The Clock Is Running


Sep 23, 2010
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Senator John Kerry (D-MA), has placed the CRPD on its agenda for action on Thursday, July 26, at 9:30 a.m.

The clock is running as I speak.

Forget about the charity hustlers and the global government crowd for a minute. This phoney UN treaty —— Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities —— has a good chance of being ratified if it ever comes up for a ratification vote before or after the election.

UN-loving traitors hellbent on ratifying as many treaties as possible before they lose the Senate and the White House are counting on every senator’s fear of being crucified in the media should they vote against the “disabled.” It’s the same as voting against the children. It just isn’t done even though every time the children are invoked adult parasites feeding at the public trough benefit the most.

Phyllis Schlafly lays out why the CRPD should not be ratified:

UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities
by Phyllis Schlafly
July 25, 2012

UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities

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