it.
The Chargers Are Nobody’s Team

Reminds me of the days when the Rams were in stank louis other than the warner/faulk years when they had the greatest show on turf being the exception.

experts TRIED to tell spanos and the NFL this is what would happen if they moved,they just covered their ears and ignored them though like the arrogant A holes they are.

How much longer they think they will last if they keep pulling this shit on fans with all thise relocation BS? The fans are hearing about it around the country how san diego fans are flying banners accross the stadium telling spanos his chargers are not wanted and he cant stop them like he tried to is what is REALLY funny.:lmao:

Plane w/ banner flies over Coliseum: “NFL = No F'N Loyalty SD & OAK Deserve Better”

Kudos to the Oakland fans for doing the same thing in oakland with that snake mark davis.:thup:

why does the arrogant NFL always ignore facts that two teams in LA has NEVER worked and never will?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

I said two years ago this is what would happen in LA if the chargers were stupid enough to go there and it will happen in vegas as well if Mark Davis is as much a moron as Dean Spanos is in the dumb and dumber contest.:rolleyes:
I’m rooting for LA. Atlanta is a choke team hang in. You don’t know because you don’t watch so trust me

I watch RAM games when they play in LA.thats the only never answered my question if you watched the game or not?
I thought LA had a nice new stadium? What the sam heck are they doing in thar wet ratty old 1900 Coliseum? Bench seating? Wth? Fans are 100 yds back?

Na the new stadium you are referring to wont be ready till the 2020 season.They will be playing in Inglewood then.Next year for sure I am going to see a Rams/Niners game there.That will be a thrill to see that classic california rivarly game played in the classic LA coliseum where they used to play so many of their games in the past.

thats the thing that fucked up about the NFL.They put brand new shiny stadiums ahead of history and tradition. I would be very content that they keep the LA coliseum for all Ram games in the future,wont happen of course though. give me college football any day of the year,you dont see college football teams putting stadiums ahead of history and tradtition.
The organization has now come to grips and accepted it that they play 16 road games all year long now.:lmao::haha:

  • L.A. didn’t invite them, San Diego is mad at them, and these are the results—even in a pint-sized soccer stadium, the transplanted team is drawing more opposing fans than “home” fans
And now look. Or don’t. Nobody is going to Chargers games.
Giving L.A. a second NFL team is like giving Miami a second snowplow. Nobody asked for it, nobody wants it and nobody knows what to do with it.
The Chargers Are Nobody’s Team

Reminds me of the days when the Rams were in stank louis other than the warner/faulk years when they had the greatest show on turf being the exception.

experts TRIED to tell spanos and the NFL this is what would happen if they moved,they just covered their ears and ignored them though like the arrogant A holes they are.

How much longer they think they will last if they keep pulling this shit on fans with all thise relocation BS? The fans are hearing about it around the country how san diego fans are flying banners accross the stadium telling spanos his chargers are not wanted and he cant stop them like he tried to is what is REALLY funny.:lmao:

Plane w/ banner flies over Coliseum: “NFL = No F'N Loyalty SD & OAK Deserve Better”

Kudos to the Oakland fans for doing the same thing in oakland with that snake mark davis.:thup:

why does the arrogant NFL always ignore facts that two teams in LA has NEVER worked and never will?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

I said two years ago this is what would happen in LA if the chargers were stupid enough to go there and it will happen in vegas as well if Mark Davis is as much a moron as Dean Spanos is in the dumb and dumber contest.:rolleyes:
Go rams. Beat Atlanta. You watching?

yes I did,was very dissapointed.byt thanks for support though anyways.:thup::beer:
wow i knew it was bad in LA with the turnout for chargers games but i did not know it was THIS bad.when you listen to this first video,it is so obvious it is not just rumors they are talking about sending the chargers back to SD.this is a huge black eye on their face.If fan support doesnt start getting much better AND IT WONT,this will be too embarrassing for them to stomach.LOL

This next one pretty much tells it like it is how the chargers do not work in LA. as you can see in this one,they are drawing horrible crowds,the games fell like home games for the VISITING team.:abgg2q.jpg:

this is how bad it REALLY is in LA with the have NFL teams that dont even travel well being the only fans that show up there for charger games.this is an embarrassment for the NFL.Its no wonder the chargers did not have any prime time games at home.LOL would be too embarrassing for the NFL to show home games for the visiting team in a 27,000 seat soccor stadium:auiqs.jpg:

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wow i knew it was bad in LA with the turnout for chargers games but i did not know it was THIS bad.when you listen to this first video,it is so obvious it is not just rumors they are talking about sending the chargers back to SD.this is a huge black eye on their face.If fan support doesnt start getting much better AND IT WONT,this will be too embarrassing for them to stomach.LOL

This next one pretty much tells it like it is how the chargers do not work in LA. as you can see in this one,they are drawing horrible crowds,the games fell like home games for the VISITING team.:abgg2q.jpg:

this is how bad it REALLY is in LA with the have NFL teams that dont even travel well being the only fans that show up there for charger games.this is an embarrassment for the NFL.Its no wonder the chargers did not have any prime time games at home.LOL would be too embarrassing for the NFL to show home games for the visiting team in a 27,000 seat soccor stadium:auiqs.jpg:

I knew it was a huge blunder. LA is a Raiders town and the nemesis of the Chargers. No way they could get a fan base.

As far as moving back, they burned the bridge. Spanos could have at least pretended to work with the city to stay, but couldn't even do that. The anthem thing just made sure the wound wouldn't heal.
wow i knew it was bad in LA with the turnout for chargers games but i did not know it was THIS bad.when you listen to this first video,it is so obvious it is not just rumors they are talking about sending the chargers back to SD.this is a huge black eye on their face.If fan support doesnt start getting much better AND IT WONT,this will be too embarrassing for them to stomach.LOL

This next one pretty much tells it like it is how the chargers do not work in LA. as you can see in this one,they are drawing horrible crowds,the games fell like home games for the VISITING team.:abgg2q.jpg:

this is how bad it REALLY is in LA with the have NFL teams that dont even travel well being the only fans that show up there for charger games.this is an embarrassment for the NFL.Its no wonder the chargers did not have any prime time games at home.LOL would be too embarrassing for the NFL to show home games for the visiting team in a 27,000 seat soccor stadium:auiqs.jpg:

I knew it was a huge blunder. LA is a Raiders town and the nemesis of the Chargers. No way they could get a fan base.

As far as moving back, they burned the bridge. Spanos could have at least pretended to work with the city to stay, but couldn't even do that. The anthem thing just made sure the wound wouldn't heal.

well there is talk in the NFL that they a would like them to move them back,that would be stupid though because as you said,nobody in SD would support them as long as the spanos family owned them.they would have the smae problem they are having in LA now with fan support. Plus it would never happen until they got a new stadium. Its obvious they wont move back till they have a new stadium. if the NFL was smart,they would make spanos sell the team so the fans would welcome them back AND fund the new stadium but the NFL is fill of morons though.

You mean it is a RAMS i just said,even the Raiders who have a much bigger fanbase in LA than the chargers,were never embraced in LA,that was why Al Davis moved them back to Oakland.Even when they were great they drew horrible out there and thats because they only have a limited fanbase.

Like the year the Raiders won the superbowl out there.even though they accomplished that feat,the next season for their home opener,they only drew a crowd of just 44,000. a half empty stadium.:abgg2q.jpg: that was also the same kind of crowds they drew all year long the year they went to the superbowl.LOL

also the rally the Rams fans had in LA to urge their team to come back drew a crowd of over 1000. Guess how many showed up for the raiders rally? a mere 100 or so.:D

I told all the nutcases here four years ago who kept saying the Raiders would be the team that would come back to LA that would never happen because businesses did not want the raiders there cause the raider fans in LA always started fights,that was why the raiders never drew well cause it was only gangsters that embraced them there. Howie Long once said him and his fellow teammates stopped taking their familys to games cause they feared for their lives.

If you compare the raiders fanbase to the chargers fanbase in LA you are correct,that it is raiders town.LOL Not so with the rams though.

There was a poll taken in the LA times three years ago asking football fans who they wanted back the most of the three teams and here was the results to no surprise at all.

Rams came in at number one with 60% of the votes.
Raiders number two with 35% of the votes.
Chargers number three with a mere 5 % of the votes.:abgg2q.jpg:

so if you compare the Charger fanbase in LA with the Raiders fanbase in LA you are correct,that LA is a Raider town.LOL

But compared to the Rams though,LA is Rams country.always has been.
check this out.priceless. when you watch that game,I wouldnt even say 50% of those fans were seahawks fans in carson,I would say about SEVENTY FIVE % is more accurate.:abgg2q.jpg:

So what do fans say about attending a Chargers game at StubHub Center in Carson?

Unfortunately for the Chargers, there ends up being just as many of the opposing team fans going to their games. It looked like 50 percent of the fans were there for the Seahawks,” Poma said. “They need to win some games.:abgg2q.jpg:
“They reported about 21,000, but there must have been only about 15,000 people there,” Casillas said. “I didn’t expect that, that’s for sure.”

The light crowd surprised Casillas, particularly considering the first Los Angeles Rams preseason game last year drew a capacity crowd to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum that seats more than 90,000 people.

should not have surprised Casillas in the least.LA has ALWAYS been Rams country.:rolleyes: hard to believe he did not expect that,I could have told him that was going to happen just like anybody else could have.:iyfyus.jpg:
The organization has now come to grips and accepted it that they play 16 road games all year long now.:lmao::haha:

  • L.A. didn’t invite them, San Diego is mad at them, and these are the results—even in a pint-sized soccer stadium, the transplanted team is drawing more opposing fans than “home” fans
And now look. Or don’t. Nobody is going to Chargers games.
Giving L.A. a second NFL team is like giving Miami a second snowplow. Nobody asked for it, nobody wants it and nobody knows what to do with it.
The Chargers Are Nobody’s Team

Reminds me of the days when the Rams were in stank louis other than the warner/faulk years when they had the greatest show on turf being the exception.

experts TRIED to tell spanos and the NFL this is what would happen if they moved,they just covered their ears and ignored them though like the arrogant A holes they are.

How much longer they think they will last if they keep pulling this shit on fans with all thise relocation BS? The fans are hearing about it around the country how san diego fans are flying banners accross the stadium telling spanos his chargers are not wanted and he cant stop them like he tried to is what is REALLY funny.:lmao:

Plane w/ banner flies over Coliseum: “NFL = No F'N Loyalty SD & OAK Deserve Better”

Kudos to the Oakland fans for doing the same thing in oakland with that snake mark davis.:thup:

why does the arrogant NFL always ignore facts that two teams in LA has NEVER worked and never will?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

I said two years ago this is what would happen in LA if the chargers were stupid enough to go there and it will happen in vegas as well if Mark Davis is as much a moron as Dean Spanos is in the dumb and dumber contest.:rolleyes:

Agreed! Longtime no see. How have you been?
the chargers STILL cant draw any fans to the games,its always the opposing teams fans greatly outnumbering the home team fans.Look at all these empty seats from last nights game with the seahawks in LA. :abgg2q.jpg: The Raiders and Rams game at the LA coliseum in a MUCH MUCH bigger venue,that place was packed,very few empty seats at all. granted LA has a lot of raider fans there so I think the home opener for the rams will be a better measuring stick for them>i think it will be about the same result,word of mouth is people in LA are stoked about the Rams this year where last year when they opened the season,everyine was suffering from the hangover of jeff fisher running the team into the ground.

the newest sign the sign man had flying over the stadium yesterday in their opener agains the chiefs so much read the truth.It said-CHARGERS,ONLY NFL TEAM WITH 16 ROAD GAMES.THANKS DEAN.

priceless,i love it.:laughing0301::lmao: I watched that game for entertainment purposes and was not dissapointed in the least.everytime they showed the fans in the stadium,the majority of them were all chiefs fans as i knew it would be same as last year when their home opener against the dolphins,the majority were dolphin fans.:laughing0301::lmao::haha::iyfyus.jpg:

Give it up dean,nobody gives a shot about you in LA.:haha:
All part of the implosion of the NFL.

have you heard there is already talk of the chargers going back to SD by the NFL league office?:lmao:

here is a good objective article on it on the possiblity.

Is all that ‘Chargers Forced Back to San Diego’ talk just Looney?

I dont think it will happen anytime soon,but I do think it will happen sometime in the next 5 to ten years when they move into Inglewood with the Rams.When the NFL sees all those empty seats everywhere they will be embarrased and will take action.

spanos and the NFL are so stupid they actually think the chargers will EVENTUALLY build a fanbase out there.:rolleyes: thats why i say there wont be serious discussions on them going back till they move into Inglewood and they see all the 60,000 plus empty seats there.

Once that happens,reality will set in with the NFL and they will be desperate to get them back to san diego. also REMEMBER,the NFL league office and the owners did not want the chargers to go to LA.

they made it possible for the chargers to go there giving them the green light if they could not get something done in SD but they thought spanos would try and stay and WOULD stay but it backfired on them cause spanos never tried to get anything done there.
We don't want them anymore....we are looking at Major League Soccer teams now.
the chargers STILL cant draw any fans to the games,its always the opposing teams fans greatly outnumbering the home team fans.Look at all these empty seats from last nights game with the seahawks in LA. :abgg2q.jpg: The Raiders and Rams game at the LA coliseum in a MUCH MUCH bigger venue,that place was packed,very few empty seats at all. granted LA has a lot of raider fans there so I think the home opener for the rams will be a better measuring stick for them>i think it will be about the same result,word of mouth is people in LA are stoked about the Rams this year where last year when they opened the season,everyine was suffering from the hangover of jeff fisher running the team into the ground.

$100 for parking. No thank you.
The organization has now come to grips and accepted it that they play 16 road games all year long now.:lmao::haha:

  • L.A. didn’t invite them, San Diego is mad at them, and these are the results—even in a pint-sized soccer stadium, the transplanted team is drawing more opposing fans than “home” fans
And now look. Or don’t. Nobody is going to Chargers games.
Giving L.A. a second NFL team is like giving Miami a second snowplow. Nobody asked for it, nobody wants it and nobody knows what to do with it.
The Chargers Are Nobody’s Team

Reminds me of the days when the Rams were in stank louis other than the warner/faulk years when they had the greatest show on turf being the exception.

experts TRIED to tell spanos and the NFL this is what would happen if they moved,they just covered their ears and ignored them though like the arrogant A holes they are.

How much longer they think they will last if they keep pulling this shit on fans with all thise relocation BS? The fans are hearing about it around the country how san diego fans are flying banners accross the stadium telling spanos his chargers are not wanted and he cant stop them like he tried to is what is REALLY funny.:lmao:

Plane w/ banner flies over Coliseum: “NFL = No F'N Loyalty SD & OAK Deserve Better”

Kudos to the Oakland fans for doing the same thing in oakland with that snake mark davis.:thup:

why does the arrogant NFL always ignore facts that two teams in LA has NEVER worked and never will?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

I said two years ago this is what would happen in LA if the chargers were stupid enough to go there and it will happen in vegas as well if Mark Davis is as much a moron as Dean Spanos is in the dumb and dumber contest.:rolleyes:
Spanos bought the Chargers with the goal to eventually move them back to L. A..

Winning will solve everything, but you have to admit that the Spanos family has terrible timing.
I thought LA had a nice new stadium? What the sam heck are they doing in thar wet ratty old 1900 Coliseum? Bench seating? Wth? Fans are 100 yds back?
They're building them a new one that they'll share with the Chargers.
the NFL announcers are still referring to them as the SAN DIEGO chargers.Spanos cant be happy about that.LOL

ESPN L.A. Chargers on Twitter

"Back to you guys in San Diego." - "I wish we were in San Diego, but we're in Los Angeles."

comedy gold the replies here.LOL

Believe me, everyone in Los Angeles wishes they were back in San Diego. The @Chargers are not wanted here.

It's so obvious the people in LA will never back the Chargers! What an asinine move leaving San Diego was!

They’re not even in LA. They’re in Carson!

Need help packing? Lol
Dan Fouts was one of the announcers.
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