The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

Should a city deny a business license due to a 'wrong' political/social stance?

  • Yes, I can see a justification for that.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No,I can't see a justification for that.

    Votes: 69 84.1%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
When they produce a genetic determiner I'll grant them rights.

Oh you will, will you...........? :lol: ( :cuckoo: )

Yes until then it seems at best a choice. At worst a DSM classified paraphilia as it was until 1973 and a political movement, akin to what he have today, had it removed.

As I said go for it, do what you do. But I personally dont see protected status or rights anymore than I do the person who enjoys infantilism or any other classified paraphilia.
What's paraphilia, wanting to have sex with ghosts?

My goodness you are a judgemental asswipe. Being gay has nothing to do with "paraphalia" bigot.
No Ravi. I'm just trying not to feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility.
No Ravi. I'm just trying not to feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility.
Or you're too chicken to point out the punishment you claimed. Yeah, that's it. You're a phoney but no one with any sense is fooled.
So now we are not allowed to have our view points.
Now we are not allowed to have our beliefs respected.
This owner never refused service to anyone.
Never discriminated against anyone.
Now the gays are going to go to the restaurants and will start to make out in public.
They will do this in front of kids.
Doesn't common sense enter into any of this.
A family goes to a restaurant and they have to put up with this.

I say to the gays if you want to really make a statement.
Get all the bull dyke lesbians and get the lipstick lesbians
to go down on you at the stroke of noon right on the table
in front of some 6 year olds....

C'mon gals you wanna make a statement go for it...
Rachel Maddow will lead the charge...
There's something really sickening in the realization that thousands of people proudly support discrimination.
I don't look at this whole issue as discrimination. Now if homosexual people were refused service at Chick-Fil-A or anywhere else because of their preference, then that would be discrimination no doubt about it because them being refused service would have an actual affect in their life. People, who run a business, saying that they are against a certain way of being and nothing more than that is just them people exercising a right that everyone has, especially when that is all that them people are and not those who can actually have a real say on how things go lawfully.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Yes, God bless as always.

^^^ If all of them people were killed because of their preference, hopefully those who killed them did not get away with it because killing is against the Lord's word too and two wrongs have never made a right.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ If all of them people were killed because of their preference, hopefully those who killed them did not get away with it because killing is against the Lord's word too and two wrongs have never made a right.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


There are people out there who will kill a gay person and then use the 'gay panic' defense - meaning they were 'afraid' because the man made a pass at them. Its a defense still used over here, and it needs to be abolished. People who kill and claim to be Christians are deluding themselves.
Oh you will, will you...........? :lol: ( :cuckoo: )

Yes until then it seems at best a choice. At worst a DSM classified paraphilia as it was until 1973 and a political movement, akin to what he have today, had it removed.

As I said go for it, do what you do. But I personally dont see protected status or rights anymore than I do the person who enjoys infantilism or any other classified paraphilia.

Rights are not yours to grant.

Correct as we are all "Endowed by our creator" :)

They aren't the govt's right to grant or deny either.
I'm not saying a group of people should be discriminated against (for example, saying gays shouldn't be allowed to get married). You keep pretending that my making fun of them or stating that they are fucktards is discriminating against them.

If I were discriminating against them I'd be saying they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the same rights as everyone else.

You are trying to impose your opinion on them over their first ammendment right to the freedom of religion and speech when you try and use nasty rhetoric and name calling to silence and/or denegrate anyone who might agree with their traditional marriage stance.

That is just wrong and comes across as bigoted against their religious values.

By bigoted I mean a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion and politics. Bigoted | Define Bigoted at

It wouldn't surprise me if this were 1960 and we were arguing about black and white people getting married and you were calling me a bigot because I thought not allowing them to do so was bigoted.

I am not intolerant of their ideas....if they are against gay marriage they are free to not engage in it. They don't have a right to limit the rights of others, however. And this is what they seek to do with much success. And watching the proud idiots applaud them is sickening.

It would surpise me a lot as allowing different races to marry is not something, from a religious standpoint, that christian and muslim religious teachings object to. Nice strawman.

You have come out many times expressing your intolerance for those who believe in a traditional definition of marriage. Do you know that it is possible disagree without disrespecting and denegrating a person with intolerance and bigotry? If you need help in finding ways to express your disagreement more respectfully and without bigotry let me know, i'll do what I can for you.
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What discrimination am I supporting?

Discrimination against Muslims and Christians who support traditional marriage.

See me I'm cool with gay people getting married. I also respect those people whom follow what their religions preach in their places of worship and holy books. You are only ok with gays getting married yet come across as (i wish there was a softer word for it) bigoted toward those who have religious convictions that oppose gay marriage.

Not just those who oppose gay marriage, apparently, but bigoted toward those who support traditional marriage.


All Ravi has to do is say "I support gay marriage and I disagree with those people who support a the traditional religious sense of marriage"

But Ravi has to go overboard and become the very thing Ravi accuses those Ravi disagrees with of being, a bigot.
NYC mayor: Chick-fil-A flap not govt's business | Fox News

Mayors of three cities--Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco--are on record that Chick-Fil-A franchises are not welcome in their cities because of Chick-Fil-A's support of traditional marriage and opposition to same sex marriage. Mayor Bloomberg of NYC is a strong advocate of same sex marriage but opposes restrictions on free enterprise based on political views.

The ACLU has gotten involved and though they too are strong advocates of same sex marriage, they oppose denying franchise privileges to Chick-Fil-A based on this issue. As they point out, if you can deny a business the right to do business based on their anti-gay marriage position, then there is nothing to deny a business the right to do business if it is pro same sex marriage.

Discuss and please try to keep it civil and on topic.

This is NOT about the pros and cons of same sex marriage, but rather the concept of denying a business ability to do business based purely on its social or political views.

Local governments have banned liquor sales based on religious beliefs before, and no-one's complained.

What's different here?

Actually we did complain here in MA and got those rules overturned so we can go buy booze on sundays now. And we did it without denegrating religious values.

And you don't see the difference between buying products and peoples personal intimate relations?
The words "I support traditional marraige, gulty as charged" is now hate speech. Think about that for a minute.
People who kill and claim to be Christians are deluding themselves.
I agree. To me self defense from physical abuse is the only reason that anyone should ever have to kill someone. If they kill for any other reason, then only they are to blame and no one else.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

That's what I thought. You know your statement was a lie.

:lol: Take off joker. The only lie here is your posts...

Ok. Well it's good to know that you believe consenting adult relatives should be able to marry, as well as any group of three or more. I assume you also agree that a person can have two seperate spouses. What's that you say? You would still discriminate against those deviant relationships? I thought so. Thanks for reinforcing that you actually do not believ in marriage or any consenting adults. It's ok to think homos are special. But you should just come out and say so, instead of acting like you truly believe in the shit that comes frm your cake hole.

Gee, I bet you think you're clever pretending to know what I think. :eusa_clap:

First of all genius, a couple is TWO. I personally don't give a shit if you want to partner with several people, but certainly even you can grasp that three is not equal to two. Secondly, although the State may have an interest in you not producing diseased offspring, I personally don't give a shit if you want to marry your sister.

The man reportedly sent Millions of dollars of support to organizations which seek to discriminate against a certain set of Americans. FACT not opinion.

The man is certainly entitled to his opinion, but people need to realize that this never was a matter of free speech. HE chose to speak out and highlight his opinion and now people are choosing to speak out and highlight their own opinions, which are all over the road, more-often-than-not missing the mark, and ultimately perceived as hurtful if not hateful, as well as purposely politically divisive.

Those in a position of power in certain cities have already acknowledged they have no right to deny business permits over opinions, so in fact that never really was an issue either, except in the minds of the confused rabble...

People who show up in support of this man and his business specifically to support his "free speech" or his "right" as an opinionated Christian to run a business, are being fooled AS IF those things are really in question in America today.

It's a shame our leaders are so lame they can't convey a more honest message and explain to the rabble that GOD has nothing to do with Civil Marriage and that OPINIONS never really mattered in questions of Civil Rights.

Gay people exist in America, and the committed life partnerships of ALL consenting adult Citizens should rightfully be recognized equally under State law, which is Constitutionally SEPARATE from God's law.
And once more I will remind people that I respectfully requested civility in this thread and requested that it NOT dissolve into yet one more thread defending or opposing gay marriage. This thread is NOT about gay marriage.

This thread IS about whether a business owner's personal opinions about gay marriage or ANY other politically incorrect issue justify anybody, most especially a branch of government, trying to harm or deny him his livelihood purely because he holds beliefs/opinions that offend us.

Look again at the question in the poll. It has zero to do with whether one does or does not support gay marriage.
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The words "I support traditional marraige, gulty as charged" is now hate speech. Think about that for a minute.

I have thought about it. I don't know why gay people want to bully everyone!

If everyone who supports traditional marriage engages in hate speech, then doesn't it mean that those who are in a traditional marriage are engaging in hate behavior?

It was just think kind of point of view used by the olympic committee when it prohibited heterosexual married couples from sharing a room, but accommodated same sex couples.
Still pulling the train back onto the tracks please. . . .

And once more I will remind people that I respectfully requested civility in this thread and requested that it NOT dissolve into yet one more thread defending or opposing gay marriage. This thread is NOT about gay marriage.

This thread IS about whether a business owner's personal opinions about gay marriage or ANY other politically incorrect issue justify anybody, most especially a branch of government, trying to harm or deny him his livelihood purely because he holds beliefs/opinions that offend us.

Look again at the question in the poll. It has zero to do with whether one does or does not support gay marriage.

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