The CIA, Al Qaeda, and Egypt


Jan 28, 2013
I recently made a video which shows how the CIA created Al Qaeda and used it to attack Egypt. Here it is, in case you are interested:

I recently made a video which shows how the CIA created Al Qaeda and used it to attack Egypt. Here it is, in case you are interested:


Hi Mark. You can't post a link yet because you are a n00b. :eusa_whistle:
Will unrest lead to Egypt becoming a failed state?...
Clinton warns Egypt collapse would devastate the region
January 30th, 2013 - As the political turmoil in Egypt continues, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she's concerned about an Egyptian military official's assertion that the current situation could lead to the collapse of the Egyptian state.
"I think that would lead to incredible chaos and violence on a scale that would be devastating for Egypt and the region," Clinton said in a CNN interview Tuesday at the State Department. "There has to be some understanding by the new government that the aspirations that the people were expressing during the revolution in Egypt have to be taken seriously. And it - it cannot in any way be overlooked that there is a large number of Egyptians who are not satisfied with the direction of the economy and the political reform."

Thousands of anti-government protesters have clashed with police and troops in three Egyptian cities, and defied President Mohamed Morsy's curfew orders. Demonstrators are upset with recent political moves by Morsy, and charge that the country's first democratically elected president is a throwback to former dictatorships. Gen. Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, Egypt's defense minister, warned Tuesday that continued instability could have grave consequences. "The ongoing conflict among the various political forces... may lead to the collapse of the state and threaten the future of our coming generations," he said.


Egyptians protesters carrying a wounded youth during clashes near Cairo's Tahrir Square on January 28, 2013.

Clinton said the Egyptian government needs to realize it represents all of Egyptian society and must have a constitution that recognizes the rights of all minority groups. "I think the messages and the action coming from the (Egyptian) leadership has to be changed in order to give people confidence that they're on the right path to the kind of future they seek," she said. The U.S. secretary of state said she knows it's not an easy transition. "It's very difficult going from a closed regime and ... essentially one-man rule, to a democracy that is trying to be born and learn to walk. But there are some clear lessons."

Clinton, who will retire from her position at the end of the week, spent a few tense hours with Morsy last November as the Egyptian president worked with the Israeli government and the leadership of Hamas to broker a cease-fire between the Israelis and the Islamic movement in Gaza.

I have no doubt that the CIA and Mossad are in Egypt and working diligently behind the scenes to keep the country in turmoil and bring down the Morsi government. :cool:
Libyan weapons turning up in Egypt and region...
Libyan Arms Stockpiles in Egypt Causing Concern
March 05, 2013 — Since Moammar Gadhafi was ousted as Libya’s leader over a year ago, Egyptian officials have been intercepting large caches of weapons smuggled from Libya destined for black-market transfer to Syria and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
But in recent weeks the pattern of the arms shipments has shifted, according to officials, and fundamentalist Muslim groups in Egypt, known as Salafis, also are receiving the weapons. The pattern shift is alarming Egyptian officials, who estimate they are seizing only a fraction of the weaponry - including shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles - flowing across the border from Libya. In late February, Egyptian authorities announced they had intercepted two pickup trucks carrying 60 anti-tank missiles smuggled in from Libya.

Arms to Egyptian groups

The trucks, which were loaded in Mursa Matruh, 430 kilometers northwest of the Egyptian capital on the Mediterranean Coast, were heading to the increasingly lawless Sinai Peninsula. But officials now think that not all the missiles were earmarked for transfer to Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip. “Not all the weaponry flowing into Libya is going to the Gaza,” a European diplomat told VOA on the condition of anonymity. “The Egyptians are becoming alarmed that weapons are now being stockpiled by Egyptian Salafi groups. They are starting to uncover arms trafficked from Libya in the [Nile] Delta and believe other weapons are being stored in Sinai. It is making them very nervous.”

Weapons stockpiles

The reports of weapons stockpiling by militant Salafi groups is coming at a time of increased tension between Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and Salafist political parties. This past week, representatives of the Salafist Nour Party unleashed a scathing critique of President Morsi and the governing Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party. Other Islamists groups spurned by Morsi also joined in the attack, blaming him for Egypt’s worsening political crisis and warned that Egypt will remain on edge until a national unity government is appointed. They accuse the government of using repressive tactics similar to those used by ousted President Hosni Mubarak.

Adding to Morsi’s mounting woes, he also is being severely criticized by militant Islamists, including elements of al-Qaida. Late last month, Abu Mus’ab, a former adviser to the late al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, told an Arab broadcaster that Morsi’s government was, “evil.” “This regime must fall and an Islamic state be established,” he said. Abdel-Fattah Othman, Egypt’s deputy interior minister for public security, warns that the proliferation of illegal weapons is making what is an already tense situation even worse. “Weapons coming from neighboring countries are contributing to the chaos,” Othman said. “In Port Said, for example, we faced armed groups using rockets and grenades in an attempt to storm the city’s prison complex.” Since the end of January, more than 60 people have died in such clashes, three of them policemen. With militant groups in Egypt stockpiling more weapons, the fear is that unrest could lead to greater violence.

Libyan weapons in Mali

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