The country demonizes the military and police and denigrates manual laborers while Antifa is praised and our country is undermined.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
People want to defund the military and police that protect our country. "Mostly peaceful" rioters attack cops with rocks, hammers, and explosives and the police are criticized for defending themselves with tear gas and pepper spray. Protestors ask who the police protect and serve. Seventy-two police officers died at the site of the twin towers terrorist attack and about 150 die every year in the line of duty in this country at the hands of "mostly peaceful" criminals. I call that protecting and serving.

These police officers at the site of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are what people want to defund and some have even talked of eliminating.


Police officer Mike Brennan helps a distraught woman known only as Beverly, as ash and debris cover the area following the collapse of 1 World Trade Center. (Photo by Corey Sipkin/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)


Police Officer Christopher Amoroso shortly before he went back into #2 World Trade Center and was killed in the collapse. (Photo by Todd Maisel/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)



Don't you think it's time to discuss issues instead of just making up weepy stories about Democrats?

Sure, you can keep up the victimhood stories, but it's causing Republicans to get slaughtered in the polling. Americans dislike wimps, and Republicans are acting like the ultimate wimps.
Don't you think it's time to discuss issues instead of just making up weepy stories about Democrats?

Sure, you can keep up the victimhood stories, but it's causing Republicans to get slaughtered in the polling. Americans dislike wimps, and Republicans are acting like the ultimate wimps.

I see no logical reason for Americans to further discuss issues with Democrats.
Don't you think it's time to discuss issues instead of just making up weepy stories about Democrats?

Sure, you can keep up the victimhood stories, but it's causing Republicans to get slaughtered in the polling. Americans dislike wimps, and Republicans are acting like the ultimate wimps.

Let's do that—discuss the "issues". You are the enemy of America and all human civilization. Discussion over.
Don't you think it's time to discuss issues instead of just making up weepy stories about Democrats?

Sure, you can keep up the victimhood stories, but it's causing Republicans to get slaughtered in the polling. Americans dislike wimps, and Republicans are acting like the ultimate wimps.
Only in your mind, Snowflake.
Let's do that—discuss the "issues". You are the enemy of America and all human civilization. Discussion over.

You've been pushing that commie lie for months. As a result, you're getting asswhupped in the pollls. The nation knows you're lying for the glory of your Stalinist cult.

See you after the election, little commies. I'll be here, win or lose.
No question that Antifa is equivalent to the NAZI Brownshirts!!

No surprise here as a NAZI War Criminal is their top supporter.

WASHINGTON, DC: George Soros has given Black Lives Matter and the Antifa related revolutionary movement more than $100 million dollars. The Soros run Open Society Foundations is on record with giving Black Lives Matter $33 million dollars this year alone. This is in concert with an array of funding for a variety of Democrat and DNC related left-wing groups across the country.
Don't you think it's time to discuss issues instead of just making up weepy stories about Democrats?

Sure, you can keep up the victimhood stories, but it's causing Republicans to get slaughtered in the polling. Americans dislike wimps, and Republicans are acting like the ultimate wimps.

I am discussing the issue by expressing my disagreement with anyone minimizing the destructive and counter-productive nature of the riots and the demonization of the police by disingenuous political activists waiting to pounce on any bad apple they can find.

Don't you think it's time to discuss issues instead of just making up weepy stories about Democrats?

Sure, you can keep up the victimhood stories, but it's causing Republicans to get slaughtered in the polling. Americans dislike wimps, and Republicans are acting like the ultimate wimps.
were you wearing a vagina hat when you posted your bullshit retort ?
Let's do that—discuss the "issues". You are the enemy of America and all human civilization. Discussion over.

You've been pushing that commie lie for months. As a result, you're getting asswhupped in the pollls. The nation knows you're lying for the glory of your Stalinist cult.

See you after the election, little commies. I'll be here, win or lose.
and you will be loser no matter who wins.
People want to defund the military and police that protect our country. "Mostly peaceful" rioters attack cops with rocks, hammers, and explosives and the police are criticized for defending themselves with tear gas and pepper spray. Protestors ask who the police protect and serve. Seventy-two police officers died at the site of the twin towers terrorist attack and about 150 die every year in the line of duty in this country at the hands of "mostly peaceful" criminals. I call that protecting and serving.

These police officers at the site of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are what people want to defund and some have even talked of eliminating.

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Police officer Mike Brennan helps a distraught woman known only as Beverly, as ash and debris cover the area following the collapse of 1 World Trade Center. (Photo by Corey Sipkin/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)

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Police Officer Christopher Amoroso shortly before he went back into #2 World Trade Center and was killed in the collapse. (Photo by Todd Maisel/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)

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RandomPoster, one must remember that the following Political Identity Tags(PIT's), Communalism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Anarchism, are all different sects of the same parent "Statist Left" religious based cult. Cults are heavily stepped in GROUPTHINK(followers). It's no secret that the "Groupies" of the Groupthink cults are heavily fueled on narcissism which is WHY they appear to be elitist in mentality(Hollywood crowd etc) & do not seem to be rational in thought. Once a person willfully discards individual logical thought it's then all over for that person. Just the way it is.
Don't you think it's time to discuss issues instead of just making up weepy stories about Democrats?

Sure, you can keep up the victimhood stories, but it's causing Republicans to get slaughtered in the polling. Americans dislike wimps, and Republicans are acting like the ultimate wimps.

You mean, discuss the issues YOU want to talk about.

What about defunding the police do you not consider to be an issue? Jack Ass Democrats all over the country are demanding the police be defunded. Why? because they all have victim stories.
You want to see a room full of wimps ? go back and watch the Barr hearing one more time. Democrat senators unable to let someone speak because he would destroy every one of their points.
Republicans wanted all those brave firemen dead. They simply REFUSED to provide money for their healthcare after 9/11.

Jon Stewart tried his best to shame them, and was barely successful at that. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing.

Many of them died because of this.

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