The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

Should a city deny a business license due to a 'wrong' political/social stance?

  • Yes, I can see a justification for that.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No,I can't see a justification for that.

    Votes: 69 84.1%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
“I remain opposed to same-sex marriage, I believe marriage is an institution for the union of a man and a woman. This has been my long-standing position, and it is not being reviewed or reconsidered.”

President Bill Clinton
I'm just curious about how many gay business owners would feel about a boycott of their businesses?

I suspect they take money from people with all kinds of political views. Perhaps that's why the "kiss in" was such a bust?

Frankly I think intolerance in the name of tolerance does more harm than good. I think those gay business owners would agree.

Perpetual outrage is getting really boring.
I'm a big proponent of gay rights but these mayors are douchebags.

I agree. I have many gay friends, and it doesn't bother me if they want to be married. (they have the right to be miserable ) This shows the true hypocrisy of the left. If this was a Muslim owned business, and the owner supported sharia law (where there execute gay people) the mayors of Boston, San Fran, Chicago and D.C. wouldn't be saying a word.

The Mayor of Chicago made his statement with his arm around Calypso Louie Farrakhan who has been most vocal in slaughtering gays for the glory of allah.
Go figure ! These politicians don't know what they are doing anymore, because they aren't representing the good majority as they should always be, and therefore they have since lost their representing compass in life.
Gays must be thrilled with the results of their protest. They really took it in the ass.
Ben & Jerry's came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Google came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Apple came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Boeing came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Nike came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Starbucks came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Chik-fil-a expresses a belief in traditional marriage. The left tries to organize massive protests and is outraged. Leftist mayors say they will try to prevent the company from doing business in their cities (violation of the constitution and civil rights).

Guess who the intolerant ones are?

What seems to fly over the pointy heads is one side supports civil rights and the other side doesn't. The ones that don't support civil rights (chickfilet and the porkers that flooded their restaurants) are the intolerant ones.

But intolerance is legal so you're safe.

Repeating a lie doesn't make it more true, ravi.

The mayors were intolerant and tried to discriminate against a business because of the faith of the owner. The majority spoke and showed that they won't tolerate it.
Should have made this poll public Foxy. I would have liked to have seen what morons voted yes.
I'm just curious about how many gay business owners would feel about a boycott of their businesses?

I suspect they take money from people with all kinds of political views. Perhaps that's why the "kiss in" was such a bust?

Frankly I think intolerance in the name of tolerance does more harm than good. I think those gay business owners would agree.

Perpetual outrage is getting really boring.
LMAO. Every thread you post highlights your perpetual outrage.
I'm just curious about how many gay business owners would feel about a boycott of their businesses?

I suspect they take money from people with all kinds of political views. Perhaps that's why the "kiss in" was such a bust?

Frankly I think intolerance in the name of tolerance does more harm than good. I think those gay business owners would agree.

Perpetual outrage is getting really boring.

Intolerance of intolerance is a good way to put it. And that is assuming that holding opposing opinions is in fact intolerance if there is no effort to punish or diminish the other person for his/her opinion.

The 'kiss in' and other protests that were supposed to happen yesterday fizzled here in Albuquerque. I would like to think that our good citizens who happen to be gay saw as the rest of us did that if there is no tolerance for Chick-fil-a's point of view, they have no moral standing for there to be tolerance for their own. Besides, I am going to guess that a whole bunch of folks who happen to be gay enjoy chicken sandwiches.
I support the Mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco in denying Chik Fil A franchise priveleges in their cities.

I support correctly spelling "privileges."



Not word one about the gay protests today on NBC Nightly News. Speaks volumes about the general feeling behind this hate movement by the left.

I can find lots of chick-fil-a appreciation day stories on NBC. I've seen them live on NBC news as well. Even MSNBC.

You're just a fucking liar who doesn't check his facts.

Brian Fucking Williams was reporting on it.

How do you like being so god damn wrong?

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