The cultivation of a dependent, needy beggar mentality...Is this American?

this comment proves youre just another kool aid drinker indoctrinated in the group think,,,

I’m asking you to enlighten my rational logic getting in the way of you doing so?

I did,,its just that you prefer a big government solution instead of freedom,,, did not.
Like all Libertarians you drop some really neat sounding words and catch phrases...the problem is; unfortunately, they are unrealistic for our current citizenry and they pretty much stand alone within the skeleton group.

I'm not a libertarian,,,

I didn’t say you were.

then why did you say I voted for gary johnson??/
What Republican policies push or perpetuate taxpayer dependency?

we can start with all the welfare programs and work are way up to the subsidies given to specific business's,,,

Do you see ‘welfare’ going away..,have Republicans expanded on welfare? Have they proposed expansion?
Informed taxpayers support the notion of investing in commerce or “subsidizing” businesses as there are clear returns on said investments.
Long ago the U.S. government adopted the role of inducing economic growth through such public investments...Do not make the ignorant assumption made by the Leftarded fools among us...Investing in commerce is not synonymous with investing in ShaQuita and Guadalupe.

this comment proves youre just another kool aid drinker indoctrinated in the group think,,,

I’m asking you to enlighten my rational logic getting in the way of you doing so?

I did,,its just that you prefer a big government solution instead of freedom,,,
you're going to vote for bernie and you have the balls to say less government? son, you should be ashamed for looking so stupid.
we can start with all the welfare programs and work are way up to the subsidies given to specific business's,,,

Do you see ‘welfare’ going away..,have Republicans expanded on welfare? Have they proposed expansion?
Informed taxpayers support the notion of investing in commerce or “subsidizing” businesses as there are clear returns on said investments.
Long ago the U.S. government adopted the role of inducing economic growth through such public investments...Do not make the ignorant assumption made by the Leftarded fools among us...Investing in commerce is not synonymous with investing in ShaQuita and Guadalupe.

this comment proves youre just another kool aid drinker indoctrinated in the group think,,,

I’m asking you to enlighten my rational logic getting in the way of you doing so?

I did,,its just that you prefer a big government solution instead of freedom,,,
you're going to vote for bernie and you have the balls to say less government? son, you should be ashamed for looking so stupid.

when did I say I was going to vote for him???
Do you see ‘welfare’ going away..,have Republicans expanded on welfare? Have they proposed expansion?
Informed taxpayers support the notion of investing in commerce or “subsidizing” businesses as there are clear returns on said investments.
Long ago the U.S. government adopted the role of inducing economic growth through such public investments...Do not make the ignorant assumption made by the Leftarded fools among us...Investing in commerce is not synonymous with investing in ShaQuita and Guadalupe.

this comment proves youre just another kool aid drinker indoctrinated in the group think,,,

I’m asking you to enlighten my rational logic getting in the way of you doing so?

I did,,its just that you prefer a big government solution instead of freedom,,,
you're going to vote for bernie and you have the balls to say less government? son, you should be ashamed for looking so stupid.

when did I say I was going to vote for him???
while you were implying it?
this comment proves youre just another kool aid drinker indoctrinated in the group think,,,

I’m asking you to enlighten my rational logic getting in the way of you doing so?

I did,,its just that you prefer a big government solution instead of freedom,,,
you're going to vote for bernie and you have the balls to say less government? son, you should be ashamed for looking so stupid.

when did I say I was going to vote for him???
while you were implying it?

so by slamming big government you got that I was going to vote for bernie???

that makes you a fucking idiot,,,
Is this just another sinister attempt to assault and morph traditional American values into something more fitting for the new recruits from foreign nations?
Could a politician have sold such bullshit in old REAL AMERICA?

dems and repubes have been pushing dependency of the american people on government longer than I've been alive,,,

this is nothing new ,,its just the next stage,,,

What Republican policies push or perpetuate taxpayer dependency?
Corporate welfare bailouts and the military/industrial complex.

But, your point is well taken.


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