The Clintons Didn’t Just Sell Our Uranium To Russia

You must be really scared that Mueller is ready to move on Trump if you’re trotting out these lies again.

The former FBI Director seems like an incompetent tool who blames the Clintons for his own failures and inadequacies.

The title of his book says it all - My FBI. The FBI belongs to the USA, not the Director.

What you failed to mention is that the FBI, under his leadership, didn’t find a single indictable offence against the Clintons. Which renders moot all of your rants and raves.

17 Investigations, one Special Prosector no indictments, no charges and no convictions, other than perjury for a blow job.

And the Clintons didn’t collude with Vladimir Putin or his minions to undermine the US election.

Tick, tick tick. Time is rapidly running out for the Trump Administration. Staffers aren’t walking out, they’re running for the doors.

And still you defend these criminals and incompetents.

The grifters....the Clinton Crime Family....certainly did collude with the Kremlin...
$145 million.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump
So...have you got the tonnage amount of uranium that went to Russia yet?

Can you explain why the Kremlin suddenly became so .....magnanimous?

I'll wait while you look the term up.
That's not an answer to my much uranium in tonnage was shipped to Russia from Uranium One?

That's not an answer to my question.....Can you explain why the Kremlin suddenly became so .....magnanimous?
You must be really scared that Mueller is ready to move on Trump if you’re trotting out these lies again.

The former FBI Director seems like an incompetent tool who blames the Clintons for his own failures and inadequacies.

The title of his book says it all - My FBI. The FBI belongs to the USA, not the Director.

What you failed to mention is that the FBI, under his leadership, didn’t find a single indictable offence against the Clintons. Which renders moot all of your rants and raves.

17 Investigations, one Special Prosector no indictments, no charges and no convictions, other than perjury for a blow job.

And the Clintons didn’t collude with Vladimir Putin or his minions to undermine the US election.

Tick, tick tick. Time is rapidly running out for the Trump Administration. Staffers aren’t walking out, they’re running for the doors.

And still you defend these criminals and incompetents.

The grifters....the Clinton Crime Family....certainly did collude with the Kremlin...
$145 million.

. '...if Bill Clinton went to Moscow today [would] he would get $500,000 [to speak] or that the Clinton Foundation would receive a donation of $145 million....absurd.....'

'....the only reason they got that type of money was that they had something to offer, and that was to green-light the authority for Russian interests to gain control of the uranium....'

.dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

The corrupt scheme is said to have been financed by the Russians through bribes, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. The FBI and the Department of Justice reportedly had the evidence in their possession before the uranium sale, but kept the matter secret ...

..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump
So...have you got the tonnage amount of uranium that went to Russia yet?

Can you explain why the Kremlin suddenly became so .....magnanimous?

I'll wait while you look the term up.
That's not an answer to my much uranium in tonnage was shipped to Russia from Uranium One?

That's not an answer to my question.....Can you explain why the Kremlin suddenly became so .....magnanimous?
You are accusing the Clintons of a quid pro quo.....but, did you know that in order to prove have to show the quid AND the quo? How much uranium (quid) was shipped to Russia for the money (quo)? where is the evidence that this 20% actually was shipped to Russia? Where is the valid source?
They have admitted to it and they say 8 different Obama appointed agencies sighed off on the sale...But you know what Bo? none of them can tell us why...why was the sale good for America? It appears it was only good for the Clinton's so far...It must be investigated...

The yellocake was sent to canada for processing, Canada only has one plant to do that in, and it's tightly regulated. After that, none of it went to russia, the CNSC forbids such shipments, and they're the one's who have the shipping records.
Didn't the owners of the trucking company get 4 years and 20k fines?
I just found this image of the Clintons meeting with Russian agents:
Republicans are pushing a verifiably fake conspiracy theory that goes something like this: Hillary Clinton approved the sale of American uranium to Russia in exchange for a large donation to the Clinton Foundation. It’s gotten to the point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is thinking about appointing a special counsel to look into this fake theory.

Journalists ranging from MSNBC’s Joy Reid to Fox News’s Shep Smith have methodically debunked the theory. But one reason it lives on is because it’s so convoluted. It cherry-picks details that make it seem plausible that Clinton gave Russia a huge portion of America’s uranium.

In fact, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) showed us just how complicated the life of a conspiracy theorist can be when he presented this flowchart during a congressional hearing:


First, go cleanse your eyes of this visual catastrophe.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

This is funny stuff. NaziCons twist themselves into pretzels trying to rationalize Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories. So funny...
We’re not surprised. What 66 visits to your boy nick Cruz and nothing was done
The Clintons are involved in to many scandals to number. Hey there’s nothing to see here
Perfect day for golf. 68 degrees and very sunny today in Florida, with just enough wind to blame it for your slice! :)

edit to add: all that other nonsense is nonsense. If Republicans, Vast Right-Wing Conspirators, Rush Limbaugh, Ken Starr, "Christian" scam artists, and Wingnut Media haven't found enough evidence in 20-fucking-8 years, other than lying about a blowjob and a little speculation on farm futures, guess what? There's NOTHING THERE!!!!
I had rotatar cuff and bicep surgery so I’m done for the year
Whaaat?!? That sucks. Unless it’s on both arms, you can adapt. You’ll just hit 75 yard drives instead. Instead of a second shot 7 iron, it’ll be a second shot 3 iron. There’s also nothing wrong with kicking the golf ball. Whatever it takes. :04:
Republicans are pushing a verifiably fake conspiracy theory that goes something like this: Hillary Clinton approved the sale of American uranium to Russia in exchange for a large donation to the Clinton Foundation. It’s gotten to the point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is thinking about appointing a special counsel to look into this fake theory.

Journalists ranging from MSNBC’s Joy Reid to Fox News’s Shep Smith have methodically debunked the theory. But one reason it lives on is because it’s so convoluted. It cherry-picks details that make it seem plausible that Clinton gave Russia a huge portion of America’s uranium.

In fact, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) showed us just how complicated the life of a conspiracy theorist can be when he presented this flowchart during a congressional hearing:


First, go cleanse your eyes of this visual catastrophe.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

This is funny stuff. NaziCons twist themselves into pretzels trying to rationalize Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories. So funny...
We’re not surprised. What 66 visits to your boy nick Cruz and nothing was done
The Clintons are involved in to many scandals to number. Hey there’s nothing to see here
Perfect day for golf. 68 degrees and very sunny today in Florida, with just enough wind to blame it for your slice! :)

edit to add: all that other nonsense is nonsense. If Republicans, Vast Right-Wing Conspirators, Rush Limbaugh, Ken Starr, "Christian" scam artists, and Wingnut Media haven't found enough evidence in 20-fucking-8 years, other than lying about a blowjob and a little speculation on farm futures, guess what? There's NOTHING THERE!!!!
I had rotatar cuff and bicep surgery so I’m done for the year
Whaaat?!? That sucks. Unless it’s on both arms, you can adapt. You’ll just hit 75 yard drives instead. Instead of a second shot 7 iron, it’ll be a second shot 3 iron. There’s also nothing wrong with kicking the golf ball. Whatever it takes. :04:
You're lucky to play golf year around. I bet it helps keep the weight off
It's better if I don't post cause I'm in a real foul mood over this.
Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!

You know this has already been debunked, except on the Sean Hannity show--:auiqs.jpg:


This poor RNC representative had to put a bag over her head and be lead out the back door after this interview.

“Russia’s record of transferring dangerous materials and technologies to rogue regimes, such as those in Iran and Syria, is very troubling,” Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee at the time, wrote ...

“We believe that this potential takeover of U.S. nuclear resources by a Russian government–owned agency would pose great potential harm to the national security of the United States,” the letter read, “and we urge the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to block the sale.”

As a CFIUS member, Hillary could have heeded this warning and stopped Vladimir Putin from controlling a fifth of U.S. uranium supplies."
Clinton Russia Ties: Bill & Hillary Sold Out U.S. Interests to Putin Regime | National Review

And, of course, this sort of anti-America behavior was exactly what we saw when Democrat Hussein Obama acquiesced to Iran's demand that Hezbollah be allowed to sell $millions in cocaine in America.... that was used to build IEDs to kill American soldiers.

Your posts are becoming more and more irrational as Mueller and company close in on the Trumps. Jared, Ivanka and Junior are all under investigation, each for different and very valid reasons. Former staffers are rolling over on them to save their own hides.

The level of graft, and outright theft from the public purse is staggering. Ivanka accepting trade marks from the Chinese, the SS renting space in Trump Tower, foreign dignitaries lining up to stay in Trump’s Washington Hotel, doubling membership fees at Mar-a-Lago, spending every weekend at a Trump golf club and billing taypayers for the SS accommodations, Jared obtaining hundreds of millions of dollars in loans for his financially troubled family business from bankers he met with in the White House.

And then there’s the lies. Thousands of lies. Big and small.

Anyone trying to castigate the Clintons at this juncture in history is either stupid or wilfully blind. You’re both.
You’re fucking nuts, Spunky. :cuckoo:

That wasn’t what you asked. What you asked me was if I would be ok with Trump getting paid $500,000 for a speech, which I am.

You should stop posting drunk.
You don't know what we were even are the one that is confused little girl...Go back and read the whole thread so you don't appear so are embarrassing yourself and you can't even see it...
You’re fucking nuts, Spunky. :cuckoo:

That wasn’t what you asked. What you asked me was if I would be ok with Trump getting paid $500,000 for a speech, which I am.

You should stop posting drunk.
You don't know what we were even are the one that is confused little girl...Go back and read the whole thread so you don't appear so are embarrassing yourself and you can't even see it...

You don’t know what you post, Spunky. So here, let me show you — all you asked me was if I’d be ok with Trump getting paid $500,000 for a speech...
So you are saying it's okay with you if our politicians give speeches in Russia for half a million dollars ? Okay so then you would be okay with Trump doing the same thing?
And you call us dumb....:abgg2q.jpg:
And no, I don’t just call you “dumb.” That’s putting it waaaay too mildly.
You’re fucking nuts, Spunky. :cuckoo:

That wasn’t what you asked. What you asked me was if I would be ok with Trump getting paid $500,000 for a speech, which I am.

You should stop posting drunk.
You don't know what we were even are the one that is confused little girl...Go back and read the whole thread so you don't appear so are embarrassing yourself and you can't even see it...

You don’t know what you post, Spunky. So here, let me show you — all you asked me was if I’d be ok with Trump getting paid $500,000 for a speech...
So you are saying it's okay with you if our politicians give speeches in Russia for half a million dollars ? Okay so then you would be okay with Trump doing the same thing?
And you call us dumb....:abgg2q.jpg:
And no, I don’t just call you “dumb.” That’s putting it waaaay too mildly.
Weak even for you....
You’re fucking nuts, Spunky. :cuckoo:

That wasn’t what you asked. What you asked me was if I would be ok with Trump getting paid $500,000 for a speech, which I am.

You should stop posting drunk.
You don't know what we were even are the one that is confused little girl...Go back and read the whole thread so you don't appear so are embarrassing yourself and you can't even see it...

You don’t know what you post, Spunky. So here, let me show you — all you asked me was if I’d be ok with Trump getting paid $500,000 for a speech...
So you are saying it's okay with you if our politicians give speeches in Russia for half a million dollars ? Okay so then you would be okay with Trump doing the same thing?
And you call us dumb....:abgg2q.jpg:
And no, I don’t just call you “dumb.” That’s putting it waaaay too mildly.
Weak even for you....

You what you call, “weak,” is actually quoting your own words back at you.

Sure, keep telling yourself that even though I’m quoting you.
:no_text11: You obviously missed the context of my quote because you came upon the discussion late....Always late to the game Fauny...:21:
Sure, keep telling yourself that even though I’m quoting you.
:no_text11: You obviously missed the context of my quote because you came upon the discussion late....Always late to the game Fauny...:21:
LOL your context was in your post. That’s what I responded to.
So you are saying it's okay with you if our politicians give speeches in Russia for half a million dollars ? Okay so then you would be okay with Trump doing the same thing?
And you call us dumb....:abgg2q.jpg:
Now you bitch like the 4 year old girl you are because I replied to your post and you don’t like it.

Poor, baby. Keep sucking your thumb

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