The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

Should a city deny a business license due to a 'wrong' political/social stance?

  • Yes, I can see a justification for that.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No,I can't see a justification for that.

    Votes: 69 84.1%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
Does the business refuse service to gays? Do gays expect a service from the business other than food or to use the bathroom? No harm has been done. Have a nice lunch everyone.

No, they just say that in their esteemed Christian opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman.

And let's say that such a statement is intolerable. For the purpose of debate, let's say that they consider anybody who is gay to be Satan's spawn and should be expelled from the country. But they do not act out any of that and do not discriminate against anybody in their business practices.

Is it okay to deny them a business license? Is it okay to disrupt their business or try to ruin their reputation to the point it costs them their livelihood?
Does the business refuse service to gays? Do gays expect a service from the business other than food or to use the bathroom? No harm has been done. Have a nice lunch everyone.

No, they just say that in their esteemed Christian opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman.

Exactly. If you or I don't like it we don't give them any business, that is the American way. We may also use the first ammendment to express our dislike of said position, that is also ok.

However, we can't have govt officials stop them from opening shop or threatening to make it difficult if they do just because we might disagree with their view on marriage, that is fascism.
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Does the business refuse service to gays? Do gays expect a service from the business other than food or to use the bathroom? No harm has been done. Have a nice lunch everyone.

No, they just say that in their esteemed Christian opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman.

Exactly. If you or I don't like it we don't give them any business, that is the American way. We may also use the first ammendment to express our dislike of said position, that is also ok.

However, we can't have govt officials stop them from opening shop or threatening to make it difficult if they do just because we might disagree with their view on marriage, that is fascism.

Yes, and I was probably damn near the first person on the board to say so.
Does the business refuse service to gays? Do gays expect a service from the business other than food or to use the bathroom? No harm has been done. Have a nice lunch everyone.

No, they just say that in their esteemed Christian opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman.

And let's say that such a statement is intolerable. For the purpose of debate, let's say that they consider anybody who is gay to be Satan's spawn and should be expelled from the country. But they do not act out any of that and do not discriminate against anybody in their business practices.

Is it okay to deny them a business license? Is it okay to disrupt their business or try to ruin their reputation to the point it costs them their livelihood?

I've never once seen a bunch of Christian traditionalists who believe marriage is between a man and a woman boycott, intimidate and bully a gay business have you? Have you ever seen three mayors from three major US citizens try to deny a gay business a permit to operate? If only people could put that tight shoe on the other foot and walk in it. huh?
Does the business refuse service to gays? Do gays expect a service from the business other than food or to use the bathroom? No harm has been done. Have a nice lunch everyone.

No, they just say that in their esteemed Christian opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman.

And let's say that such a statement is intolerable. For the purpose of debate, let's say that they consider anybody who is gay to be Satan's spawn and should be expelled from the country. But they do not act out any of that and do not discriminate against anybody in their business practices.

Is it okay to deny them a business license? Is it okay to disrupt their business or try to ruin their reputation to the point it costs them their livelihood?
Exactly! If giving an opinion is as far as a person or company goes, what kind of harm is that really to anyone else? Words are one thing, but actions are a whole other story. which in my opinion is how other things can be as well. If someone were to say something to me that I find offensive, I might say something to them in return, but that would be it, or I would just let what they say go in one ear and out the other. Now if I were to be touched in an inappropriate way, then I would have a reason to go further in some way whether it be going to the authorities about it or just taking care of the situation myself by kicking the person where hurts if they didn't quit messing with me. To me it is all about picking your battles and in my opinion, some things aren't worth getting worked up over until they become something more.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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No, they just say that in their esteemed Christian opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman.

And let's say that such a statement is intolerable. For the purpose of debate, let's say that they consider anybody who is gay to be Satan's spawn and should be expelled from the country. But they do not act out any of that and do not discriminate against anybody in their business practices.

Is it okay to deny them a business license? Is it okay to disrupt their business or try to ruin their reputation to the point it costs them their livelihood?

I've never once seen a bunch of Christian traditionalists who believe marriage is between a man and a woman boycott, intimidate and bully a gay business have you? Have you ever seen three mayors from three major US citizens try to deny a gay business a permit to operate? If only people could put that tight shoe on the other foot and walk in it. huh?

I've not seen it myself, but I can't say it has never happened. But if it did happen and The Most High and Holy Righteous Church did picket the local gay bar, tried to fill the parking lot so nobody could park, tried to block the entrance, crowded all the counters so nobody could get service, etc. All because they were intolerant of the gay lifestyle and didn't appreciate the gay activist causes the owner of the bar supported.

Would that somehow be more objectionable than gay activists and supporters trying to disrupt Chick-fil-a's businesses today?

How is it different?

(And personally I think both groups should be soundly criticized and fined for violating the respective business owner's rights.)
The support of Chick fil a's intolerance of other Americans is excused as support of traditional marriage, this subterfuge demonstrates the hypocrisy of the right, if another religion were engaging in religion in their business practices the right would be going bonkers. But this intolerance is ok because the intolerance fits the intolerance of right. The same words and arguments were used for separate but equal BS. Does the right ever learn? It seems doubtful.
The support of Chick fil a's intolerance of other Americans is excused as support of traditional marriage, this subterfuge demonstrates the hypocrisy of the right, if another religion were engaging in religion in their business practices the right would be going bonkers. But this intolerance is ok because the intolerance fits the intolerance of right. The same words and arguments were used for separate but equal BS. Does the right ever learn? It seems doubtful.

I'm confused. Do you hate business, chicken, religion or a combination?

Do you want fries with that?
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The support of Chick fil a's intolerance of other Americans is excused as support of traditional marriage, this subterfuge demonstrates the hypocrisy of the right, if another religion were engaging in religion in their business practices the right would be going bonkers. But this intolerance is ok because the intolerance fits the intolerance of right.

Federal law encated by Clinton

Marriage = man and woman.
And let's say that such a statement is intolerable. For the purpose of debate, let's say that they consider anybody who is gay to be Satan's spawn and should be expelled from the country. But they do not act out any of that and do not discriminate against anybody in their business practices.

Is it okay to deny them a business license? Is it okay to disrupt their business or try to ruin their reputation to the point it costs them their livelihood?

I've never once seen a bunch of Christian traditionalists who believe marriage is between a man and a woman boycott, intimidate and bully a gay business have you? Have you ever seen three mayors from three major US citizens try to deny a gay business a permit to operate? If only people could put that tight shoe on the other foot and walk in it. huh?

I've not seen it myself, but I can't say it has never happened. But if it did happen and The Most High and Holy Righteous Church did picket the local gay bar, tried to fill the parking lot so nobody could park, tried to block the entrance, crowded all the counters so nobody could get service, etc. All because they were intolerant of the gay lifestyle and didn't appreciate the gay activist causes the owner of the bar supported.

Would that somehow be more objectionable than gay activists and supporters trying to disrupt Chick-fil-a's businesses today?

How is it different?

(And personally I think both groups should be soundly criticized and fined for violating the respective business owner's rights.)

If if if,, let's talk difference if they do it.. so far the only bullying I've seen is from the gay supporters. And, I'll tell ya something else, don't be so quick to throw your freedom of speech away, once it's gone you'll have a hard time getting it back.
I support the Mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco in denying Chik Fil A franchise priveleges in their cities.

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