The Current US Russian Administrations secretary ROSS & Putin family leaked files!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out in leaked files
Commerce Secretary’s Offshore Ties to Putin ‘Cronies’

Dang! Russia does run America now.
Under The Great Douche Administration.
Thanks, DOPers!

Let's just bring all Douche Cabinet members back to lie more to Congress. AGAIN!

Gee.. Mueller got so many targets to attach to
Douche & Russia-Gate.

Gee! Nine Months in, Could we have 5 indictments of the Great Douche Administration BEST PEOPLES?

I see some possibilities of 8 plus, by years end.

DANG!? The Douche can Pick'Em!

btw. I say Focus on Jared and Douche Jr. And throw in SKANK Ivanka as a co-conspirator.

YEP! That be a nice 8!

Hey? Where's the VP here? We need his spews!
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These files are going to be GREAT!
Huge new leak reveals how wealthy & powerful, including Queen's private estate, invest offshore Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed#ParadisePapers

Massive tax haven data leak reveals financial secrets of world's wealthy — from Queen to Russian oligarchs

Lock them UP!

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