The child tax credit in the stimulus bill will reduce child poverty by 42%: study

Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
The child tax credit in the stimulus bill will reduce child poverty by 42%: study

B-but, this is just hardworking taxpayers giving their hard-earned earnings that they kill themselves for in order to achieve liberty in life being forced at gunpoint to give it over to the government instead who obviously don't need it in the first place because they are just giving it away to other people! People that are benefiting from the work of others!

That is just a form of welfare, redistribution of wealth, the government creating a whole class of people who cannot survive on their own, then forcing others to pay for it who need that money themselves------ ------ and EARNED it.

That just puts the taxpayer in a worse off position bringing HIM closer now to becoming another one of the needy people who need the government to survive. :uhh:

By any reasonable standard, that is the perfect recipe to just keep creating more and more needy people as time goes on, bigger and bigger government to manage it, and fewer and fewer truly independent and self-actualized people in the private sector CONTRIBUTING to society.

Put another way, that is the formula for CENTRALIZED POWER: ---A small 5% group of super-wealthy entrepreneurs combined with a massively giant government in a synergistic relationship together holding 95% of all the economic wealth, direction and control of the country (world?) in order to lord it over the other 95% of the people who only have the other 5% of the wealth, whom gov-ind. all collectively manage, decide who, when, where and how you fit in society--- --- not necessarily YOU specifically as an individual, just as part of wherever the system ends up taking you (part by their design intent / part by the random machinery of the indifference of the program). Indifferent about the real efficacy of the results and outcome of their efforts, so long as it serves their immediate needs.

And that is where crime fits in: Crime is just a function of conformity defined by the government by how well you comply. Those that comply well, whatever their strata or deed in society, get along well with government. The actual theft, stealing, murder, larson, extortion, etc., of the situation isn't what really matters most;,, it is however the people doing it comport with government! Those that comport well with government by conforming to government aren't likely to be seen harshly. Those that try to employ privately what the government reserves for itself publicly will be called mobsters and hoods and hunted, fined or taxed.

But those that refuse to concede government's dominance over their allodial rights altogether, believing they are instead free people (free to live strictly by their own rules wholly independent and indifferent of government) will be called criminals, hunted down and arrested. If you won't comply with government, you're simply no good to them and they collect those people. Non-compliance to their rule is called a crime. not the actual act itself. It's not that you killed someone really, government kills people by the hundreds, thousands, millions! You are really charged a criminal for breaking from their control. That is the function of government and the most raw, naked, basic way to control you is through money. That is why really EVERYTHING THEY DO is about . . . .

B-but, this is just hardworking taxpayers giving their hard-earned earnings that they kill themselves for in order to achieve liberty in life being forced at gunpoint to give it over to the government instead who obviously don't need it in the first place because they are just giving it away to other people! People that are benefiting from the work of others!

That is just a form of welfare, redistribution of wealth, the government creating a whole class of people who cannot survive on their own, then forcing others to pay for it who need that money themselves------ ------ and EARNED it.


Not a peep from RWNJ's when Dotard sign a $2.2 trillion CARES act in March.
Not a peep from RWNJ's when Dotard signed $2.3 trillion corona virus bill in December.
Not a peep from Trumptard's when Dotard bailed out farmers, costing taxpayers $48 billion, which, they never have to pay back.

NOW, Trumptard's are worried about "Wealth redistribution"?
Joe Biden is a genius. America has spent about $30 TRILLION on the War on Poverty since Johnson with no impact on the rate of poverty.

And here comes Jenius Joe with a simple $2000 tax credit and POOF! Half the child poverty is magically eliminated.

Cult indeed....

BlueAnons believe ANYTHING fed into the Collective!
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Having worked with a lot of low income parents in a county full of opiate addicts, I just wish there was a way to keep the less sensible among them from spending the extra cash on drugs and scratch off tickets and a new phone and tatoos. Some will.

Of course, many will benefit and be able to provide a more stable home for their kids. But that paints some rosy picture right there.

Probably that shocks some of the liberal posters here, but it's just reality. Of course, I mostly met the bottom of that barrel, too. So I suppose I should shut up.
Keep telling the truth. I used to work at the welfare office. Many people were in need and rightly got help. Then I saw many drive up in new cars, smoking cigarettes, tattoos all over, dressed like a professional athlete in the newest team colors, going to get their food card. Shameless.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.
You’re speaking a foreign language when it comes to republicans lol
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
And many people who start out with shitty paying jobs who do seek self improvement fail simply because getting a job that pays well is hard to come by. It’s simply a matter of numbers. The amount of poor people greatly outweighs the amount of higher paying jobs.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
And many people who start out with shitty paying jobs who do seek self improvement fail simply because getting a job that pays well is hard to come by. It’s simply a matter of numbers. The amount of poor people greatly outweighs the amount of higher paying jobs.
Gee, that's too bad. Life is hard. Who's responsible for your life?
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Only if the parents in question use the money properly.

I see a large increase in Scratch of lotto ticket sales, and rims, lots of rims.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
And many people who start out with shitty paying jobs who do seek self improvement fail simply because getting a job that pays well is hard to come by. It’s simply a matter of numbers. The amount of poor people greatly outweighs the amount of higher paying jobs.

A person who works hard at their menial job will always be able to find a better one, even if incrementally.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
And many people who start out with shitty paying jobs who do seek self improvement fail simply because getting a job that pays well is hard to come by. It’s simply a matter of numbers. The amount of poor people greatly outweighs the amount of higher paying jobs.
Is that post autobiographical? I've worked all kinds of jobs, some paid well, some not. Got laid off a good job when work ran out, went to Burger King at the age of 37 until I was rehired when the previous job got more work. That's life. If you default to victimhood every time you suffer a setback you'll end up being a loser.
Hey fellas, the Genius Joe solved all those problems with a stroke of the pen.

Poverty will soon be a thing of the past.
Christ approves..


Because Jesus of course said charity is a job for government.

Actually, cheap fascist bastard, he said it's YOUR job. Taking someone's money at gunpoint and giving it to someone else actually isn't charity at all, it's armed robbery.

So maybe instead of eating out tonight, you could give your own money to help someone on your own.

LOL, like that's going to happen ...

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