The collapse of hillary's Big Lie


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
'We now know that Hillary Clinton and her supporters misled the country in claiming that the White House was stolen from her. She started the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and her claims, aided by the Obama White House and magnified by a thoroughly partisan media, set in motion a wild-goose chase.

The chase undermined a duly elected president and cost taxpayers more than $30 million for an investigation that proved the accusations were flat-out false.

Yet money alone is hardly the full price. The probe itself was a giant cloud over the presidency. Trump’s cabinet, his family, his aides and every policy he put forth were viewed with suspicion by those who bought Clinton’s Big Lie. Many of those people shelled out thousands of dollars for legal bills merely to answer questions and prove themselves innocent of any wrongdoing.

It is also a given that China, North Korea, Iran and, yes, Russia have factored into their relations with us the possibility that Trump might not be long for the Oval Office.

We will never know exactly what price America paid for that possibility, but you can be certain it was high, and that the ramifications will not instantly disappear.

Perhaps there would have been a trade deal with China by now. Perhaps North Korea would have scuttled its nukes if it knew Trump wasn’t going anywhere for at least four years.

Those are just some of the actual and potential consequences Clinton set in motion with her false claims. In a better world, or if she were a better person, she would apologize and publicly acknowledge Trump’s legitimacy. I won’t hold my breath.

But until she does, she should be shunned in public life. She has no credibility to speak on any issue or endorse any candidate. She has put the nation through hell all because she lost an election she should have won.

Let’s remember, too, that her campaign actually did work with Russians, through FusionGPS and British agent Christopher Steele, to create a fictional scenario about Trump being compromised.

Which brings us to today’s Democrats. They bought into Clinton’s Big Lie and built a house of cards on smoke and mirrors. The collapse is total.

If they had any sense, they, too, would accept the Mueller findings and get to work developing serious policy alternatives. Adopting the path of the resistance movement — no compromise, no negotiation — is no longer viable. It, too, is dead.

The long list of 2020 candidates are suddenly facing the fact that Mueller cannot help them. In fact, Trump is stronger and will be emboldened for having survived the gantlet.

Sadly, the first indication is that the party’s loudest huffers and puffers — Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and assorted other odd ducks — will not accept that the world has changed.

They vow to contest the Mueller conclusion on collusion and cast doubt on the limited release of underlying documents. They also are already seizing on the fact that Mueller left it to Attorney General William Barr and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to rule that there was no provable case for obstruction of justice as a reason to continue their jihad.

In fairness, that decision by Mueller is curious, and serves as an unfortunate invitation for mischief. But Barr and Rosenstein are on solid ground because, as they explain, in normal circumstances, there can be no obstruction of justice if there was no underlying crime.

How to end our national nightmare — probe Hillary Clinton again

They also lay out the high bar for proving obstruction charges, and conclude the evidence Mueller found could not meet that test.

Still, it is a free country and the Dems are welcome to pursue the pipe dreams that RussiaGate isn’t over. Their denial recalls those Japanese soldiers who hid out in island caves for 30 and 40 years after World War II, determined never to surrender.

The pledge by Schiff and others to try to destroy Trump with investigations sets them up to be a suicide caucus of their own.

It’s been clear for some time that, although most Americans trusted Mueller and wanted him to be able to finish, they were impatient it was taking too long. Now that he has spoken, fair-minded voters will welcome the end of the circus and embrace its findings as final. That’s what patriots do.

Yet as I wrote Sunday, the end of Mueller must not mean the end of investigating what happened in 2016. It was, after all, the Clinton-financed Russian dossier that formed the basis of the FBI investigation launched by the disgraced James Comey that summer.

How did that happen? How did a partisan dirty trick result in an FBI probe of the other party’s presidential candidate?

And how did so much classified information leak, including the names of Trump associates picked up incidentally on wiretaps? Who in the Obama White House broke the law?

These and other questions deserve at least as much scrutiny as Clinton’s false claims. As Trump said Sunday, “This was an illegal takedown that failed. And hopefully, somebody’s going to be looking at the other side.”


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this is just more gaslighting. We know this for sure:
  • Trump Tower meeting where Don Jr. goes in expecting to get aid from Russia.

  • Roger Stone coordinating with Wikileaks for release of emails known to be stolen by the Russian government

  • Paul Manafort submitting Trump campaign data to Russian intelligence.

When Trump was approached by wikileaks and the Russians, why didnt he immediately report this to the FBI?
'We now know that Hillary Clinton and her supporters misled the country in claiming that the White House was stolen from her. She started the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and her claims, aided by the Obama White House and magnified by a thoroughly partisan media, set in motion a wild-goose chase.

The chase undermined a duly elected president and cost taxpayers more than $30 million for an investigation that proved the accusations were flat-out false.

Yet money alone is hardly the full price. The probe itself was a giant cloud over the presidency. Trump’s cabinet, his family, his aides and every policy he put forth were viewed with suspicion by those who bought Clinton’s Big Lie. Many of those people shelled out thousands of dollars for legal bills merely to answer questions and prove themselves innocent of any wrongdoing.

It is also a given that China, North Korea, Iran and, yes, Russia have factored into their relations with us the possibility that Trump might not be long for the Oval Office.

We will never know exactly what price America paid for that possibility, but you can be certain it was high, and that the ramifications will not instantly disappear.

Perhaps there would have been a trade deal with China by now. Perhaps North Korea would have scuttled its nukes if it knew Trump wasn’t going anywhere for at least four years.

Those are just some of the actual and potential consequences Clinton set in motion with her false claims. In a better world, or if she were a better person, she would apologize and publicly acknowledge Trump’s legitimacy. I won’t hold my breath.

But until she does, she should be shunned in public life. She has no credibility to speak on any issue or endorse any candidate. She has put the nation through hell all because she lost an election she should have won.

Let’s remember, too, that her campaign actually did work with Russians, through FusionGPS and British agent Christopher Steele, to create a fictional scenario about Trump being compromised.

Which brings us to today’s Democrats. They bought into Clinton’s Big Lie and built a house of cards on smoke and mirrors. The collapse is total.

If they had any sense, they, too, would accept the Mueller findings and get to work developing serious policy alternatives. Adopting the path of the resistance movement — no compromise, no negotiation — is no longer viable. It, too, is dead.

The long list of 2020 candidates are suddenly facing the fact that Mueller cannot help them. In fact, Trump is stronger and will be emboldened for having survived the gantlet.

Sadly, the first indication is that the party’s loudest huffers and puffers — Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and assorted other odd ducks — will not accept that the world has changed.

They vow to contest the Mueller conclusion on collusion and cast doubt on the limited release of underlying documents. They also are already seizing on the fact that Mueller left it to Attorney General William Barr and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to rule that there was no provable case for obstruction of justice as a reason to continue their jihad.

In fairness, that decision by Mueller is curious, and serves as an unfortunate invitation for mischief. But Barr and Rosenstein are on solid ground because, as they explain, in normal circumstances, there can be no obstruction of justice if there was no underlying crime.

View attachment 252235
How to end our national nightmare — probe Hillary Clinton again

They also lay out the high bar for proving obstruction charges, and conclude the evidence Mueller found could not meet that test.

Still, it is a free country and the Dems are welcome to pursue the pipe dreams that RussiaGate isn’t over. Their denial recalls those Japanese soldiers who hid out in island caves for 30 and 40 years after World War II, determined never to surrender.

The pledge by Schiff and others to try to destroy Trump with investigations sets them up to be a suicide caucus of their own.

It’s been clear for some time that, although most Americans trusted Mueller and wanted him to be able to finish, they were impatient it was taking too long. Now that he has spoken, fair-minded voters will welcome the end of the circus and embrace its findings as final. That’s what patriots do.

Yet as I wrote Sunday, the end of Mueller must not mean the end of investigating what happened in 2016. It was, after all, the Clinton-financed Russian dossier that formed the basis of the FBI investigation launched by the disgraced James Comey that summer.

How did that happen? How did a partisan dirty trick result in an FBI probe of the other party’s presidential candidate?

And how did so much classified information leak, including the names of Trump associates picked up incidentally on wiretaps? Who in the Obama White House broke the law?

These and other questions deserve at least as much scrutiny as Clinton’s false claims. As Trump said Sunday, “This was an illegal takedown that failed. And hopefully, somebody’s going to be looking at the other side.”

Why not write a book on her. I don't read the NY Post.
this is just more gaslighting. We know this for sure:
  • Trump Tower meeting where Don Jr. goes in expecting to get aid from Russia.

  • Roger Stone coordinating with Wikileaks for release of emails known to be stolen by the Russian government

  • Paul Manafort submitting Trump campaign data to Russian intelligence.

When Trump was approached by wikileaks and the Russians, why didnt he immediately report this to the FBI?
All of the above is media fabrications it turns out.....

Its time to nail some lying cheating Tard ass to the wall....

Lock "em" all up...……………..
When Trump was approached by wikileaks and the Russians, why didnt he immediately report this to the FBI?
Are you that misinformed or just severely delusional ?
The wikileaks story was already leaked before Trump knew about it and the FBI and MSM covered it up
to keep the "DIRT" on Hillary --that her campaign cheated the Sanders campaign in a very fraudulent, rigged DNC primary race--and they still deny it.
this is just more gaslighting. We know this for sure:
  • Trump Tower meeting where Don Jr. goes in expecting to get aid from Russia.

  • Roger Stone coordinating with Wikileaks for release of emails known to be stolen by the Russian government

  • Paul Manafort submitting Trump campaign data to Russian intelligence.

When Trump was approached by wikileaks and the Russians, why didnt he immediately report this to the FBI?
All of the above is media fabrications it turns out.....

The empty on is the Barr report.
She hasn’t been in office for nearly 7 years. Time to give it up.

Wasn’t it you’re kind (op) that talked about beating a dead horse?
'We now know that Hillary Clinton and her supporters misled the country in claiming that the White House was stolen from her. She started the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and her claims, aided by the Obama White House and magnified by a thoroughly partisan media, set in motion a wild-goose chase.

The chase undermined a duly elected president and cost taxpayers more than $30 million for an investigation that proved the accusations were flat-out false.

Yet money alone is hardly the full price. The probe itself was a giant cloud over the presidency. Trump’s cabinet, his family, his aides and every policy he put forth were viewed with suspicion by those who bought Clinton’s Big Lie. Many of those people shelled out thousands of dollars for legal bills merely to answer questions and prove themselves innocent of any wrongdoing.

It is also a given that China, North Korea, Iran and, yes, Russia have factored into their relations with us the possibility that Trump might not be long for the Oval Office.

We will never know exactly what price America paid for that possibility, but you can be certain it was high, and that the ramifications will not instantly disappear.

Perhaps there would have been a trade deal with China by now. Perhaps North Korea would have scuttled its nukes if it knew Trump wasn’t going anywhere for at least four years.

Those are just some of the actual and potential consequences Clinton set in motion with her false claims. In a better world, or if she were a better person, she would apologize and publicly acknowledge Trump’s legitimacy. I won’t hold my breath.

But until she does, she should be shunned in public life. She has no credibility to speak on any issue or endorse any candidate. She has put the nation through hell all because she lost an election she should have won.

Let’s remember, too, that her campaign actually did work with Russians, through FusionGPS and British agent Christopher Steele, to create a fictional scenario about Trump being compromised.

Which brings us to today’s Democrats. They bought into Clinton’s Big Lie and built a house of cards on smoke and mirrors. The collapse is total.

If they had any sense, they, too, would accept the Mueller findings and get to work developing serious policy alternatives. Adopting the path of the resistance movement — no compromise, no negotiation — is no longer viable. It, too, is dead.

The long list of 2020 candidates are suddenly facing the fact that Mueller cannot help them. In fact, Trump is stronger and will be emboldened for having survived the gantlet.

Sadly, the first indication is that the party’s loudest huffers and puffers — Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and assorted other odd ducks — will not accept that the world has changed.

They vow to contest the Mueller conclusion on collusion and cast doubt on the limited release of underlying documents. They also are already seizing on the fact that Mueller left it to Attorney General William Barr and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to rule that there was no provable case for obstruction of justice as a reason to continue their jihad.

In fairness, that decision by Mueller is curious, and serves as an unfortunate invitation for mischief. But Barr and Rosenstein are on solid ground because, as they explain, in normal circumstances, there can be no obstruction of justice if there was no underlying crime.

View attachment 252235
How to end our national nightmare — probe Hillary Clinton again

They also lay out the high bar for proving obstruction charges, and conclude the evidence Mueller found could not meet that test.

Still, it is a free country and the Dems are welcome to pursue the pipe dreams that RussiaGate isn’t over. Their denial recalls those Japanese soldiers who hid out in island caves for 30 and 40 years after World War II, determined never to surrender.

The pledge by Schiff and others to try to destroy Trump with investigations sets them up to be a suicide caucus of their own.

It’s been clear for some time that, although most Americans trusted Mueller and wanted him to be able to finish, they were impatient it was taking too long. Now that he has spoken, fair-minded voters will welcome the end of the circus and embrace its findings as final. That’s what patriots do.

Yet as I wrote Sunday, the end of Mueller must not mean the end of investigating what happened in 2016. It was, after all, the Clinton-financed Russian dossier that formed the basis of the FBI investigation launched by the disgraced James Comey that summer.

How did that happen? How did a partisan dirty trick result in an FBI probe of the other party’s presidential candidate?

And how did so much classified information leak, including the names of Trump associates picked up incidentally on wiretaps? Who in the Obama White House broke the law?

These and other questions deserve at least as much scrutiny as Clinton’s false claims. As Trump said Sunday, “This was an illegal takedown that failed. And hopefully, somebody’s going to be looking at the other side.”

Why not write a book on her. I don't read the NY Post.
The NY Post is the paper that Archie Bunker brought home every day. Apparently it hasn`t changed much but I`ll check the National Enquirer for verification.
Meuller exposed the Spy-Chiefs.

Now that special counsel Robert Mueller has found that no one in the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, Democrats are busy moving the goal posts. But this is a distraction from the real reckoning that needs to come.

The one we need is for all the intelligence officials—including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former Central Intelligence Agency chief John Brennan, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s former Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe—who pushed the Russia conspiracy theory. The special counsel has just made clear they did so with no real evidence.

Opinion | Mueller Exposes Spy Chiefs

Peter Schweizer: ‘Legions More Evidence’ Against ‘Clinton World,’ but Only Trump ‘Gets Investigated’

Schweizer said, “The very thing that they are accusing Donald Trump of having done, which Mueller has come back and said there’s no evidence for — not that there’s a little evidence or a small amount of evidence; there’s no evidence — is the very sort of behavior that you could look at the Clinton relationships in Russia — the commercial ties, the financial ties, the favors done — and raise those very same questions.”

Schweizer added, “In the case of the Clintons and the Clinton world, they have long, deep, abiding ties with Putin’s Russia. On the Uranium One deal, this is basically a company that was formed back in 2005 when Bill Clinton helped a Canadian named Frank Giustra obtain uranium rights in Kazakhstan in 2005.”

Schweizer continued, “There’s been really no investigation of the Clinton world, where you have all of these financial transactions and political favors being done. It’s quite an astonishing contrast between the two.”

Schweizer: Legions More Evidence on Clinton, but Mueller Chases Trump
Speaking of Cackles, has Hillary commented on the initial report yet?

You can bet your ass she is as nervous as a whore in church..............she is incredibly stupid but smart enough to completely understand....that she is now going to be the object of scrutiny regarding expecially her involvement in this matter as well as many other things.....rather ironic that the mess she stirred up is going to come back and bite her BIG TIME
Speaking of Cackles, has Hillary commented on the initial report yet?

You can bet your ass she is as nervous as a whore in church..............she is incredibly stupid but smart enough to completely understand....that she is now going to be the object of scrutiny regarding expecially her involvement in this matter as well as many other things.....rather ironic that the mess she stirred up is going to come back and bite her BIG TIME

Oh. So she's in hiding.
Speaking of Cackles, has Hillary commented on the initial report yet?

You can bet your ass she is as nervous as a whore in church..............she is incredibly stupid but smart enough to completely understand....that she is now going to be the object of scrutiny regarding expecially her involvement in this matter as well as many other things.....rather ironic that the mess she stirred up is going to come back and bite her BIG TIME

Oh. So she's in hiding.

She might flee to Russia for protection. That is if they will let humana abedin come in with her from the cold.
'We now know that Hillary Clinton and her supporters misled the country in claiming that the White House was stolen from her. She started the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and her claims, aided by the Obama White House and magnified by a thoroughly partisan media, set in motion a wild-goose chase.

The chase undermined a duly elected president and cost taxpayers more than $30 million for an investigation that proved the accusations were flat-out false.

Yet money alone is hardly the full price. The probe itself was a giant cloud over the presidency. Trump’s cabinet, his family, his aides and every policy he put forth were viewed with suspicion by those who bought Clinton’s Big Lie. Many of those people shelled out thousands of dollars for legal bills merely to answer questions and prove themselves innocent of any wrongdoing.

It is also a given that China, North Korea, Iran and, yes, Russia have factored into their relations with us the possibility that Trump might not be long for the Oval Office.

We will never know exactly what price America paid for that possibility, but you can be certain it was high, and that the ramifications will not instantly disappear.

Perhaps there would have been a trade deal with China by now. Perhaps North Korea would have scuttled its nukes if it knew Trump wasn’t going anywhere for at least four years.

Those are just some of the actual and potential consequences Clinton set in motion with her false claims. In a better world, or if she were a better person, she would apologize and publicly acknowledge Trump’s legitimacy. I won’t hold my breath.

But until she does, she should be shunned in public life. She has no credibility to speak on any issue or endorse any candidate. She has put the nation through hell all because she lost an election she should have won.

Let’s remember, too, that her campaign actually did work with Russians, through FusionGPS and British agent Christopher Steele, to create a fictional scenario about Trump being compromised.

Which brings us to today’s Democrats. They bought into Clinton’s Big Lie and built a house of cards on smoke and mirrors. The collapse is total.

If they had any sense, they, too, would accept the Mueller findings and get to work developing serious policy alternatives. Adopting the path of the resistance movement — no compromise, no negotiation — is no longer viable. It, too, is dead.

The long list of 2020 candidates are suddenly facing the fact that Mueller cannot help them. In fact, Trump is stronger and will be emboldened for having survived the gantlet.

Sadly, the first indication is that the party’s loudest huffers and puffers — Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and assorted other odd ducks — will not accept that the world has changed.

They vow to contest the Mueller conclusion on collusion and cast doubt on the limited release of underlying documents. They also are already seizing on the fact that Mueller left it to Attorney General William Barr and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to rule that there was no provable case for obstruction of justice as a reason to continue their jihad.

In fairness, that decision by Mueller is curious, and serves as an unfortunate invitation for mischief. But Barr and Rosenstein are on solid ground because, as they explain, in normal circumstances, there can be no obstruction of justice if there was no underlying crime.

View attachment 252235
How to end our national nightmare — probe Hillary Clinton again

They also lay out the high bar for proving obstruction charges, and conclude the evidence Mueller found could not meet that test.

Still, it is a free country and the Dems are welcome to pursue the pipe dreams that RussiaGate isn’t over. Their denial recalls those Japanese soldiers who hid out in island caves for 30 and 40 years after World War II, determined never to surrender.

The pledge by Schiff and others to try to destroy Trump with investigations sets them up to be a suicide caucus of their own.

It’s been clear for some time that, although most Americans trusted Mueller and wanted him to be able to finish, they were impatient it was taking too long. Now that he has spoken, fair-minded voters will welcome the end of the circus and embrace its findings as final. That’s what patriots do.

Yet as I wrote Sunday, the end of Mueller must not mean the end of investigating what happened in 2016. It was, after all, the Clinton-financed Russian dossier that formed the basis of the FBI investigation launched by the disgraced James Comey that summer.

How did that happen? How did a partisan dirty trick result in an FBI probe of the other party’s presidential candidate?

And how did so much classified information leak, including the names of Trump associates picked up incidentally on wiretaps? Who in the Obama White House broke the law?

These and other questions deserve at least as much scrutiny as Clinton’s false claims. As Trump said Sunday, “This was an illegal takedown that failed. And hopefully, somebody’s going to be looking at the other side.”

Time's a getting Closer and Closer.

You can here a pin drop at the Clinton residence.


It's coming.

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