The Charlottesville Death Was Not an Act of Terrorism

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
After watching the events in Barcelona, it became clear that the death in Charlottesville was not terrorism. It doesn't fit the definition. It was PROBABLY a crime (not likely an accident), but even that has yet to be proven.

Now, what antifa is doing IS terrorism, using violence and intimidation to make innocent people afraid to disagree with them.
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Sheesh...kill a chick and they still go "well maybe it was something else" lol.

What? He had a arm and foot spasm that cause the car to go forward and reverse?

Your bs excuses for white crimes doesn't work here pal
"I watcheese something happen in Barcelona that made me realize that a completely different incident wasnt terrorism":banana:
If anything, the left's putting that girl in harm's way by creating a dangerous atmosphere was responsible for her death.

Instead of all the feigned outrage, the left should be dancing in the streets right now because they finally got their martyr.

Enjoy your dead girl martyr. That was what you wanted all along, now wasn't it?
Most certainly was terrorism. But to NAZIS, alt-Righties and their fellow travelers here, Slavery is Freedom, Ignorance is Knowleged, war is peace, and we have always been at war with Eurasia.
Is it terrorism because he used a car? What if he just shot her. Would that be terrorism?

Is it terrorism? Define it.
Sheesh...kill a chick and they still go "well maybe it was something else" lol.

What? He had a arm and foot spasm that cause the car to go forward and reverse?

Your bs excuses for white crimes doesn't work here pal
Was it terrorism when Suge Knight ran that guy over and killed him? What makes this situation any different than that?
It may have been manslaughter. It may have been self-defense. It may have been an accident, but it wasn't likely murder, and it definitely wasn't terrorism.

Words have definitions. I know the left likes to alter the meaning of words, but they have definitions.
Sheesh...kill a chick and they still go "well maybe it was something else" lol.

What? He had a arm and foot spasm that cause the car to go forward and reverse?

Your bs excuses for white crimes doesn't work here pal
Was it terrorism when Suge Knight ran that guy over and killed him? What makes this situation any different than that?

Witness the whataboutism. Do you think everyone who hits someone with a car should be qualified as a terrorist?

I'd love to hear how you come up with that mental nugget. I guess the guy in NY wasn't terrorism either. Go contribute to his defense and put your money where your mental illness is.
It may have been manslaughter. It may have been self-defense. It may have been an accident, but it wasn't likely murder, and it definitely wasn't terrorism.

Words have definitions. I know the left likes to alter the meaning of words, but they have definitions.

It may have been a 400 pound guy in his bedroom in New Jersey! Lol

Maybe this..maybe that...but definitely not that other thing.
It may have been a 400 pound guy in his bedroom in New Jersey! Lol

Maybe this..maybe that...but definitely not that other thing.
noun: terrorism
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Describes antifa
Sheesh...kill a chick and they still go "well maybe it was something else" lol.

What? He had a arm and foot spasm that cause the car to go forward and reverse?

Your bs excuses for white crimes doesn't work here pal
Was it terrorism when Suge Knight ran that guy over and killed him? What makes this situation any different than that?

Witness the whataboutism. Do you think everyone who hits someone with a car should be qualified as a terrorist?

I'd love to hear how you come up with that mental nugget. I guess the guy in NY wasn't terrorism either. Go contribute to his defense and put your money where your mental illness is.
It was a very simple question, yet you failed to answer it. Its much harder to have your position when logic is applied, isn't it. :laugh:
Use the Reginald Denny case. He was stopped to not run over packs of wild "protesters". He got beat by the mob, almost to death. I would not stop either, especially once they attacked the car. Maybe his shirt said Trump?

Or floor mat issue? Panic set in when rocks started to fly? Not familiar with the area, from out if town. Leftist antifa commie Boshelvick Mob had no permit. Don't block one-way roads. stay home. No permit. Get off public thoughofare. guy panicked. People die every second. Stuff happens. End of story.
It may have been a 400 pound guy in his bedroom in New Jersey! Lol

Maybe this..maybe that...but definitely not that other thing.
noun: terrorism
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Describes antifa

Ramming your car through two blocks of pedestrians, slamming into another car, killing a pedestrian in the process, and then backing up to run over still more pedestrians doesn't count as "violence" on your planet?

Don't think I'll be visiting any time soon.
It was a crime. Now that doesn't doesn't make it better than an act of terrorism, but people are stupid, in particular liberals.
It was far more than one woman dying. It was her death and 20 other people flying through the air as this piece of shit hit the accelerator to purposefully run over as many people as he could. It looks exactly like every vehicle related Isis rampage that has been in the news.

How convenient to ignore all the other people that were severely injured as well. This has become a talking point, or talking omission that conservative media has been collectively doing. Far better to admit to one death than to admit to one death and 20 other people getting run over as well.
Sheesh...kill a chick and they still go "well maybe it was something else" lol.

What? He had a arm and foot spasm that cause the car to go forward and reverse?

Your bs excuses for white crimes doesn't work here pal
Was it terrorism when Suge Knight ran that guy over and killed him? What makes this situation any different than that?

Witness the whataboutism. Do you think everyone who hits someone with a car should be qualified as a terrorist?

I'd love to hear how you come up with that mental nugget. I guess the guy in NY wasn't terrorism either. Go contribute to his defense and put your money where your mental illness is.
It was a very simple question, yet you failed to answer it. Its much harder to have your position when logic is applied, isn't it. :laugh:

Simple it was. Everytime someone is hit with a car isn't terrorism. But you know that.

I mean, yeah sure...Suge Knight is a terrorist. Go get him champ! Lol
It may have been a 400 pound guy in his bedroom in New Jersey! Lol

Maybe this..maybe that...but definitely not that other thing.
noun: terrorism
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Describes antifa

Ramming your car through two blocks of pedestrians, slamming into another car, killing a pedestrian in the process, and then backing up to run over still more pedestrians doesn't count as "violence" on your planet?

Don't think I'll be visiting any time soon.

No its not it uh...aggressively trying to pick up an Uber fare. Or some other BS white excuse for violence.

Maybe he was delivering for Jimmy Johns..freakishly fast, yanno?
Sheesh...kill a chick and they still go "well maybe it was something else" lol.

What? He had a arm and foot spasm that cause the car to go forward and reverse?

Your bs excuses for white crimes doesn't work here pal
Was it terrorism when Suge Knight ran that guy over and killed him? What makes this situation any different than that?

Witness the whataboutism. Do you think everyone who hits someone with a car should be qualified as a terrorist?

I'd love to hear how you come up with that mental nugget. I guess the guy in NY wasn't terrorism either. Go contribute to his defense and put your money where your mental illness is.
It was a very simple question, yet you failed to answer it. Its much harder to have your position when logic is applied, isn't it. :laugh:

Simple it was. Everytime someone is hit with a car isn't terrorism. But you know that.

I mean, yeah sure...Suge Knight is a terrorist. Go get him champ! Lol
Ok good. Now we are getting somewhere. So what makes THIS car murder terrorism? Be very specific.

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