The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

Should a city deny a business license due to a 'wrong' political/social stance?

  • Yes, I can see a justification for that.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No,I can't see a justification for that.

    Votes: 69 84.1%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
NYC mayor: Chick-fil-A flap not govt's business | Fox News

Mayors of three cities--Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco--are on record that Chick-Fil-A franchises are not welcome in their cities because of Chick-Fil-A's support of traditional marriage and opposition to same sex marriage. Mayor Bloomberg of NYC is a strong advocate of same sex marriage but opposes restrictions on free enterprise based on political views.

The ACLU has gotten involved and though they too are strong advocates of same sex marriage, they oppose denying franchise privileges to Chick-Fil-A based on this issue. As they point out, if you can deny a business the right to do business based on their anti-gay marriage position, then there is nothing to deny a business the right to do business if it is pro same sex marriage.

Discuss and please try to keep it civil and on topic.

This is NOT about the pros and cons of same sex marriage, but rather the concept of denying a business ability to do business based purely on its social or political views.
These mayors arrogant and illegal positions, may have cut off thousands or even millions of voices that to be heard still within these cities and the suburbs surrounding them, and this happened when they so arrogantly spoke for the citizens as they did in that attack in which they made on Chic-Fil-A. It could have easily been found within these people/citizens that were cut off by these mayors (an opposing view to these mayors, that was found within a majority of citizens across the geo-graphical areas observed during the Chic-Fil-A appreciation day) and what these single mayors didnot realize when spoke so foolishly, was that their are those who carry a different view point than they do (surprised), and thus these citizens probably cannot believe that their representitives spoke for them in the way that they did, and also took a side thus cutting them off, and therefore making them voiceless and prisoners withing their own cities due to these mayors actions.

This is why government has to play it safe always, and therefore represent the citizens found within a good majority always (or) be punished at the ballot box, due to being caught pandering to potential voting blocks in which always usually ends up as a losing proposition when they do this anyway in the end.

What is funny is that the liberals and the government never saw this one coming, and therefore couldnot stop this leak from flooding the room before they somehow could try to get it stopped. Now it is clean up time for them, but the people will not be mopped up this time by them so easily. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN, and the government should therefore take heed of their voices as was heard on that day peacefully, before it is to late for them to try and correct (damage control) for the coming election.
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All cities with Christian mayors should have the right, indeed the same obligation to deny business privileges to all gay owned businesses and all companies that donate to liberal causes.
I'm not sure what the big deal is.
I ate some heterosexual chicken on Thursday, then I ate some homosexual chicken today.
It tasted the same to me.
All cities with Christian mayors should have the right, indeed the same obligation to deny business privileges to all gay owned businesses and all companies that donate to liberal causes.
Yes, they always say that fair play is then found next in the turn about don't they ?


Whats fit for the goose, is always fit for the gander.
I support the Mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco in denying Chik Fil A franchise priveleges in their cities.

I'm a big proponent of gay rights but these mayors are douchebags.

I agree. I have many gay friends, and it doesn't bother me if they want to be married. (they have the right to be miserable ) This shows the true hypocrisy of the left. If this was a Muslim owned business, and the owner supported sharia law (where there execute gay people) the mayors of Boston, San Fran, Chicago and D.C. wouldn't be saying a word.
I'm not sure what the big deal is.
I ate some heterosexual chicken on Thursday, then I ate some homosexual chicken today.
It tasted the same to me.
I didn't think Chic-Fil-A sold frog legs.... Huh ! B )
I support the Mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco in denying Chik Fil A franchise priveleges in their cities.

I'm a big proponent of gay rights but these mayors are douchebags.

I agree. I have many gay friends, and it doesn't bother me if they want to be married. (they have the right to be miserable ) This shows the true hypocrisy of the left. If this was a Muslim owned business, and the owner supported sharia law (where there execute gay people) the mayors of Boston, San Fran, Chicago and D.C. wouldn't be saying a word.

The Mayor of Chicago made his statement with his arm around Calypso Louie Farrakhan who has been most vocal in slaughtering gays for the glory of allah.
I support the Mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco in denying Chik Fil A franchise priveleges in their cities.

I support correctly spelling "privileges."



Not word one about the gay protests today on NBC Nightly News. Speaks volumes about the general feeling behind this hate movement by the left.

You have to watch local news to see what a fizzle it was. The leftist media would prefer to just ignore the latest failure.

What I have noticed is that newcasters will report on the few (or in some cases none) who showed up, but run film of the thousands who showed up on 8/1 trying to create the impression that the old footage was of today. You have to listen very carefully to understand that what you were seeing had nothing to do with what they were saying.
So the real controversy seems to be, why are we listening to a small group of malcontents?
So the real controversy seems to be, why are we listening to a small group of malcontents?

Those homosexuals who really know what's going on are horrified. If these mayors are successful in getting Christian businesses out of liberal cities, these gays know they are next. The same laws can be used against them far easier than San Francisco, Chicago and Boston can use these laws for them. It is an extremely dangerous precedent.
Ben & Jerry's came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Google came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Apple came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Boeing came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Nike came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Starbucks came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Chik-fil-a expresses a belief in traditional marriage. The left tries to organize massive protests and is outraged. Leftist mayors say they will try to prevent the company from doing business in their cities (violation of the constitution and civil rights).

Guess who the intolerant ones are?
You should try reading for comprehension and then you might not look like such a fool. Well....maybe not.

I guess you missed that line about " good people getting suckered". Probably one of the giant turds floating around in your head was disrupting your vision.
Ah, I see you simply cannot read for comprehension.

So sad.

Apparently he's not familiar with the 14th Amendment. :lol:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
I like Chick fil a. And I love the Constitution and the right for everyone to be able to speak their mind without repercussions. That's a thing for China but not here! Those mayors in "those" stank cities should move to a commie country if they are so obsessed about controlling businesses and stifling the 1st amendment.
I have gay friends and I have not seen any comments from them about this either. It was explained on a show today , that perhaps it is just the "gay extremists" that are making the biggest beef about this.
Ben & Jerry's came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Google came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Apple came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Boeing came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Nike came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Starbucks came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Chik-fil-a expresses a belief in traditional marriage. The left tries to organize massive protests and is outraged. Leftist mayors say they will try to prevent the company from doing business in their cities (violation of the constitution and civil rights).

Guess who the intolerant ones are?

Bill Clinton passed a Federal law defining marriage is between a man and a woman.

He is the lead speaker at the Democratic National Convention.
Ben & Jerry's came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Google came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Apple came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Boeing came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Nike came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Starbucks came out in favor of homosexual marriage. The right didn't organize massive protests or get outraged.

Chik-fil-a expresses a belief in traditional marriage. The left tries to organize massive protests and is outraged. Leftist mayors say they will try to prevent the company from doing business in their cities (violation of the constitution and civil rights).

Guess who the intolerant ones are?

What seems to fly over the pointy heads is one side supports civil rights and the other side doesn't. The ones that don't support civil rights (chickfilet and the porkers that flooded their restaurants) are the intolerant ones.

But intolerance is legal so you're safe.

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