The Cheese Thread


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2013
Washington State
What is your favorite cheese?

Mine is Swiss/gruyere. Cheddar comes in second. I never have a hamburger w/o cheese.

One of the best burgers I ever had was at a popular restaurant near the University of Oregon, many years ago. It was on a whole wheat bun and had all the usual things, except the onions were sauteed and the cheese was Swiss.

I know there are places now that have Swiss cheese burgers, but they always have mushrooms with them, and I hate mushrooms.

Mostly I eat the Swiss cheese plain, or in salads/sandwiches, as part of an antipasto plate, etc.

What's your favorite cheese and how do you like to eat it?
I like swiss or gouda too. I make a cheese sause from them. I ain't no chef or even good cook, but I learned this. I put a little olive oil in a pan and sautee some diceed onion. I add some sour cream and than I add grated swiss or gouda. Keep stirring it up until it has a nice thick texture. I like the way it dribbles over the whole burger and onto the bun. Maybe a chef out there can 'splain it better or give some tips.
I don't do a lot of cooking and can't make cheese sauce. I like to eat broccoli with melted cheddar cheese on top. I just cook the broccoli, then put it in the microwave for a short time with grated cheese on top. There's a cafe on the ground floor of my building that sometimes has broccoli chedder soup, homemade/gourmet. It is to die for. But very expensive! So I don't have it very often. I've had canned cheddar broccoli soup, but it's awful in comparison.
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What is your favorite cheese?

Mine is Swiss/gruyere. Cheddar comes in second. I never have a hamburger w/o cheese.

One of the best burgers I ever had was at a popular restaurant near the University of Oregon, many years ago. It was on a whole wheat bun and had all the usual things, except the onions were sauteed and the cheese was Swiss.

I know there are places now that have Swiss cheese burgers, but they always have mushrooms with them, and I hate mushrooms.

Mostly I eat the Swiss cheese plain, or in salads/sandwiches, as part of an antipasto plate, etc.

What's your favorite cheese and how do you like to eat it?

I can't think of a cheese I don't love. But because I am a stickler on diet and exercise, I gave up all good cheese and now prefer to have only cottage pineapple tidbits.

Once a year I allow for a fast food cheeseburger, however. And at Christmas time I have to have apple pie topped with broiled cheddar cheese...
What is your favorite cheese?

Mine is Swiss/gruyere. Cheddar comes in second. I never have a hamburger w/o cheese.

One of the best burgers I ever had was at a popular restaurant near the University of Oregon, many years ago. It was on a whole wheat bun and had all the usual things, except the onions were sauteed and the cheese was Swiss.

I know there are places now that have Swiss cheese burgers, but they always have mushrooms with them, and I hate mushrooms.

Mostly I eat the Swiss cheese plain, or in salads/sandwiches, as part of an antipasto plate, etc.

What's your favorite cheese and how do you like to eat it?

I can't think of a cheese I don't love. But because I am a stickler on diet and exercise, I gave up all good cheese and now prefer to have only cottage pineapple tidbits.

Once a year I allow for a fast food cheeseburger, however. And at Christmas time I have to have apple pie topped with broiled cheddar cheese...
Thank you Agent K.
I'd have to say Gouda (pr. ggghhhhOW-da). Special honourable mention to Gruyère and sharp sharp sharp cheddar. I like the latter to bite me back.

Gruyère I use especially for a salad I learned living in France, using that, endive (what is called in the States "Belgian endive"), sliced apple, and maybe some nuts, with a light vinagrette.

Couple of years ago travelling on the Fundy coast of Nova Scotia I came across this place. Not only does he specialize in Gouda --- every conceivable manifestation thereof-- but he's open 24/7 :eek:

I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

My goal now is to win the lottery, buy a house next door and become his best friend, the guy who just won't go home. :D

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