The consequences of hard Right-wing evil are destroying the world


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2018
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

is this like the US was responsible for the Hutus murdering Tutis [ :rolleyes-41: ] ?
CIA/etc had a direct involvement ?
Every military conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a (left wing) democrat administration. Obama overthrew the relatively harmless but quirky dictatorship in Libya and the power vacuum gave Isis a foothold. LBJ used a fake crisis to send troops to Vietnam and set the rules so that we could win every battle and lose the war. Harry Truman bungled the Korean conflict so badly that we lost about 50,000 men in three years and we are still technically at a state of war. Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in Europe when he was literally caught with his pants down. Tell me again about the evil right wing?
Actually, Chile boomed under President Pinochet, and really recovered from the depths of the Allende Communist dictatorship.

Chile never fell to the levels Venezuela is at now, its unfortunate that there wasn't a Venezuelan Pinochet.
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

What a Tard...…...
Actually, Chile boomed under President Pinochet, and really recovered from the depths of the Allende Communist dictatorship.

Chile never fell to the levels Venezuela is at now, its unfortunate that there wasn't a Venezuelan Pinochet.
Actually, Chile boomed under President Pinochet, and really recovered from the depths of the Allende Communist dictatorship.

Chile never fell to the levels Venezuela is at now, its unfortunate that there wasn't a Venezuelan Pinochet.
I know hundreds of Chileans personally who's pensions were destroyed. If you haven't spent time here with the people, you don't know shit.
It's okay folks, once we weed out the retards on this board from their vegetative state, we'll be able to carry on an intelligent debate.
I actually have a lot of respect for Chomsky's work in linguistics and semantics....But that borderline genius doesn't transfer to the realm of politics.

Just give it up, Chumlee.
You don't need Chomsky to know what happened in Chile, and the residual effects of what a military dictatorship imposes upon a population. And just wait for the disaster coming down the pipe for Brazil. This will be much worse. This will have world wide ramifications if the total destruction of the rain forest takes place? The world wars from the past will be a joke compared to this dictator if he succeeds in destroying the Amazon.
Actually, Chile boomed under President Pinochet, and really recovered from the depths of the Allende Communist dictatorship.

Chile never fell to the levels Venezuela is at now, its unfortunate that there wasn't a Venezuelan Pinochet.
I know hundreds of Chileans personally who's pensions were destroyed. If you haven't spent time here with the people, you don't know shit.
And tell us all how the pensioners in Argentina and Venezuela are doing, Dudley?
It's okay folks, once we weed out the retards on this board from their vegetative state, we'll be able to carry on an intelligent debate.
I actually have a lot of respect for Chomsky's work in linguistics and semantics....But that borderline genius doesn't transfer to the realm of politics.

Just give it up, Chumlee.
You don't need Chomsky to know what happened in Chile, and the residual effects of what a military dictatorship imposes upon a population. And just wait for the disaster coming down the pipe for Brazil. This will be much worse. This will have world wide ramifications if the total destruction of the rain forest takes place? The world wars from the past will be a joke compared to this dictator if he succeeds in destroying the Amazon.

How is the popularly elected Bonsonaro considered a "dictator"?
It's okay folks, once we weed out the retards on this board from their vegetative state, we'll be able to carry on an intelligent debate.
I actually have a lot of respect for Chomsky's work in linguistics and semantics....But that borderline genius doesn't transfer to the realm of politics.

Just give it up, Chumlee.
You don't need Chomsky to know what happened in Chile, and the residual effects of what a military dictatorship imposes upon a population. And just wait for the disaster coming down the pipe for Brazil. This will be much worse. This will have world wide ramifications if the total destruction of the rain forest takes place? The world wars from the past will be a joke compared to this dictator if he succeeds in destroying the Amazon.
I know what happened in Chile...Pinochet killed the fuck out of commies, and now it's one of the top five most economically free nations on the planet.

Not too shabby.

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