The Consumer Dial?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The deformity-sympathy film The Elephant Man introduced audiences to the metaphysical notion that self-presentation and self-image are deeply-ingrained into a human being's perspective on kindness, politics, and even fashion.

Such a message is symbolic for our modern age of vanity-oriented 'etiquette' (e.g., Bazaar, WarGames, Enron, etc.).

It is therefore illuminating to investigate how commerce-gauged politics (e.g., European Union) has affected humanity's perspective on art and storytelling (i.e., Bonnie and Clyde).

In other words, has the modern geo-political (and cultural!) climate created 'consumerism caves'?

That's the hot question for the capitalism-subjective Trump Administration, no?


President Trump was touring Europe and was asked by several reporters about what he thought about Planet Hollywood and the European film Cinema Paradiso. Trump said, "I have no problem with daydreams as long as they are productive!" Trump seemed to approve some of the new fiscal policies and trade-treaty aspirations of the European Union and joked to the British Prime Minister about the symbolic quality of the 'pedestrianism-idealistic' American TV show Friends (about young American cosmos adapting to modern consumerism life). Trump's critics suggested that his administration needed to temper pedagoguery with multiculturalism-economics (the hot new global topic). -The New York Observer



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