The Communist Party Hails De Blasio and Obama


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Paul Kengor, January 15, 2014

Okay, so this comes from a right-wing source. However, it does provide LINKS directly to the source for those “progressives” who want to refute its accuracy.

Predictably, People's World is thrilled with New Yorkers electing Bill De Blasio. The CPUSA mouthpiece isn't silent in its enthusiasm, though it is carefully avoiding the "c" word (communism) in favor of the "p" word (progressivism). In this, it is not unlike Bill De Blasio himself. Notably, too, People's World links De Blasio's "forward" success and "change" vision with Barack Obama's "progress" (as does De Blasio). Witness two fresh articles:

For those who don't know, “People's World is the official publication of the American Communist Party.

Read more: Articles: The Communist Party Hails De Blasio and Obama
Sorry, knife but this is old news.

The CPUSA and the dimocraps have been in bed together since FDR.

Although FDR and Truman kept them at "arm's length" they were still on the same team..... Anti-Capitalists.

Anymore, there's no difference. In fact, the dimocrap party is the de facto CPUSA.

Go to the CPUSA website and find me ONE thing that dimocraps would disagree with...

Home » cpusa

If it looks like a duck, quacks like duck, walks like a duck...... It's probably a duck.

The CPUSA and the dimocrap party are one and the same. Just the way they want it...
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Sorry, knife but this is old news.

The CPUSA and the dimocraps have been in bed together since FDR.

Although FDR and Truman kept them at "arm's length" they were still on the same team..... Anti-Capitalists.

Anymore, there's no difference. In fact, the dimocrap party is the de facto CPUSA.

Go to the CPUSA website and find me ONE thing that dimocraps would disagree with...

Home » cpusa

If it looks like a duck, quacks like duck, walks like a duck...... It's probably a duck.

The CPUSA and the dimocrap party are one and the same.
Yep, but dimwits are too stupid to see it.
Sorry, knife but this is old news.

The CPUSA and the dimocraps have been in bed together since FDR.

Although FDR and Truman kept them at "arm's length" they were still on the same team..... Anti-Capitalists.

Anymore, there's no difference. In fact, the dimocrap party is the de facto CPUSA.

Go to the CPUSA website and find me ONE thing that dimocraps would disagree with...

Home » cpusa

If it looks like a duck, quacks like duck, walks like a duck...... It's probably a duck.

The CPUSA and the dimocrap party are one and the same.
Yep, but dimwits are too stupid to see it.

Not the core of the party. No way.

obama, Jarrett.... All of them near or at the top know very well who and what they are and what they want.

The rest, the OFA scum we get in here daily, they know it as well.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, defends lies to the end like our Board OFA cultists without being crusaders for communism.

I've seen them, I've worked with them, I even helped write a book about them. And I know what they smell like.

Call their politics what you will.... Progressivism, socialism, democratic socialism, social democracy or just simply the dimocrap party.....

They are collectivists.

They believe ALL power should lie with government and that they, and only THEY, are pure and honest enough to run the government.

Look at how they defend the lies of obama and his sycophants.

Look at how they defend Susan Rice, look at how they defend obama and his "If you like your Insurance" lie, look at how they defend the IRS, look at how they defend Holder....

NOBODY does that if they're not cultists.... Which is EXACTLY what communism/collectivism is.

Also, if you recall your history about the Soviet Union, remember how "The Party" was supposedly infallible?

I'm serious. In Soviet Russia, the 'party' and it's leader were both infallible and if you criticized either, you wound up in a gulag somewhere.

Who thinks like that? Who defends their 'party' relentlessly from ALL attacks even when their party leader apologizes for lying?

Only cultists/collectivists do that.

The end is near, people. We either stop these people NOW, or there will be no stopping them ever.

Until civilization collapses. That will be the only way to stop them. We let them get their diseased tentacles deep into our system and the only way they can ever be stopped is when the civilization collapses.

And it will. Not in my lifetime. Maybe not even in yours. But in two generations, three tops.

If you care about your children and grand children, you'll stop these scum.

If not, then -- Fuck you
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