The child tax credit in the stimulus bill will reduce child poverty by 42%: study

Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
And many people who start out with shitty paying jobs who do seek self improvement fail simply because getting a job that pays well is hard to come by. It’s simply a matter of numbers. The amount of poor people greatly outweighs the amount of higher paying jobs.
Gee, that's too bad. Life is hard. Who's responsible for your life?
Right I get it. You’re selfish and don’t care. Meanwhile, adults need to figure out how to alleviate poverty for millions who try but fail to get a better job because of the system they are born into.
Not my job to wipe your ass and hold your hand. Where is there a better system?
Trust me, no one needs your help for this.
C'mon, tell us which nation has more opportunities for everyone. Go ahead.
Except that why those students got C’s is a completely different subject. Maybe they are smart and capable, but their stepdad put cigarettes out on their neck every day and it makes them not give a shit about school. And sure, some are just natural slackers, I agree. You can’t broadbrush them though.

Yeah, you can, you can broad-brush people who consistently make bad decisions. Folks that make bad decisions are not my responsibility.

If you don't believe that there are folks that by birth or environment are happy to get along with other folks supporting them or by theft. Since President Johnson began the War on Poverty we have spent in excess of $23 TRILLION and the rate of poverty is no lower than when the "War" went into effect. If you don't get that message, then YOU have a serious problem, don't you?

In a previous life, I was a troubleshooter for a very large retail chain. When a store manager was fired, I went in for however long was necessary to turn the store around. Before I was introduced as the manager, I'd go in at various times of the day or night as a regular customer. Without fail, there were always 10-20% of the employees who just didn't belong in the retail business. The rest wanted to do a good job but just hadn't been trained properly.

I'd let three or four, maybe more if it was a large store go the first week and likely several others in the next few weeks. Then I'd start training, training, training. Sales went up, morale went up, and the atmosphere improved. Every one of the remaining employees quickly recognized that they no longer were having to carry the slackers and they were far more appreciated. That and teaching good marketing techniques.
Never had a client with a new car--if they had one it wasn't running half the time, and if it was, half the time they couldn't afford the gas. Or the registration, and they could only drive at night because their sticker was the wrong color and the cops knew them. Another job, I drove sixty miles to the nearest Goodwill to buy a student of mine a winter coat because her car had given up the ghost and she was walking three miles to class in Maine winter in nothing but a hoodie. Up here, we do poor right.

Are you trying to convince us or yourself that there isn't major corruption and fraud in the SNAP programs?
When did we start talking about SNAP? Have you got some kind of list you're working from there? But no, I don't have any experience with SNAP issues.
There are certainly a lot of people getting government funding for food that don't need it.
If they didn't need it, WHY when our Republican governor managed to kick half of our households off SNAP, did the lines at our food banks double and triple? People are HUNGRY, BS. Their kids are hungry. Why else would you go wait in line for hours to get a box or bag full of canned goods and pasta or cereal you didn't get to choose? I've seen kids come to school for breakfast on Monday mornings and just wolf it down, looking around at everyone's trays for stuff they maybe don't want. If there's leftovers when everyone's served, sometimes those kids can get some seconds. You know they didn't eat much over the weekend.

One thing we've got in this country is plenty of food. For God's sake, don't jump to saving money by slowly starving people to death.
Some people don't know how to handle money, some people spend their money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lottery tickets, then go to food banks to make it up. Truth.
Yes, but you severely overestimate how many people do that. Definitely not all poor people do that.
Yes, not ALL poor people do that, but a large percentage don't know how to handle money. That's why they're poor and will always be poor, regardless of how much money you give them. The Great Society experiment proved it.
Let me hit you with some knowledge. Regardless of a poor person’s use of money, there will ALWAYS be poor people no matter what. Someone has to fill those service jobs. There will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who works 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart. Meanwhile, if someone wants a better job, he has to get in line because millions of other poor people are competing for those higher wage jobs. Poverty is INEVITABLE.
No shit, Sherlock. Some people continually work on self improvement, some don't. Duh!
And many people who start out with shitty paying jobs who do seek self improvement fail simply because getting a job that pays well is hard to come by. It’s simply a matter of numbers. The amount of poor people greatly outweighs the amount of higher paying jobs.

A person who works hard at their menial job will always be able to find a better one, even if incrementally.
Not for the past 12 mos

Really? The shitty workers are the first fired. People who work hard get noticed, and get better jobs due to it.

Except in Unions and government.

Private sector unions can get away with less "save the useless" than public sector unions can.
I don't know you marty, but I know several state workers who got laid off and haven't found new jobs .... because their aren't any. And they really haven't been missed because they worked in things like permits for new biz, and there's not been any new biz. Eventually the slots will be filled, but probably not with the people who lost the jobs

In NYC no city workers lost their jobs, and now Biden and the Dems just bailed their asses out.

In NYC the whole "rubber room" thing is a perfect example of how public sector unions can fuck up the system.
How is the Child Tax Credit going to help reduce the poverty level of the THOUSANDS of illegal children coming across our southern border, packed into Biden's cages to 100% capacity - many diagnosed with COVID-19, those children being trafficked across the border by Cartels and whowill be forced into the child sex trade, and those Biden's administration are loading on busses and released all over the country in states and communities that don't even know they're coming - like Barry used to do?

I don't think the child tax credit will do much to solve child poverty and suffering Biden and his admin have created / are facilitating.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Checks are out. How far has child poverty fallen? Must be double digits by now, right Billy000
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Your crawfishing is cute. :itsok:
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Your crawfishing is cute. :itsok:
Nah, you’re just wrong.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Your crawfishing is cute. :itsok:
Nah, you’re just wrong.
I'll bump from time to time so we can track the progress of our claim.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Your crawfishing is cute. :itsok:
Nah, you’re just wrong.
I'll bump from time to time so we can track the progress of our claim.
Or you could just do your OWN research. I present to you a SOURCE for my claim, and you don’t provide jack shit. These desperate gotcha posts with nothing to back them up just makes you look weak. What are you waiting for? Post your own source. It shouldn’t be hard if you’re so sure the article I posted was full of shit.
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Your crawfishing is cute. :itsok:
Nah, you’re just wrong.
I'll bump from time to time so we can track the progress of our claim.
Or you could just do your OWN research. I present to you a SOURCE for my claim, and you don’t provide jack shit. These desperate gotcha posts with nothing to back them up just makes you look weak. What are you waiting for? Post your own source. It shouldn’t be hard if you’re so sure the article I posted was full of shit.
What claim did I make that you think I didn't back up?
Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Your crawfishing is cute. :itsok:
Nah, you’re just wrong.
I'll bump from time to time so we can track the progress of our claim.
Or you could just do your OWN research. I present to you a SOURCE for my claim, and you don’t provide jack shit. These desperate gotcha posts with nothing to back them up just makes you look weak. What are you waiting for? Post your own source. It shouldn’t be hard if you’re so sure the article I posted was full of shit.
What claim did I make that you think I didn't back up?
Exactly my point lol. You can’t even present your OWN facts. You expect me to do all the intellectual heavy lifting. It’s stupid and juvenile.
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.

We've spent over $21 TRILLION on reducing poverty since President Johnson started the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Show us where it has plunged. Aside from money, what is the single, major difference between a child being raised in poverty and one raised well above the poverty line?

Turns out a couple thousand bucks more per year goes a long way for those who need it most.

Update Billy000

How far has the child poverty rate plummeted? The money is out there................
Why would there be some significant change if this is simply a monthly installment? Hell some of them wouldn’t even take advantage of the monthly installments. They would wait til next year to get the full amount. Come on, dude. Think lol
Dude, you posted this lunacy.

Has it fallen at all?
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.
Your crawfishing is cute. :itsok:
Nah, you’re just wrong.
I'll bump from time to time so we can track the progress of our claim.
Or you could just do your OWN research. I present to you a SOURCE for my claim, and you don’t provide jack shit. These desperate gotcha posts with nothing to back them up just makes you look weak. What are you waiting for? Post your own source. It shouldn’t be hard if you’re so sure the article I posted was full of shit.
What claim did I make that you think I didn't back up?
Exactly my point lol. You can’t even present your OWN facts. You expect me to do all the intellectual heavy lifting. It’s stupid and juvenile.
FACT: You can show no change in child poverty despite the money being sent out.
No one ever claimed it would fall immediately. Your point is dumb. If the policy was giving people 3k or 3600 all up front, maybe you’d have a point. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.

We've spent over $21 TRILLION on reducing poverty since President Johnson started the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Show us where it has plunged. Aside from money, what is the single, major difference between a child being raised in poverty and one raised well above the poverty line?

But this is $1400 from his Messiah, Veggie Joe................and Veggie Joe told him that would almost cut child poverty in half. I don't know why Veggie Joe just didn't send out $3000 checks and end child poverty altogether. Why does Veggie Joe hate children?

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