The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

Should a city deny a business license due to a 'wrong' political/social stance?

  • Yes, I can see a justification for that.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No,I can't see a justification for that.

    Votes: 69 84.1%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
To try to harm or destroy or deny a business purely because the owner holds views you find offensive is just plain wrong.
Amen! If you are against what a person stands for enough, don't have anything to do with them then. Completely wash your hands of them and have your main focus be on what it is that you choose to stand for, after all, only you can be held accountable for what it is that you say and do and in my opinion its better to put all of your energy and strength into what it is that you choose to believe in instead of doing what you can to what you think is your competition. If all that you care about is trying to sabotage your competition, then all that is going to be is one less person to help progress and flourish what you do choose to get behind which would only be another victory for your competition.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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There's something really sickening in the realization that thousands of people proudly support discrimination.
There's something really sickening in the realization that thousands of people proudly support discrimination.

Including yourself :eusa_whistle:
What discrimination am I supporting?

Discrimination against Muslims and Christians who support traditional marriage.

See me I'm cool with gay people getting married. I also respect those people whom follow what their religions preach in their places of worship and holy books. You are only ok with gays getting married yet come across as (i wish there was a softer word for it) bigoted toward those who have religious convictions that oppose gay marriage.
Including yourself :eusa_whistle:
What discrimination am I supporting?

Discrimination against Muslims and Christians who support traditional marriage.

See me I'm cool with gay people getting married and I also respect those people whom follow what their religions preach in their places of worship and holy books. You are only ok with gays getting married yet come across as (i wish there was a softer word for it) bigoted toward those who have religious convictions that oppose gay marriage.
I'm not saying a group of people should be discriminated against (for example, saying gays shouldn't be allowed to get married). You keep pretending that my making fun of them or stating that they are fucktards is discriminating against them.

If I were discriminating against them I'd be saying they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the same rights as everyone else.
The thing is, PredFan, that there are a lot of very good, very sincere, very caring, very compassionate, and very thoughtful people on both sides of the issue of same sex marriage. But this issue is not about that. It could just as easily be pros and cons related to freedom of religion or gun rights or being pro or con legaliization of recreational drugs or the drinking age.

But as Navy commented on, the issue IS about whether any government entity, local, state, or federal, should approve or deny a business license to any business based on the political or social views of the management.

Agree with Navy:

The issue is Why Anyone in a position of government in the US would react to the religious beliefs of another individual unless they were creating some imminent danger.

,,,unless they consider marriage dangerous......which might not actually be too far from the truth...

Including yourself :eusa_whistle:
What discrimination am I supporting?

Discrimination against Muslims and Christians who support traditional marriage.

See me I'm cool with gay people getting married. I also respect those people whom follow what their religions preach in their places of worship and holy books. You are only ok with gays getting married yet come across as (i wish there was a softer word for it) bigoted toward those who have religious convictions that oppose gay marriage.

Not just those who oppose gay marriage, apparently, but bigoted toward those who support traditional marriage.
What discrimination am I supporting?

Discrimination against Muslims and Christians who support traditional marriage.

See me I'm cool with gay people getting married and I also respect those people whom follow what their religions preach in their places of worship and holy books. You are only ok with gays getting married yet come across as (i wish there was a softer word for it) bigoted toward those who have religious convictions that oppose gay marriage.
I'm not saying a group of people should be discriminated against (for example, saying gays shouldn't be allowed to get married). You keep pretending that my making fun of them or stating that they are fucktards is discriminating against them.

If I were discriminating against them I'd be saying they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the same rights as everyone else.

You are trying to impose your opinion on them over their first ammendment right to the freedom of religion and speech when you try and use nasty rhetoric and name calling to silence and/or denegrate anyone who might agree with their traditional marriage stance.

That is just wrong and comes across as bigoted against their religious values.

By bigoted I mean a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion and politics. Bigoted | Define Bigoted at
What if they ban any business that expresses a bigoted view against a portion of the population? Would the city be within its rights?

For instance, in Boston gay marriage is legal. If a business comes in and makes bigoted and intolerant remarks about something that is legal, why must a city accept them? Simply because Cathy is hiding behind his (erroneous, imo) religious beliefs?

I'd say
if you want to reject them that's fine but it contradicts the concept you were trying to defend of not discriminating based on someone's views they are expressing outwardly.

so if you want to be CONSISTENT you would even treat a person or business with adverse or opposing views equally as ACCEPTING as you are advocating they should do in turn!

It just depends how consistent you want to be.

If you truly want to uphold constitutional laws on equal inclusion representation and protection, you would promote democratic process for resolving conflicts so no one feels excluded or discriminated against. That is why I would recommend conflict resolution.
Discrimination against Muslims and Christians who support traditional marriage.

See me I'm cool with gay people getting married and I also respect those people whom follow what their religions preach in their places of worship and holy books. You are only ok with gays getting married yet come across as (i wish there was a softer word for it) bigoted toward those who have religious convictions that oppose gay marriage.
I'm not saying a group of people should be discriminated against (for example, saying gays shouldn't be allowed to get married). You keep pretending that my making fun of them or stating that they are fucktards is discriminating against them.

If I were discriminating against them I'd be saying they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the same rights as everyone else.

You are trying to impose your opinion on them over their first ammendment right to the freedom of religion and speech when you try and use nasty rhetoric and name calling to silence and/or denegrate anyone who might agree with their traditional marriage stance.

That is just wrong and comes across as bigoted against their religious values.

By bigoted I mean a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion and politics. Bigoted | Define Bigoted at

It wouldn't surprise me if this were 1960 and we were arguing about black and white people getting married and you were calling me a bigot because I thought not allowing them to do so was bigoted.

I am not intolerant of their ideas....if they are against gay marriage they are free to not engage in it. They don't have a right to limit the rights of others, however. And this is what they seek to do with much success. And watching the proud idiots applaud them is sickening.
What if they ban any business that expresses a bigoted view against a portion of the population? Would the city be within its rights?

For instance, in Boston gay marriage is legal. If a business comes in and makes bigoted and intolerant remarks about something that is legal, why must a city accept them? Simply because Cathy is hiding behind his (erroneous, imo) religious beliefs?

I'd say
if you want to reject them that's fine but it contradicts the concept you were trying to defend of not discriminating based on someone's views they are expressing outwardly.

so if you want to be CONSISTENT you would even treat a person or business with adverse or opposing views equally as ACCEPTING as you are advocating they should do in turn!

It just depends how consistent you want to be.

If you truly want to uphold constitutional laws on equal inclusion representation and protection, you would promote democratic process for resolving conflicts so no one feels excluded or discriminated against. That is why I would recommend conflict resolution.
I think it would more depend on the charter of the city as to who and what they allowed to operate a business within there borders.

I find it amusing that so many champion state's rights except when they disagree with them.
The First Amendment protects us from being punished or disciplined for our opinion no matter how contrary it might be to Ravi's or anybody else's opiinon. Punishment or discipline should always be exercised only for wrong behavior, not somebody's opinion no matter what it is.

If somebody can be punished for an opinion that supports traditional marriage, anybody can be punished for any opinion that is contrary to that of the majority or anybody in power.
The First Amendment protects us from being punished or disciplined for our opinion no matter how contrary it might be to Ravi's or anybody else's opiinon. Punishment or discipline should always be exercised only for wrong behavior, not somebody's opinion no matter what it is.

If somebody can be punished for an opinion that supports traditional marriage, anybody can be punished for any opinion that is contrary to that of the majority or anybody in power.
Punished? What are you talking about exactly?
As an individual he has the "free speech" to protest and tell anyone to "get out of town."

As a govt official, if he is involved in any abuses or conspiracy in the process of licensing or bidding on business, the city could be sued for discriminating based on religious views.

If the company violates their own policy by lobbying for legislation or elections outside the rules, that may be a policy violation; it would have to be a civil, ordinance, or criminal violation before justifying taking legal or governmental action. Same with the Mayor.

As long as he is acting within his personal freedom to speak and protest as an individual, go for it, equally as I support the heads of Chick Fil A and Wendy's to speak freely.

But if the Mayor abuses or violates govt policy based on personal religious agenda to make a statement, that could bear more legal implications than a private business doing this.

bigrebnc1775 said:
I wonder how Bostons Mayor feels about losing all they tax revenue?
Hundreds gather at Burlington Mall to support, and eat at, Chick-fil-A on ‘Appreciation Day’ - Metro - The Boston Globe

Boston mayor’s letter to Chick-fil-A: Stay out of Boston!
Boston mayor

Isn't it infuriating how Politicians...TEMPORARY OCCUPANTS of office will use thier position to foist thier beliefs on those that trust them to be fair?

To block legitimate commerce?

I think it will bite him in the ass.
The First Amendment protects us from being punished or disciplined for our opinion no matter how contrary it might be to Ravi's or anybody else's opiinon. Punishment or discipline should always be exercised only for wrong behavior, not somebody's opinion no matter what it is.

If somebody can be punished for an opinion that supports traditional marriage, anybody can be punished for any opinion that is contrary to that of the majority or anybody in power.
Punished? What are you talking about exactly?

:lol: Must be the religious zealots who invoke the The Wrath of God punishment upon consenting adults Citizens who wish to have committed life partnerships.
Still, those who would protest Chick-fil-a and attempt to disrupt their business because the owner has expressed views they don't like are the intolerant ones. Not Chick-fil-a.

I'd say the truly intolerant ones are the ones who go out of their way to organize and raise Millions of dollars for a discriminatory agenda which is misguided by their Religious zealotry, AS IF their opinions and views of God's impending wrath on our Country on account of a certain particular group of Citizens who seek equal access to a Civil if their views are relevant to American public policies where the Constitutional separation of Church and State is A GIVEN...

You have the same right to
raise millions of dollars and try to call down God's wrath to oppose their point of view too.

So long as the business practices are not discriminatory,and there is no evidence that Chick-fil-a practices any discrimination of any kind, we the American people are still entitled to whatever opinions or views we hold no matter what anybody else thinks of them.

If everybody is not afforded that freedom, nobody will be.

No thanks. :eusa_hand: I have no desire to call down God's wrath upon anybody.

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