The childhood trauma that gets ignored

IM2 referring to a fellow USMB member's PARENTS, wrote, "You were white in 1968 raised by racists."

IM@ angry white male.jpg

He knows racism can't be ended anymore than lying, stealing, murder, or any other human failing that results in crime. As long as there are people, all of those will exist. To blanket accuse strangers of racism is racist itself. No better than huskster Uncle Al and Jessie. He wants a platform that's all ..
I went to a majority black JR High school back in 1968, after MLK was assassinated. Being white, that was traumatic as well. You would have thought it was all my fault somehow. Beatings threats, the intimidation. So, IM2 nice try. But I realized too, not all blacks are hateful swine bent on revenge. Who the hell defended me from the countless mindless blacks? Some really good people, they just happened to be black. And so it goes.

You were white in 1968 raised by racists. You say you went to a school full of people who got mistreated by people like you and those in your family. And you want me to pretend that what you went through the same thing we did.

I was alive and going to school in 1968 b. A mostly white school. We didn't get any help from whites to stop the racism we faced. Our parents had to fight all white school boards, police commissions, businesses and city councils to try stopping the entire way whites were practicing racism at that time. You ain't faced no trauma like racism. If you did, your ass would not be in here trying to deny how it's so.
Of course, white can never have anything traumatic in their lives because you are in competition to see who was traumatized the most. I feel badly for anyone who had it rough you feel badly for blacks only.
From the link: He took me to jail where I sat for hours. My parents were on vacation, there was no one I could call

So, this kid is 13 or 14, and he goes to school by himself while his parents are off on vacation? I call bullshit.

Looks like bad parenting to leave a young teen to fend for himself.

Look at the racist posts by the majority of whites here and how they run down any white person who doesn't stand for racism along with the actual race baiting that is encouraged, allowed and participated in by some in positions of responsibility here and you understand why.

And in our overall CULTURE, look at the denial of the problem of racism in it's completeness by many whites who would rather cry about non whites not saying not all whites are racists, than doing something to fix the damn problem that exists in their community and CULTURE.
And you run down all whites who dare disagree with you.
That's a sorry excuse. You can create methods to educate whites who are practicing racism how it's wrong.

There isn't a single 'White' practicing racism who doesn't know, at some level, that it's wrong. Why do you think Klansmen wear hoods?

There are people who under conditions of anonymity feel comfortable expressing racial and ethnic hatred . Those same people wouldn't dare to speak their minds in a public forum for fear of being exposed.

Racism in modern society is like pederasty ... even those who feel compelled to do it know what they are doing is wrong, regardless of how hard they try to rationalize it.
IM2 thinks it is all whites responsibility to some how convert any racist whites to be acceptable of all races. If we don't convert them, he thinks we are also racist. It is his way of excusing his hate for whites.

I agree with you yet we cannot ignore laws and policies do impact our lives. I don't think you do that, but the individualism argument is misused by some here.

Yes. I know,. I can only do what I can, being a female person whose parents were a Russian/Polish woman from Long Island and an Irish guy from Hudson County, NJ. This is all I've got. I am very watchful of our laws and policies and how they impact our fellow Americans. What is happening now stinks for all of us.

BTW: my great great grandparents were Irish in New York in the 1850's. "No dogs, no Irish." I will defend anyone I can.
I went to a majority black JR High school back in 1968, after MLK was assassinated. Being white, that was traumatic as well. You would have thought it was all my fault somehow. Beatings threats, the intimidation. So, IM2 nice try. But I realized too, not all blacks are hateful swine bent on revenge. Who the hell defended me from the countless mindless blacks? Some really good people, they just happened to be black. And so it goes.
Revenge for WHAT and by WHOM?
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I went to a majority black JR High school back in 1968, after MLK was assassinated. Being white, that was traumatic as well. You would have thought it was all my fault somehow. Beatings threats, the intimidation. So, IM2 nice try. But I realized too, not all blacks are hateful swine bent on revenge. Who the hell defended me from the countless mindless blacks? Some really good people, they just happened to be black. And so it goes.
Revenge for WHAT and from WHOM?

Well, we did kind of steal your music.

Mea culpa.
You come off as a childish moron. Tit for tat. Racism this, Racism that. Coming off more like boy that cries WOLF. You don't get it, do you? IM2, you are close to my nuclear option: The iggy button.
Flesh out this "tit for tat" that you're referring to. What is the "tit" to that "tat?"
Can you tell me, specifically, what current laws and/or policies impact your life?
  1. Redlining
  2. Stop and Frisk
  3. Poll Taxes
For starters. Sure, not as "current" but not too long ago, although SAF is still going on, if not being promoted and attempted to be started in many places TODAY.
Can you tell me, specifically, what current laws and/or policies impact your life?
  1. Redlining
  2. Stop and Frisk
  3. Poll Taxes
For starters. Sure, not as "current" but not too long ago, although SAF is still going on, if not being promoted and attempted to be started in many places TODAY.

Redlining was made illegal by the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Stop and Frisk isn't directed at any specific ethnicity. It targets gang violence.

The 24th Amendment made Poll Taxes unconstitutional in 1964.
How do you propose I fix my community and culture? I'm morbidly curious to hear your suggestions.
How come you're OK w/posting a message such as "Why Can't We All Just Get Along?" to HIM? But seem to be FROZEN STIFF, to address any issues on your side of the equation?

Does that seem reasonable to you?
Redlining was made illegal by the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Stop and Frisk isn't directed at any specific ethnicity. It targets gang violence.

The 24th Amendment made Poll Taxes unconstitutional in 1964.
You're not an honest broker.

Carry on.
How do you propose I fix my community and culture? I'm morbidly curious to hear your suggestions.
How come you're OK w/posting a message such as "Why Can't We All Just Get Along?" to HIM? But seem to be FROZEN STIFF, to address any issues on your side of border?

Does that seem reasonable to you?

That was irony. The quote is from Rodney King.
How, in your mind, does that change the validity of my question?
And stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in 2013 and is no longer used by NYPD.
At no point and time did we single out NY as the only place to find these offenses. You're moving the goalposts.

I already stated it's being implemented elsewhere in the country and/or being promoted by others, of your political, to BE implemented currently.

Are you denying this fact?
How do you propose I fix my community and culture? I'm morbidly curious to hear your suggestions.
How come you're OK w/posting a message such as "Why Can't We All Just Get Along?" to HIM? But seem to be FROZEN STIFF, to address any issues on your side of border?

Does that seem reasonable to you?

That was irony. The quote is from Rodney King.
How, in your mind, does that change the validity of my question?

I'm still trying to figure out, specifically, what problems I'm meant to be addressing on my side of the border. Until just now, I wasn't aware I even had a border. I've asked many times, I'm told to figure it out.

Not particularly constructive.

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