The Clintons Didn’t Just Sell Our Uranium To Russia

A great deal of assuming there....Where'd you get those figures?

Home / Information Library / Nuclear Fuel Cycle / Uranium Resources / Supply of Uranium

Known Recoverable Resources of Uranium 2015

In nature, almost all (99.27 percent) of the metal consists of uranium-238; the remainder consists of uranium-235 (0.72 percent) and uranium-234 (0.006 percent).

To find the amount of fissionable uranium in that yellowcake, first multiply by yellocake purity (50%) then fissionable content (0.7%) and recalculate.
Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



What kind of a mind would continue to peddle such a thoroughly debunked story?

Of course.

The Kremlin saw to it that the Clinton Crime Family received $145 million........for what, exactly???
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

$131 million of that $145 million came from a Canadian. That’s NOT the Kremlin.

Maybe there's some confusion on PC's part as to what is a Canadian and what is a Russian. They're both cold places where people bundle up, after all.

Political you know the difference between a Canadian and a Russian?
She thinks one is a whiskey and the other is a dressing.
Republicans are pushing a verifiably fake conspiracy theory that goes something like this: Hillary Clinton approved the sale of American uranium to Russia in exchange for a large donation to the Clinton Foundation. It’s gotten to the point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is thinking about appointing a special counsel to look into this fake theory.

Journalists ranging from MSNBC’s Joy Reid to Fox News’s Shep Smith have methodically debunked the theory. But one reason it lives on is because it’s so convoluted. It cherry-picks details that make it seem plausible that Clinton gave Russia a huge portion of America’s uranium.

In fact, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) showed us just how complicated the life of a conspiracy theorist can be when he presented this flowchart during a congressional hearing:


First, go cleanse your eyes of this visual catastrophe.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

This is funny stuff. NaziCons twist themselves into pretzels trying to rationalize Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories. So funny...
We’re not surprised. What 66 visits to your boy nick Cruz and nothing was done
The Clintons are involved in to many scandals to number. Hey there’s nothing to see here where is the evidence that this 20% actually was shipped to Russia? Where is the valid source?
They have admitted to it and they say 8 different Obama appointed agencies sighed off on the sale...But you know what Bo? none of them can tell us why...why was the sale good for America? It appears it was only good for the Clinton's so far...It must be investigated... where is the evidence that this 20% actually was shipped to Russia? Where is the valid source?
They have admitted to it and they say 8 different Obama appointed agencies sighed off on the sale...But you know what Bo? none of them can tell us why...why was the sale good for America? It appears it was only good for the Clinton's so far...It must be investigated...

The yellocake was sent to canada for processing, Canada only has one plant to do that in, and it's tightly regulated. After that, none of it went to russia, the CNSC forbids such shipments, and they're the one's who have the shipping records.
Would it matter?
Look at the characters involved and just the word uranium thrown in the mix along with a little cash. Ya and nothings going on
What’s that got to do with what I posted? :dunno:

PoliticalHack idiotically claims that the Clinton’s sold out Uranium to Russia.

How is that true when it wasn’t our Uranium and it was sold by a Canadian company?

The Facts on Uranium One -
This paragraph was of particular interest to me:
The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.

Renaissance Capital has “ties to the Kremlin” and its analysts “talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a ‘buy’ rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was ‘the best play’ in the uranium markets,” the Times wrote.

But there is no evidence that the donations or the speaking fee had any influence on the approvals granted by the NRC or the Committee on Foreign Investments.

All I care is Money, Bill, Hillary, Uranium. This is all I need. There are countless stories about the clintons that have this same theme.
It's not Chuck schumer, it's not Adam shiff, jerry brown, cory booker. It's always the clintons
Great, so a company NOT related to Rosatom paid bill a lot of money to give a speech, which even at $500,000, Renaissance Group might have even profited.

Great conspiracy ya got there. :badgrin:
So here we are faun in yet another scandal
And guess what family is involved in this one also and money is involved in this one too
Why in the heck do the Clintons need to pay millions for a dossier?
Not Schumer, or other dems, the Clintons.
It just amazes me this stuff follows them around
Looks to me like it’s you and your ilk following them around. Why can’t you quit them?
Sure, sell 5000 seats at a hundred a pop just to break even. Everything on top of that is gravy.

My wife & I saw him years ago at a basketball arena where there were 10-15 thousand people.

He made over $100 million giving hundreds of speeches. It’s not a conspiracy, numbnuts. He averages about $200,000 per speech and once even got paid $750,000 for a single speech.

You people are the dumbest fucking creatures on the planet.
So you are saying it's okay with you if our politicians give speeches in Russia for half a million dollars ? Okay so then you would be okay with Trump doing the same thing?
And you call us dumb....:abgg2q.jpg:
What politician gave a speech in Russia for half a million dollars? What political position were they in?

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun
So....your claim is now that HALF of our U.S. Uranium output was carted off to Russian? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Well, when you tell lies, you certainly go bigly. :lol:
You’re talking about the lunatic who said one of every three people in the U.S. is an illegal alien. She’s not playing with s full deck. In fact, all she has are 2 cards in her deck and thry’re both jokers.
To get the solution, we are looking for, we need to point out what we know.

1. We assume, that the number 65000 is 100% - because it's the output value of the task.
2. We assume, that x is the value we are looking for.
3. If 65000 is 100%, so we can write it down as 65000=100%.
4. We know, that x is 20% of the output value, so we can write it down as x=20%.
5. Now we have two simple equations:
1) 65000=100%
2) x=20%
where left sides of both of them have the same units, and both right sides have the same units, so we can do something like that:
6. Now we just have to solve the simple equation, and we will get the solution we are looking for.

7. Solution for what is 20% of 65000

(65000/x)*x=(100/20)*x - we multiply both sides of the equation by x
65000=5*x - we divide both sides of the equation by (5) to get x

The US has or had 65000 tons of Uranium and we sold 20% that comes to 13000 tons...I was mistaken it is 13000 tons not 19 but again what difference does it make?
You forgot your link (which has nothing to do with anything being discussed in this thread)...

37000 is what percent of 65000

Well, the one thing you did clear up, however, is that you’re fucking crazy.

Well, the one thing you did clear up, however, is that you’re fucking crazy.


So far the Uranium One conspiracy has gone through half the US government, two foreign agencies, and now the highest levels of the canadian government. The fascinating part is they believe that HIllary is powerful enough to influence all those people, agencies, and governments in order to make it happen.
Republicans are pushing a verifiably fake conspiracy theory that goes something like this: Hillary Clinton approved the sale of American uranium to Russia in exchange for a large donation to the Clinton Foundation. It’s gotten to the point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is thinking about appointing a special counsel to look into this fake theory.

Journalists ranging from MSNBC’s Joy Reid to Fox News’s Shep Smith have methodically debunked the theory. But one reason it lives on is because it’s so convoluted. It cherry-picks details that make it seem plausible that Clinton gave Russia a huge portion of America’s uranium.

In fact, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) showed us just how complicated the life of a conspiracy theorist can be when he presented this flowchart during a congressional hearing:


First, go cleanse your eyes of this visual catastrophe.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

This is funny stuff. NaziCons twist themselves into pretzels trying to rationalize Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories. So funny...
We’re not surprised. What 66 visits to your boy nick Cruz and nothing was done
The Clintons are involved in to many scandals to number. Hey there’s nothing to see here
Perfect day for golf. 68 degrees and very sunny today in Florida, with just enough wind to blame it for your slice! :)

edit to add: all that other nonsense is nonsense. If Republicans, Vast Right-Wing Conspirators, Rush Limbaugh, Ken Starr, "Christian" scam artists, and Wingnut Media haven't found enough evidence in 20-fucking-8 years, other than lying about a blowjob and a little speculation on farm futures, guess what? There's NOTHING THERE!!!!
Last edited: where is the evidence that this 20% actually was shipped to Russia? Where is the valid source?
They have admitted to it and they say 8 different Obama appointed agencies sighed off on the sale...But you know what Bo? none of them can tell us why...why was the sale good for America? It appears it was only good for the Clinton's so far...It must be investigated...
Still looking for some kind of evidence that any went to all.
Sure, sell 5000 seats at a hundred a pop just to break even. Everything on top of that is gravy.

My wife & I saw him years ago at a basketball arena where there were 10-15 thousand people.

He made over $100 million giving hundreds of speeches. It’s not a conspiracy, numbnuts. He averages about $200,000 per speech and once even got paid $750,000 for a single speech.

You people are the dumbest fucking creatures on the planet.
So you are saying it's okay with you if our politicians give speeches in Russia for half a million dollars ? Okay so then you would be okay with Trump doing the same thing?
And you call us dumb....:abgg2q.jpg:
What politician gave a speech in Russia for half a million dollars? What political position were they in?

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun
So....your claim is now that HALF of our U.S. Uranium output was carted off to Russian? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Well, when you tell lies, you certainly go bigly. :lol:
You’re talking about the lunatic who said one of every three people in the U.S. is an illegal alien. She’s not playing with s full deck. In fact, all she has are 2 cards in her deck and thry’re both jokers.
This also harks back to that RW insistance that the Obamas were spending $200,000,000 A DAY while in India.
You forgot your link (which has nothing to do with anything being discussed in this thread)...
You didn't look hard link is on the very next post under the one you stumbled upon...20% of 65000 tons is 13000 tons...13000 tons of Uranium sold to essentially an enemy of ours...If you think anyone here will believe you would be okay with Trump doing the same thing you are a crazy as a loon...
Still looking for some kind of evidence that any went to all
What? you haven't learned yet to take my word on issue like this? Tisk Tisk Tisk...
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Once the Russians had control of it they were free to package it up and send it anywhere they deemed necessary...and so they did...right under Obama's nose...What we will discover is a lot of it has gone to know the nation Obama sent billions of dollars in cash to all in $100 US bills under the cover of darkness...please at least look into it...don't be so blind...Obama was very corrupt...
Last edited:
Republicans are pushing a verifiably fake conspiracy theory that goes something like this: Hillary Clinton approved the sale of American uranium to Russia in exchange for a large donation to the Clinton Foundation. It’s gotten to the point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is thinking about appointing a special counsel to look into this fake theory.

Journalists ranging from MSNBC’s Joy Reid to Fox News’s Shep Smith have methodically debunked the theory. But one reason it lives on is because it’s so convoluted. It cherry-picks details that make it seem plausible that Clinton gave Russia a huge portion of America’s uranium.

In fact, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) showed us just how complicated the life of a conspiracy theorist can be when he presented this flowchart during a congressional hearing:


First, go cleanse your eyes of this visual catastrophe.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

This is funny stuff. NaziCons twist themselves into pretzels trying to rationalize Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories. So funny...
We’re not surprised. What 66 visits to your boy nick Cruz and nothing was done
The Clintons are involved in to many scandals to number. Hey there’s nothing to see here
Perfect day for golf. 68 degrees and very sunny today in Florida, with just enough wind to blame it for your slice! :)

edit to add: all that other nonsense is nonsense. If Republicans, Vast Right-Wing Conspirators, Rush Limbaugh, Ken Starr, "Christian" scam artists, and Wingnut Media haven't found enough evidence in 20-fucking-8 years, other than lying about a blowjob and a little speculation on farm futures, guess what? There's NOTHING THERE!!!!
I had rotatar cuff and bicep surgery so I’m done for the year

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