The Conspiracy is that they are Going to Impeach Biden, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Speaker Pelosi . . .


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
The Conspiracy is that they are Going to Convict Biden, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Speaker Pelosi . . . may be in on the sting. If she is determined to defend Biden, then she is going to wind up in trouble as well; and I do not think she wants any of that when she can keep herself in the innocent column. This was all possibly an agreed upon condition for the processing of the Trump impeachment trial. It was a waste of time and tax money.

Everybody wants to see a president and his henchmen get handcuffed, perp walked, and locked-up. Well, here it comes, and its not going to be Trump. They may run this through the lame duck session, and restore Trump's re-election in time for inauguration. Possible reference from Trump's declaration that Justice Barrett could have been confirmed after the election. And it is possible that Justice Ginsburg refused to retire for Obama, because she was aware of his corruption - supposedly they had a meeting, and she would not budge for him. And don't forget, she avoided support for the Constitution as a good example for developing countries.

Ultimately, it is inevitable that an impeachment conviction of a president-elect, and probable indictment of former executive officers would reveal the inadequacies of the government. This process would then be in an effort to restore your faith in the system, which is faulty and measured by the excessive time interval between the criminal act and indictment.
The Conspiracy is that they are Going to Convict Biden, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Speaker Pelosi . . . may be in on the sting. If she is determined to defend Biden, then she is going to wind up in trouble as well; and I do not think she wants any of that when she can keep herself in the innocent column. This was all possibly an agreed upon condition for the processing of the Trump impeachment trial. It was a waste of time and tax money.

Everybody wants to see a president and his henchmen get handcuffed, perp walked, and locked-up. Well, here it comes, and its not going to be Trump. They may run this through the lame duck session, and restore Trump's re-election in time for inauguration. Possible reference from Trump's declaration that Justice Barrett could have been confirmed after the election. And it is possible that Justice Ginsburg refused to retire for Obama, because she was aware of his corruption - supposedly they had a meeting, and she would not budge for him. And don't forget, she avoided support for the Constitution as a good example for developing countries.

Ultimately, it is inevitable that an impeachment conviction of a president-elect, and probable indictment of former executive officers would reveal the inadequacies of the government. This process would then be in an effort to restore your faith in the system, which is faulty and measured by the excessive time interval between the criminal act and indictment.

Are you drunk?
Little early in the day to be hitting the bottle. But hey, it's 5 O'clock somewhere...out over the Atlantic Ocean. :)
Keep dreaming. Maybe one day you'll wake up and be in Oz.
The people in charge of vote counting in Arizona are saying Trump has won Arizona, and they have told all the media outlets this yet the media refuses to call it for Trump. They are saying they still have a lot of votes to count but 2 to 3 votes out of four so far are for Trump.
Are you drunk?
Little early in the day to be hitting the bottle. But hey, it's 5 O'clock somewhere...out over the Atlantic Ocean. :) Keep dreaming. Maybe one day you'll wake up and be in Oz.
You think Old Joe Biden is innocent of the charges that have been levied over the past six month, or so???
You don't believe the Ukraine deal where Old Joe threatened to cancel the millions of dollars if they did not remove the prosecutor from investigating the corrupt corporation and his favorite son, Hunter? You don't think the laptop recovered is evidence of any wrong doing??? You don't think that they might have been allowing Old Joe to keep going so they can get a bigger conviction just like they do with the small time criminals???

He should have dropped out of the campaign, but he was determined to do a cover-up.

Isn't there a quote of him admitting to setting up the best organized voter fraud scheme???

That may have been a conversion from his campaign people to keep them in the clear.
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Suppose the Hunter Biden laptop is not Hunter's laptop - it's Good Old Uncle Joe's dementia box.
Because drug addicts are not apt to drop off their laptop, much less, forget about it - drug addicts are not that despondent. But an Alzheimer sufferer is possibly so disposed to forget how to work the computer, turn it in to a shop, because they were anxious about opening it, and then forgetting where they left it for service.

Maybe, Joe was using the incriminating information to black mail his own son for the money from the improper foreign corporation arrangements.

Anyway, where is Hunter? Suppose the FBI has put him on the federal criminal protection service. And suppose there is some child porn, and possibly pictures of Malia Obama that have been shown to Mrs. Obama that have kept her quiet since her last denouncing of Trump just before the laptop was brought to light. There is nothing in this post of hers to suggest otherwise - she's inclined to keep the momentum going for them to make their mistakes in the "transition meetings." In fact, the term, "connect," is interesting to the possibility of an impeachment, and subsequent social fallout.

The transition meetings are where the FBI "spies" are deployed to check on the integrity of the transition. And we all know some things about what can be done with that - Joe thinks he is not being played. He thinks he has it all under control, although, he doesn't know where his favorite so is. You know the brilliant advisor to foreign corporations - good guy to have on the team. Why doesn't Joe have him on the team?
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This is what I have been wondering about. The writer describes it as something that Trump will do when in what is probably the truth, outgoing Democrat administrations have done this . . .
. . . expect a slew of pardons — for Trump himself, for his family and staff, for his Cabinet and other officials facing possible charges of corruption and malfeasance. This alone will empower them to act in a reckless fashion, with no possibility of legal backlash, through Jan.19. This group could include the people at several federal agencies carrying out Trump's harsh immigration policies. It could also cover people who violate two laws intended to preserve records, the Federal Records Act and the Presidential Records Act. The desire to cover their tracks by deep-sixing incriminating or embarrassing documents will be strong, from the White House to the State Department to Homeland Security, Commerce and Education.
No doubt in my mind that Obama tried this on Trump, and it appears that Trump may have honored it.

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