The Clintons Didn’t Just Sell Our Uranium To Russia

Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!

You must be really scared that Mueller is ready to move on Trump if you’re trotting out these lies again.

The former FBI Director seems like an incompetent tool who blames the Clintons for his own failures and inadequacies.

The title of his book says it all - My FBI. The FBI belongs to the USA, not the Director.

What you failed to mention is that the FBI, under his leadership, didn’t find a single indictable offence against the Clintons. Which renders moot all of your rants and raves.

17 Investigations, one Special Prosector no indictments, no charges and no convictions, other than perjury for a blow job.

And the Clintons didn’t collude with Vladimir Putin or his minions to undermine the US election.

Tick, tick tick. Time is rapidly running out for the Trump Administration. Staffers aren’t walking out, they’re running for the doors.

And still you defend these criminals and incompetents.

The grifters....the Clinton Crime Family....certainly did collude with the Kremlin...
$145 million.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating T

Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was debunked two months ago.:auiqs.jpg:


Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:

Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:

Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:

Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???
Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:

Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???

Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!

Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:

Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???

Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.
Last edited:
Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:

Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???

Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

1:money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Never been 'debunked'.....not even denied by the Clintons.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.
Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:

Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???

Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Never been 'debunked'.....not even denied by the Clintons.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.
Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!

Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:

Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???

Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Never been 'debunked'.....not even denied by the Clintons.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

There really is no cure for stupid.

The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin. Republican liars, like Sean Hannity, have morphed this story into the Kremlin made the payment. Not true.

The payment was made TWO YEARS after the Uranium One deal was approved. Who pays a bribe AFTER they get what they want? Bribes are paid so that you can get what you want. After you have it, there is no reason for you to make that payment.

How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal? Jedi mind tricks I guess.

For someone who claims to be really, really smart, you don’t even have the critical thinking skills to question your own time line.
Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???

Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Never been 'debunked'.....not even denied by the Clintons.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

There really is no cure for stupid.

The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin. Republican liars, like Sean Hannity, have morphed this story into the Kremlin made the payment. Not true.

The payment was made TWO YEARS after the Uranium One deal was approved. Who pays a bribe AFTER they get what they want? Bribes are paid so that you can get what you want. After you have it, there is no reason for you to make that payment.

How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal? Jedi mind tricks I guess.

For someone who claims to be really, really smart, you don’t even have the critical thinking skills to question your own time line.

you have to respect pc's total resolve to prove she doesnt know her ass from a hole in the ground or have an honest thought in that pea brain.

pretty much fits the quintessential Russian poster profile - praise Trump .. bash Clinton/Obama 24/7/365 AND lives in Canada.
Sean Hannity's Uranium One conspiracy was completely debunked two months ago--:auiqs.jpg:
Well if you would get off of Sean Hannity you would know the answer to that already--:auiqs.jpg:


There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???

Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Never been 'debunked'.....not even denied by the Clintons.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

There really is no cure for stupid.

The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin. Republican liars, like Sean Hannity, have morphed this story into the Kremlin made the payment. Not true.

The payment was made TWO YEARS after the Uranium One deal was approved. Who pays a bribe AFTER they get what they want? Bribes are paid so that you can get what you want. After you have it, there is no reason for you to make that payment.

How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal? Jedi mind tricks I guess.

For someone who claims to be really, really smart, you don’t even have the critical thinking skills to question your own time line.

1. "The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin."

Well, at least I got you to admit that there was a bribe.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin, Russia, a Russian Bank, suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

2. "How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal?"

How do trailer park hicks like the Clintons become phenomenally wealthy?

In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.

Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

The Clintons have a history of selling out America to Communists for the right amount of money.
Their political history has shown others the danger of crossing them.

The real question is how folks like you continue to be so stupid, and have been trained to accept this sort of corruption.
There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???
Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Never been 'debunked'.....not even denied by the Clintons.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

There really is no cure for stupid.

The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin. Republican liars, like Sean Hannity, have morphed this story into the Kremlin made the payment. Not true.

The payment was made TWO YEARS after the Uranium One deal was approved. Who pays a bribe AFTER they get what they want? Bribes are paid so that you can get what you want. After you have it, there is no reason for you to make that payment.

How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal? Jedi mind tricks I guess.

For someone who claims to be really, really smart, you don’t even have the critical thinking skills to question your own time line.

1. "The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin."

Well, at least I got you to admit that there was a bribe.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin, Russia, a Russian Bank, suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

2. "How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal?"

How do trailer park hicks like the Clintons become phenomenally wealthy?

In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.

Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

The Clintons have a history of selling out America to Communists for the right amount of money.
Their political history has shown others the danger of crossing them.

The real question is how folks like you continue to be so stupid, and have been trained to accept this sort of corruption.

You’re lying again as you’ve been shown many, many times now, the vast majority of the money was given by a Canadian, not the Kremlin and not any Russian bank.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!

There has never been any "debunking."

The story is fact, and the corruption and bribery is a fact.

The Clintons have a long history of selling out the United States.

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun

And I use the Leftist NYTimes as the source:

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"....despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.

Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.".and thence, no one knows where it went.
No One!

"... half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010."

20% of America's uranium to Russia.....took a bribe of $145 million to do so.....

Why doesn't that concern you? What percent of America's uranium did Hillary pass to the Kremlin for a bribe of over $145 million???
Poor, deranged PoliticalHack, so disconnected from reality, she just can’t stop lying.

No, PoliticalHack, the Kremlin did not give the Clinton’s $145 million. $140 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian...

The Clinton-Uranium “Scandal” Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

And Giustra, the Clinton Foundation donor at the center of the Times story—who was responsible for $140 million of the $145 million in reported contributions—said he had sold his share of Uranium One three years before the Russian deal. Giustra said he never mentioned the deal to Clinton, whom he met at charity events. And why would he? He had no stake in it.

Almost all of that money was donated to the Clinton Foundation by Canadian, Frank Giustra, not the Kremlin, as you falsely assert. And it was donated when Giustra had nothing to do with Uranium One AND years before the deal with Rosatom AND before Hillary Clinton was even Secretary of State.

You’ve been shown this repeatly, yet you continue to lie about it. Hysterically, it doesn’t become true just because you repeat your lie; all you accomplish is to prove to everyone on this forum, both left and right, that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar with no scruples whatsoever. Good job!


How many links do you need to see where the Uranium One conspiracy has already been debunked?

Here's one from FOX NEWS;

Here's another--and it got very embarassing for this RNC representative that was trying to push it.

This is what FOX NEWS has turned into.

FOX NEWS journalists have threatened to quit. They're tired of all these conspiracy theories.

FOX NEWS knows they have their audience in lock down, with them brainwashing their audience into believing that all other news sources are FAKE--and now they're insulting the intelligence and integrity of their audience on a daiy basis with all of these conspiracy's, because they know you'll be back for more. :auiqs.jpg: The entire network is lined with political soap box operas, in order to deflect real news and protect Donald Trump, whom they promoted throughout the primary season while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own Trump and they know it. They are in full panic manufactured conspiracy-spin mode over it.

.Donald Trump broke the conservative media

The GOP That Failed

You have effectively killed the Republican party with Donald Trump.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Never been 'debunked'.....not even denied by the Clintons.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

There really is no cure for stupid.

The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin. Republican liars, like Sean Hannity, have morphed this story into the Kremlin made the payment. Not true.

The payment was made TWO YEARS after the Uranium One deal was approved. Who pays a bribe AFTER they get what they want? Bribes are paid so that you can get what you want. After you have it, there is no reason for you to make that payment.

How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal? Jedi mind tricks I guess.

For someone who claims to be really, really smart, you don’t even have the critical thinking skills to question your own time line.

1. "The “bribe” wasn’t wasn’t paid by the Kremlin, it was paid by a Russian Bank which has ties to the Kremlin."

Well, at least I got you to admit that there was a bribe.

Here's your exam:

Why did the Kremlin, Russia, a Russian Bank, suddenly feel charitable to the tune of $145 million?

Hint: same reason Red China felt 'charitable' when Clinton gave them our missile technology.

Check it out.

2. "How exactly did Hillary Clinton get 8 other department heads and the President to sign off on the sale when she didn’t even attend the meetings about the deal?"

How do trailer park hicks like the Clintons become phenomenally wealthy?

In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.

Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

The Clintons have a history of selling out America to Communists for the right amount of money.
Their political history has shown others the danger of crossing them.

The real question is how folks like you continue to be so stupid, and have been trained to accept this sort of corruption.

check it out ...

zero credibility
zero credibility
zero credibility

No I didn’t admit the donation to the Clinton Foundation was a “bribe”. The word was in quotes for a reason.

How could the Clintons be bribed since they never received any of the money? Both the speaking fee and the donation were paid directly to the Clinton Foundation, and the Clintons have never taken any money from the Foundation for themselves, and donate a large chunk of their personal income to the Foundation?

And before you start of some bullshit about the CF, their audited financial statements are publically posted and were the numbers confirmed by the IRS.

Speaking of which, where are Trump’s tax returns? What is he hiding?

Now if you want to talk about real bribes, there’s:

1. Ivanka being gifted with 10 personal trade marks by the Chinese. And suddenly China wasn’t a currency manipulator.

2. Trump not adding Saudi Arabia to the banned Muslims list because he has a hotel there.

3. Jared’s punishing Qatar with sanctions for refusing to loan his family money.

3. The Trump Hotel becoming the favoured hotel if foreign governments and their delegations wishing to curry favour with the President.

4. Was Trump’s comments and treatment of Puerto Rico after the hurricane due to his blaming the Puerto Rican Government for the bankruptcy of his golf resort there?

5. Jared Kuchner getting loans from members of his Business Council.

6. Donald Trump using his trip to Houston after Hurricane Harvey to sell his new line of hats.

I can go on and one without ever once lying or repeating the same debunked post over and over. And just to be clear, NOTHING in this post is cut and pasted.

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