The Cost Of Not Backing Hitler

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VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
Soon after Hitler was beaten, the Iron curtain went up across Europe. Just five years after WW II, one American soldier in Korea talked of being attacked by so many communist Chinese that he could have fired a shot blindly in the direction of the enemy and have been sure of hitting one of them. All this despite our having helped the Chinese during WW II. The Chinese did this with the support of the communist Russians. Who we also helped during WW II.

Since then there have been many proxy wars fought against the communists around the world. Vietnam also didn't do our country any good. There were also a couple times when we almost had nuclear war with the Russians. There would have been some cost involved had that happened. Also, the U.S. spent unbelievable amounts of money in the arms race against Russia.

Quite a while ago, I heard that the Chinese had developed a nutron bomb of their own. This probably came about through spying. Or some Chinese "American" scientist thinking that the homeland should have such technology too. The U.S. has more recently spent huge amounts of money on weapons technology. On a news program, they talked about Chinese hackers getting into military computers. Apparently the Chinese were able to get access to most, if not all, of our secret weapons technology. (I say with a sarcastic voice) But don't be racist!

During the Vietnam war, I saw in a documentary that there were some White soldiers who had a confederate flag on their tent. One of the black soldiers said to an officer that if it wasn't taken down, there was going to be trouble. The flag was taken down. That's what happens when you give a gun to a N...... (They really wouldn't have liked the Nazi flag I would have put up) You just can't give rights to negroes without taking them away from Whites. So there's yet another cost.

The Jewish mass media has convinced most White people that being White doesn't matter. They have even managed to get many White people to get a diseased emotional thrill out of supporting some other species of human. Those costs are unbearable. Then there has been all of the cost to the U.S. in fighting crime caused by non-whites. To that end, there have been more Whites killed by non-whites than you could probably spend a couple hours walking along and shaking sticks at.

Then there is the cost of sending so many U.S. jobs to overseas wage slaves. (Because if what you are doesn't matter, why should it matter who gets the jobs) The countries of which have much more lax environmental regulations than we do. Then there is the cost involved of doing nothing really useful from keeping lowlifes from coming over our southern border. Etc. etc. etc. etc. Do you believe all the costs of not backing Hitler were worth it? If so, tell me your brainwashed lies.
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So, what? Were we supposed to back Nazi Germany as countless innocents were murdered?
So, what? Were we supposed to back Nazi Germany as countless innocents were murdered?
Yes. That is if you want to consider hindsight as being useful. Also, Stalin caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death. That alone should have caused the U.S. to at least not support Stalin.
cultsmasher, I feel sorry for you. Please let us let the 'race card' die. And finally.
cultsmasher, I feel sorry for you. Please let us let the 'race card' die. And finally.
The "race card" will never die. It is part of what we are. Also, it is better to play it against others than have others play it against you. Because in the fight for survival, others will use any weapon they can against you. Including your own empathy.
Dude, you really should stop. Asking us to support a group who murdered millions of people is like asking God to submit to the Devil. Not gonna happen. As for you, reality is something furthest from you. We will always thank the allies for bombing Hitler and his cronies into the stone age.
Cultsmasher, tell us definitively whether or not you support murder.

Do you not think murder is wrong?
Dude, you really should stop. Asking us to support a group who murdered millions of people is like asking God to submit to the Devil. Not gonna happen. As for you, reality is something furthest from you. We will always thank the allies for bombing Hitler and his cronies into the stone age.
As I told other people, Stalin starved up to 10 million Ukrianians to death. It would take a good hystorian to say what other atrocities he was guilty of. To the contrary of what you say, Hitler would have been on a higher moral plateau to bomb the U. S. into the stone age for supporting Stalin.
Cultsmasher, tell us definitively whether or not you support murder.

Do you not think murder is wrong?
To find out EXACTLY what I think is right or wrong, read my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test." If you want to find out further EXACTLY what I think is right or wrong, read my replies to the various questions people asked me about it. Though getting back to the topic at hand, as they say, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Soon after Hitler was beaten, the Iron curtain went up across Europe. Just five years after WW II, one American soldier in Korea talked of being attacked by so many communist Chinese that he could have fired a shot blindly in the direction of the enemy and have been sure of hitting one of them. All this despite our having helped the Chinese during WW II. The Chinese did this with the support of the communist Russians. Who we also helped during WW II.

Since then there have been many proxy wars fought against the communists around the world. Vietnam also didn't do our country any good. There were also a couple times when we almost had nuclear war with the Russians. There would have been some cost involved had that happened. Also, the U.S. spent unbelievable amounts of money in the arms race against Russia.

Quite a while ago, I heard that the Chinese had developed a nutron bomb of their own. This probably came about through spying. Or some Chinese "American" scientist thinking that the homeland should have such technology too. The U.S. has more recently spent huge amounts of money on weapons technology. On a news program, they talked about Chinese hackers getting into military computers. Apparently the Chinese were able to get access to most, if not all, of our secret weapons technology. (I say with a sarcastic voice) But don't be racist!

During the Vietnam war, I saw in a documentary that there were some White soldiers who had a confederate flag on their tent. One of the black soldiers said to an officer that if it wasn't taken down, there was going to be trouble. The flag was taken down. That's what happens when you give a gun to a N...... (They really wouldn't have liked the Nazi flag I would have put up) You just can't give rights to negroes without taking them away from Whites. So there's yet another cost.

The Jewish mass media has convinced most White people that being White doesn't matter. They have even managed to get many White people to get a diseased emotional thrill out of supporting some other species of human. Those costs are unbearable. Then there has been all of the cost to the U.S. in fighting crime caused by non-whites. To that end, there have been more Whites killed by non-whites than you could probably spend a couple hours walking along and shaking sticks at.

Then there is the cost of sending so many U.S. jobs to overseas wage slaves. (Because if what you are doesn't matter, why should it matter who gets the jobs) The countries of which have much more lax environmental regulations than we do. Then there is the cost involved of doing nothing really useful from keeping lowlifes from coming over our southern border. Etc. etc. etc. etc. Do you believe all the costs of not backing Hitler were worth it? If so, tell me your brainwashed lies.

"Quite a while ago, I heard that the Chinese had developed a nutron bomb of their own"

Hmmm... that there nutron bomb sounds dangerous to people of your ilk.
Cultsmasher is a penis guzzling idiot. And so is anyone who takes him even the least bit seriously after this post. You've been warned.
Soon after Hitler was beaten, the Iron curtain went up across Europe. Just five years after WW II, one American soldier in Korea talked of being attacked by so many communist Chinese that he could have fired a shot blindly in the direction of the enemy and have been sure of hitting one of them. All this despite our having helped the Chinese during WW II. The Chinese did this with the support of the communist Russians. Who we also helped during WW II.

Since then there have been many proxy wars fought against the communists around the world. Vietnam also didn't do our country any good. There were also a couple times when we almost had nuclear war with the Russians. There would have been some cost involved had that happened. Also, the U.S. spent unbelievable amounts of money in the arms race against Russia.

Quite a while ago, I heard that the Chinese had developed a nutron bomb of their own. This probably came about through spying. Or some Chinese "American" scientist thinking that the homeland should have such technology too. The U.S. has more recently spent huge amounts of money on weapons technology. On a news program, they talked about Chinese hackers getting into military computers. Apparently the Chinese were able to get access to most, if not all, of our secret weapons technology. (I say with a sarcastic voice) But don't be racist!

During the Vietnam war, I saw in a documentary that there were some White soldiers who had a confederate flag on their tent. One of the black soldiers said to an officer that if it wasn't taken down, there was going to be trouble. The flag was taken down. That's what happens when you give a gun to a N...... (They really wouldn't have liked the Nazi flag I would have put up) You just can't give rights to negroes without taking them away from Whites. So there's yet another cost.

The Jewish mass media has convinced most White people that being White doesn't matter. They have even managed to get many White people to get a diseased emotional thrill out of supporting some other species of human. Those costs are unbearable. Then there has been all of the cost to the U.S. in fighting crime caused by non-whites. To that end, there have been more Whites killed by non-whites than you could probably spend a couple hours walking along and shaking sticks at.

Then there is the cost of sending so many U.S. jobs to overseas wage slaves. (Because if what you are doesn't matter, why should it matter who gets the jobs) The countries of which have much more lax environmental regulations than we do. Then there is the cost involved of doing nothing really useful from keeping lowlifes from coming over our southern border. Etc. etc. etc. etc. Do you believe all the costs of not backing Hitler were worth it? If so, tell me your brainwashed lies.

"Quite a while ago, I heard that the Chinese had developed a nutron bomb of their own"

Hmmm... that there nutron bomb sounds dangerous to people of your ilk.
Looking at Chinese history and what they're up to today,yes, their having the nutron bomb does bother me. It would bother anybody not willing to bend over and smear K-Y jelly on their ass.
cultsmasher, I feel sorry for you. Please let us let the 'race card' die. And finally.
The "race card" will never die. It is part of what we are. Also, it is better to play it against others than have others play it against you. Because in the fight for survival, others will use any weapon they can against you. Including your own empathy.

Again, I truly feel sorry for you; sorry that someone came along and twisted your mind so. For any one human being to pre judge another human being solely based upon the others' race, creed or religion is something that we as a nation; and even as a world, should have been done with many many years ago. And as for this country, it should have had a definite end in Nov 2008.

On the other hand, I do feel some of your pain. We have the Miss America contest and then Miss Black America contest. We have Black History Month. Could we have a White Miss America or a White History month? No. Because then the whites would be racists; oh but wait, to listen to some, whites are already inherently racist; and to listen to you, your posts enforce that opinion.

[bad joke]As for me, I am not a racist, after all I own a color TV[/bad joke]
Cultsmasher, tell us definitively whether or not you support murder.

Do you not think murder is wrong?
To find out EXACTLY what I think is right or wrong, read my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test." If you want to find out further EXACTLY what I think is right or wrong, read my replies to the various questions people asked me about it. Though getting back to the topic at hand, as they say, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Nice deflection. Why not actually answer the question in THIS thread?
Yes. I think it was worth it. Subscribing to your posts logic, hell yes. We have had run of the table since the surrenders of the Axis power. We have being dealing with the world from a position of strength. It is always better to deal from strength then weakness (obviously)

You do make a point on Stalins account. He was worse then Hitler in many ways. However war makes for strange bed fellows. Look at Syria.

If you look at from a economic stand point it even becomes even more clearer that it benefited our Nation.

As far as the white race, well we have been programmed not think in terms of race, all the while pretending it does not matter. I am all for our race as I advocate the other races and pride in themselves. Due to our nations history and the absolute highjacking of it by the political correctness crowd. It will die in historical terms a quick death. Most everyone knows that Political correctness is bullshit as it keeps honesty to minimum.

As far as "white power" we already have that, though like I said we have been programmed not to acknowledge it or act as if it does not matter. Again, PC keeps honesty to a minimum so in historical terms, it will die almost as quickly as it came. Most races who have become apart of the American system do not advocate "white power" and some in our own race feel embarrassed by it, being that it has to acknowledge the sometimes ruthless nature of Americas roots and the dichotomy it represents. Much like the Allies who felt that braking up the germanic tribes so that they could not ever again cause a war, many among our own nation feel the same way about our own race. Their reason(s) may seem justified or are justified, that is a matter of debate

As with most nations, it has its roots in blood and exploitation. I am not ashamed of my nations past, it is a simple representation of Nature itself. Cold, ruthless and only the strong will survive. Will we as the human race progress? Given enough time, of course we will. There will be a day when it comes, it is not this day or any day anytime soon, but I am sure it will come.
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cultsmasher, I feel sorry for you. Please let us let the 'race card' die. And finally.
The "race card" will never die. It is part of what we are. Also, it is better to play it against others than have others play it against you. Because in the fight for survival, others will use any weapon they can against you. Including your own empathy.

Again, I truly feel sorry for you; sorry that someone came along and twisted your mind so. For any one human being to pre judge another human being solely based upon the others' race, creed or religion is something that we as a nation; and even as a world, should have been done with many many years ago. And as for this country, it should have had a definite end in Nov 2008.

On the other hand, I do feel some of your pain. We have the Miss America contest and then Miss Black America contest. We have Black History Month. Could we have a White Miss America or a White History month? No. Because then the whites would be racists; oh but wait, to listen to some, whites are already inherently racist; and to listen to you, your posts enforce that opinion.

[bad joke]As for me, I am not a racist, after all I own a color TV[/bad joke]
Usually I don't talk to filthy Jews. But you're so stupid, I can't help but amuse myself. First of all, nothing or nobody "twisted" my mind except for the truth. A very tiny part of that truth is that "racism" exists for a reason. Only a traitorous fool and lowlife would deny it. Also, ever hear of the Mexican group called "La Raza?" It means "The Race."
If you read my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," you would know that and more. Such as despite La Raza being a racist group, between Bill Gates and the U.S. government, they received over 10 million dollars. If you really want an education, read all of my threads on this topic and my replies to all of the "Whitie" haters. One you should find particularly interesting is, "Is the White Species Superior" and "Is the White Species Superior, Part 2."
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