The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

Should a city deny a business license due to a 'wrong' political/social stance?

  • Yes, I can see a justification for that.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No,I can't see a justification for that.

    Votes: 69 84.1%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
The Pot and the Kettle
The bible teaches nothing of the sort. I've no idea what the koran says.

Bigotry isn't excused because it has a religious background, btw.

However religious freedom is a protected right and denegrating people for their values, be it pro-gay marriage values or pro-traditional marriage values, is bigoted either way.
:rolleyes: I love how pointing out bigotry is bigoted to rightwingloons.
The bible teaches nothing of the sort. I've no idea what the koran says.

Bigotry isn't excused because it has a religious background, btw.

However religious freedom is a protected right and denegrating people for their values, be it pro-gay marriage values or pro-traditional marriage values, is bigoted either way.
:rolleyes: I love how pointing out bigotry is bigoted to rightwingloons.

OH wow your response looks silly when you don't delete the context of my post out of your response :lol:

You know I'm right, keep obfuscating what I said though, it shows what you are all about.

It warms your heart to see that America is full of bigots?

The Pot and the Kettle

I'm not sure why you are so intolerant towards Muslims and Christians who believe what their holy books teach them that marriage is supposed to be between a man and a women.

Sure I disagree with them but I don't call them names and disparage them over having their own opinions based off of their religious values as you do. That is borderline bigotry you display ravi.
The bible teaches nothing of the sort. I've no idea what the koran says.

Bigotry isn't excused because it has a religious background, btw.

However religious freedom is a protected right and denegrating people for their values, be it pro-gay marriage values or pro-traditional marriage values, is bigoted either way.

Oh and i'm sure there is a bible fan in here who can give you several passages really fast showing that the bible is against homosexuality. And don't try to play that off as me supporting the bible saying that, I just accept that is their values and even though I disagree it doesn't mean they are bad people or bigots.
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The thing is, I made a point to support Chick-fil-a because I support people being allowed to be who they are. Chick-fil-a is pro traditional marriage. Flying Star is just as openly pro-gay-marriage and pro gay rights. Should anybody organize a protest against a Flying Star or suggest they should be denied a business license because they expressed their views, I would be joining in support of their right to be who they are also.
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It is sad local governments are trying to ban Chick-fil-a based on their views. Religious or otherwise.

It made me go buy dinner yesterday and brave the crowds on an issue I could otherwise gives two fucks about.

I will show my disapproval by any means neccessary at the force of government being used against people for their spirituality.

Yesterday it was buying a chicken sandwich. Tomorrow ?
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The thing is, I made a point to support Chick-fil-a because I support people being allowed to be who they are. Chick-fil-a is pro traditional marriage. Flying Star is just as openly pro-gay-marriage and pro gay rights. Should anybody organize a protest against a Flying Star or suggest they should be denied a business license because they expressed their views, I would be joining in support of their right to be who they are also.
You are supporting denying rights to a certain class of people. That's about as unAmerican as it gets.
The thing is, I made a point to support Chick-fil-a because I support people being allowed to be who they are. Chick-fil-a is pro traditional marriage. Flying Star is just as openly pro-gay-marriage and pro gay rights. Should anybody organize a protest against a Flying Star or suggest they should be denied a business license because they expressed their views, I would be joining in support of their right to be who they are also.
You are supporting denying rights to a certain class of people. That's about as unAmerican as it gets.

Your reading dysfunction is showing again Ravi. How you could that conclusion from my post is simply amazing. But oh well. . . .
The thing is, I made a point to support Chick-fil-a because I support people being allowed to be who they are. Chick-fil-a is pro traditional marriage. Flying Star is just as openly pro-gay-marriage and pro gay rights. Should anybody organize a protest against a Flying Star or suggest they should be denied a business license because they expressed their views, I would be joining in support of their right to be who they are also.
You are supporting denying rights to a certain class of people. That's about as unAmerican as it gets.

Your reading dysfunction is showing again Ravi. How you could that conclusion from my post is simply amazing. But oh well. . . .
:rolleyes: You "support people being allowed to be who they are" as long as you agree with what they are.

In this case, what they are are bigots that wish to deny one group of people the same rights that another group of people enjoy.
You're wrong Ravi, but I'll never convince you. When a bigot has her mind made up, that's usually the way it is going to be no matter how much she attempts to accuse everybody else for what she is guilty of.
You're wrong Ravi, but I'll never convince you. When a bigot has her mind made up, that's usually the way it is going to be no matter how much she attempts to accuse everybody else for what she is guilty of.
You being the bigot, of course. Enjoy!
(Repeating to myself, Lord, give me strength not to feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility. . . .Lord, give me strength. . . .)
The man reportedly sent Millions of dollars of support to organizations which seek to discriminate against a certain set of Americans. FACT not opinion.

The man is certainly entitled to his opinion, but people need to realize that this never was a matter of free speech. HE chose to speak out and highlight his opinion and now people are choosing to speak out and highlight their own opinions, which are all over the road, more-often-than-not missing the mark, and ultimately perceived as hurtful if not hateful, as well as purposely politically divisive.

Those in a position of power in certain cities have already acknowledged they have no right to deny business permits over opinions, so in fact that never really was an issue either, except in the minds of the confused rabble...

People who show up in support of this man and his business specifically to support his "free speech" or his "right" as an opinionated Christian to run a business, are being fooled AS IF those things are really in question in America today.

It's a shame our leaders are so lame they can't convey a more honest message and explain to the rabble that GOD has nothing to do with Civil Marriage and that OPINIONS never really mattered in questions of Civil Rights.

Gay people exist in America, and the committed life partnerships of ALL consenting adult Citizens should rightfully be recognized equally under State law, which is Constitutionally SEPARATE from God's law.
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(Repeating to myself, Lord, give me strength not to feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility. . . .Lord, give me strength. . . .)
lol, you are the one that keeps denying that you support someone that wants to limit the rights of a group of Americans.

Maybe you should stick to the coffee shop where your views aren't questioned and you have no need to be introspective.
The man reportedly sent Millions of dollars of support to organizations which seek to discriminate against a certain set of Americans. FACT not opinion.

The man is certainly entitled to his opinion, but people need to realize that this never was a matter of free speech. HE chose to speak out and highlight his opinion and now people are choosing to speak out and highlight their own opinions, which are all over the road, more-often-than-not missing the mark, and ultimately perceived as hurtful if not hateful, as well as purposely politically divisive.

Those in a position of power in certain cities have already acknowledged they have no right to deny business permits over opinions, so in fact that never really was an issue either, except in the minds of the confused rabble...

People who show up in support of this man and his business specifically to support his "free speech" or his "right" as an opinionated Christian to run a business, are being fooled AS IF those things are really in question in America today.

It's a shame our leaders are so lame they can't convey a more honest message and explain to the rabble that GOD has nothing to do with Civil Marriage and that OPINIONS never really mattered in questions of Civil Rights.

Gay people exist in America, and the committed life partnerships of ALL consenting adult Citizens should rightfully be recognized equally under State law, which is Constitutionally SEPARATE from God's law.
Exactly, Val, exactly. Especially your last sentence. This is why I consider this guy an unAmerican dbag. He is inserting HIS belief into the fabric of America and that is just flat out unamerican.
The man reportedly sent Millions of dollars of support to organizations which seek to discriminate against a certain set of Americans. FACT not opinion.

The man is certainly entitled to his opinion, but people need to realize that this never was a matter of free speech. HE chose to speak out and highlight his opinion and now people are choosing to speak out and highlight their own opinions, which are all over the road, more-often-than-not missing the mark, and ultimately perceived as hurtful if not hateful, as well as purposely politically divisive.

Those in a position of power in certain cities have already acknowledged they have no right to deny business permits over opinions, so in fact that never really was an issue either, except in the minds of the confused rabble...

People who show up in support of this man and his business specifically to support his "free speech" or his "right" as an opinionated Christian to run a business, are being fooled AS IF those things are really in question in America today.

It's a shame our leaders are so lame they can't convey a more honest message and explain to the rabble that GOD has nothing to do with Civil Marriage and that OPINIONS never really mattered in questions of Civil Rights.

Gay people exist in America, and the committed life partnerships of ALL consenting adult Citizens should rightfully be recognized equally under State law, which is Constitutionally SEPARATE from God's law.
you don't believe that all consenting adult citizens should have their relationships legally recognized.
The man reportedly sent Millions of dollars of support to organizations which seek to discriminate against a certain set of Americans. FACT not opinion.

The man is certainly entitled to his opinion, but people need to realize that this never was a matter of free speech. HE chose to speak out and highlight his opinion and now people are choosing to speak out and highlight their own opinions, which are all over the road, more-often-than-not missing the mark, and ultimately perceived as hurtful if not hateful, as well as purposely politically divisive.

Those in a position of power in certain cities have already acknowledged they have no right to deny business permits over opinions, so in fact that never really was an issue either, except in the minds of the confused rabble...

People who show up in support of this man and his business specifically to support his "free speech" or his "right" as an opinionated Christian to run a business, are being fooled AS IF those things are really in question in America today.

It's a shame our leaders are so lame they can't convey a more honest message and explain to the rabble that GOD has nothing to do with Civil Marriage and that OPINIONS never really mattered in questions of Civil Rights.

Gay people exist in America, and the committed life partnerships of ALL consenting adult Citizens should rightfully be recognized equally under State law, which is Constitutionally SEPARATE from God's law.

It IS a free speech issue so long as there is no evidence that the business discriminates against anybody in their business practices, and I don't believe anybody can show that they do. Everybody is not going to agree with everybody ever, and if we truly believe in First Amendment Rights, nobody should be denied their livelihood because they hold views that we consider offensive, wrong, disrespectful, or bigoted.

To choose to not patronize such a business is your own right to do. To try to harm or destroy or deny a business purely because the owner holds views you find offensive is just plain wrong.
The man reportedly sent Millions of dollars of support to organizations which seek to discriminate against a certain set of Americans. FACT not opinion.

The man is certainly entitled to his opinion, but people need to realize that this never was a matter of free speech. HE chose to speak out and highlight his opinion and now people are choosing to speak out and highlight their own opinions, which are all over the road, more-often-than-not missing the mark, and ultimately perceived as hurtful if not hateful, as well as purposely politically divisive.

Those in a position of power in certain cities have already acknowledged they have no right to deny business permits over opinions, so in fact that never really was an issue either, except in the minds of the confused rabble...

People who show up in support of this man and his business specifically to support his "free speech" or his "right" as an opinionated Christian to run a business, are being fooled AS IF those things are really in question in America today.

It's a shame our leaders are so lame they can't convey a more honest message and explain to the rabble that GOD has nothing to do with Civil Marriage and that OPINIONS never really mattered in questions of Civil Rights.

Gay people exist in America, and the committed life partnerships of ALL consenting adult Citizens should rightfully be recognized equally under State law, which is Constitutionally SEPARATE from God's law.
you don't believe that all consenting adult citizens should have their relationships legally recognized.

:confused: Go take a comprehension course and get back to me...
You guys can't have it both ways. You either allow somebody to have opinions or convictions you don't like or you open wide the door for you to be punished for the opinions and convictions you hold and others don't like.

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