The Chinese Interfered In The 2020 Election.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
All during Trumps term as president it was Russia - Russia - Russia: Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Well, in 2020 The Chinese showed the world how to really interfere in an election. In late 2019/early 2020 the US economy was going strong. Unemployment was at historic lows and wages were on the increase for the first time in decades. It was looking like Trump would easily win in 2020. But Trump, like no recent president was standing up to China.

Then China unleashes Covid-19 on the world. Though controlling the WHO, China lies about Covid -19 being an air born, and other deadly details of the virus. Soon the countries of the world are under lock down. The US economy tanks. Democrats are able to use the emergy lock downs as an excuse to unconstitutionally change election law in several of the swing states. The democrats get to blame all the covid deaths on Trump. Meanwhile, Biden's campaign strategy of hiding in the basement works. Democrats are magically able to harvest enough mail in ballets to swing the election in the wee hours of the night all because of the Chinese Virus. The Chinese Virus was the best thing that happened for Biden's presidential campaign in 2020. Damn! When the Chinese interfere in an election, they do it bigly!
One of the reasons Pelosi hates Trump so much is because he ushered in a record breaking time for a vaccine find...the dems wanted to keep the covid restrictions on until we all surrendered...don't be surprised when the next virus shows up....and every time a new one pops up it will have to be worse than the last....
I wonder if the vaccine roll out has slowed down because Biden is sending doses to China....have any of you heard one peep about whether China is vaccinating or not?...the media is so not curious when China is the subject....
All during Trumps term as president it was Russia - Russia - Russia: Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Well, in 2020 The Chinese showed the world how to really interfere in an election. In late 2019/early 2020 the US economy was going strong. Unemployment was at historic lows and wages were on the increase for the first time in decades. It was looking like Trump would easily win in 2020. But Trump, like no recent president was standing up to China.

Then China unleashes Covid-19 on the world. Though controlling the WHO, China lies about Covid -19 being an air born, and other deadly details of the virus. Soon the countries of the world are under lock down. The US economy tanks. Democrats are able to use the emergy lock downs as an excuse to unconstitutionally change election law in several of the swing states. The democrats get to blame all the covid deaths on Trump. Meanwhile, Biden's campaign strategy of hiding in the basement works. Democrats are magically able to harvest enough mail in ballets to swing the election in the wee hours of the night all because of the Chinese Virus. The Chinese Virus was the best thing that happened for Biden's presidential campaign in 2020. Damn! When the Chinese interfere in an election, they do it bigly!

See how the Lefties ignored this thread - hits too close to home

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