The dangerous message Speaker Pelosi is sending to women......

I don't think that this is a matter of gender. What Pelosi says is immaterial.

The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998 contains "shall" language:

Unpacking the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Complaint

Turning over this complaint to Congress is mandatory. There is no wiggle-room.

Moscow mitch has been very weak on doing what's best for the country. Dubya was a complete screw up. The orange whore is even worse. Should I vow never to vote for another male?
Before you decide, consider this-whistle blowers are snitches at heart and nobody likes a snitch. Dozens of other people on both sides heard the phone call and only one person is concerned? Does not smell right. The wiggle room is "Don't waste our time". Especially if Adam (the mole)Schiff is involved. Mitch has been terrific in pursuing HIS goals. W was a perfect idiot, but nobody's perfect, and DT is better than you think or could acknowledge. As far as not voting for a male? If I was a female, I would not vote until a female was at least VP on a ticket. I did vote Mondale-Ferraro. The only way to show parties you mean business is to withhold your vote.

Maybe only one person was brave enough to file a report. Be that as it may, the black-letter law specifies the limit of seven days to turn the complaint over to Congress.

The orange whore is just a slob, ignorant and bombastic. Why would I keep on voting for males, with all these fuck-ups who have descended on Washington; the pigpences, the mcconnells, etc. I have concerns about the intelligence community, foreign policy, the alienation of our allies, the sabre-rattling, the environment, reproductive rights, the executive branch's unseemly involvement with sectarian religious cults, as well as other issues. I am preparing to show the parties I mean business. I will vote for a white straight male, as long as he is a Democrat. Just walk away.
I don't think that this is a matter of gender. What Pelosi says is immaterial.

The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998 contains "shall" language:

Unpacking the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Complaint

Turning over this complaint to Congress is mandatory. There is no wiggle-room.

Moscow mitch has been very weak on doing what's best for the country. Dubya was a complete screw up. The orange whore is even worse. Should I vow never to vote for another male?
Before you decide, consider this-whistle blowers are snitches at heart and nobody likes a snitch. Dozens of other people on both sides heard the phone call and only one person is concerned? Does not smell right. The wiggle room is "Don't waste our time". Especially if Adam (the mole)Schiff is involved. Mitch has been terrific in pursuing HIS goals. W was a perfect idiot, but nobody's perfect, and DT is better than you think or could acknowledge. As far as not voting for a male? If I was a female, I would not vote until a female was at least VP on a ticket. I did vote Mondale-Ferraro. The only way to show parties you mean business is to withhold your vote.

Maybe only one person was brave enough to file a report. Be that as it may, the black-letter law specifies the limit of seven days to turn the complaint over to Congress.

The orange whore is just a slob, ignorant and bombastic. Why would I keep on voting for males, with all these fuck-ups who have descended on Washington; the pigpences, the mcconnells, etc. I have concerns about the intelligence community, foreign policy, the alienation of our allies, the sabre-rattling, the environment, reproductive rights, the executive branch's unseemly involvement with sectarian religious cults, as well as other issues. I am preparing to show the parties I mean business. I will vote for a white straight male, as long as he is a Democrat. Just walk away.
Wow! If people thought there was a problem they would come forward because the door is open-they don't need courage, and it all sounds more like revenge or sour grapes. Congress has shown they don't deserve any courtesies including legal ones-make them wait. The rest I won't debate you-would take too much time, but calling Trump names only shows you are triggered in some fashion and unable to discuss him fairly.
I don't think that this is a matter of gender. What Pelosi says is immaterial.

The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998 contains "shall" language:

Unpacking the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Complaint

Turning over this complaint to Congress is mandatory. There is no wiggle-room.

Moscow mitch has been very weak on doing what's best for the country. Dubya was a complete screw up. The orange whore is even worse. Should I vow never to vote for another male?
Before you decide, consider this-whistle blowers are snitches at heart and nobody likes a snitch. Dozens of other people on both sides heard the phone call and only one person is concerned? Does not smell right. The wiggle room is "Don't waste our time". Especially if Adam (the mole)Schiff is involved. Mitch has been terrific in pursuing HIS goals. W was a perfect idiot, but nobody's perfect, and DT is better than you think or could acknowledge. As far as not voting for a male? If I was a female, I would not vote until a female was at least VP on a ticket. I did vote Mondale-Ferraro. The only way to show parties you mean business is to withhold your vote.

Maybe only one person was brave enough to file a report. Be that as it may, the black-letter law specifies the limit of seven days to turn the complaint over to Congress.

The orange whore is just a slob, ignorant and bombastic. Why would I keep on voting for males, with all these fuck-ups who have descended on Washington; the pigpences, the mcconnells, etc. I have concerns about the intelligence community, foreign policy, the alienation of our allies, the sabre-rattling, the environment, reproductive rights, the executive branch's unseemly involvement with sectarian religious cults, as well as other issues. I am preparing to show the parties I mean business. I will vote for a white straight male, as long as he is a Democrat. Just walk away.
What we have is a total split on what the direction our nation should take. And the side you hate has even been accommodating. To impeach for the sake of impeaching is of moronic partisanship. Based on the most historic loss in American history. What is worse is that the Progs keep throwing nasty chemicals into the ointment and causing people to get violent. I would believe Progs but every time they need resources it comes from the peasants. And those peasants not in privileged employment or privileged groups pay the most.
Is the Speaker suffering from health problems? She seems to be hiding most of the time. Apparently she lives a couple of blocks from a sea of homeless and she doesn't seem to notice.
I see you've gone into that "women are weak, women are ill" playbook again.
The biggest move in American history, Pelosi and all democrats can achieve is finally doing what is politically correct and impeaching not doing so, Pelosi is proving that women are indeed weak on doing what is unpopular and what is right....I will not vote a female in 2020 bc of her and Collins who are basically cowards....I've yet to see one woman in this country stand firm and do what is not popular but do it because its right and not apologize for it later.
I admire Collins for her unpopular decision about Kavanaugh. I admire Pelosi for her resistance to noise. Impeachment is a revenge dream for those who hate Trump, but it will serve no useful purpose. It would fail, it would prevent other IMPORTANT legislation from moving forward, and if it did succeed, Pence would be President. Ole Mikey would pass a law that no woman could be alone by herself. Feel like being chaperoned?

Displaying massive ignorance of how things work. Presidents don't write laws.
Is the Speaker suffering from health problems? She seems to be hiding most of the time. Apparently she lives a couple of blocks from a sea of homeless and she doesn't seem to notice.
I see you've gone into that "women are weak, women are ill" playbook again.
The biggest move in American history, Pelosi and all democrats can achieve is finally doing what is politically correct and impeaching not doing so, Pelosi is proving that women are indeed weak on doing what is unpopular and what is right....I will not vote a female in 2020 bc of her and Collins who are basically cowards....I've yet to see one woman in this country stand firm and do what is not popular but do it because its right and not apologize for it later.
I admire Collins for her unpopular decision about Kavanaugh. I admire Pelosi for her resistance to noise. Impeachment is a revenge dream for those who hate Trump, but it will serve no useful purpose. It would fail, it would prevent other IMPORTANT legislation from moving forward, and if it did succeed, Pence would be President. Ole Mikey would pass a law that no woman could be alone by herself. Feel like being chaperoned?

Displaying massive ignorance of how things work. Presidents don't write laws.
Really-look at the nonsense I wrote-did you believe it?
Is the Speaker suffering from health problems? She seems to be hiding most of the time. Apparently she lives a couple of blocks from a sea of homeless and she doesn't seem to notice.
I see you've gone into that "women are weak, women are ill" playbook again.
The biggest move in American history, Pelosi and all democrats can achieve is finally doing what is politically correct and impeaching not doing so, Pelosi is proving that women are indeed weak on doing what is unpopular and what is right....I will not vote a female in 2020 bc of her and Collins who are basically cowards....I've yet to see one woman in this country stand firm and do what is not popular but do it because its right and not apologize for it later.
I admire Collins for her unpopular decision about Kavanaugh. I admire Pelosi for her resistance to noise. Impeachment is a revenge dream for those who hate Trump, but it will serve no useful purpose. It would fail, it would prevent other IMPORTANT legislation from moving forward, and if it did succeed, Pence would be President. Ole Mikey would pass a law that no woman could be alone by herself. Feel like being chaperoned?

Displaying massive ignorance of how things work. Presidents don't write laws.
Really-look at the nonsense I wrote-did you believe it?

Nope. I took you serious. Mistake.
I don't think that this is a matter of gender. What Pelosi says is immaterial.

The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998 contains "shall" language:

Unpacking the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Complaint

Turning over this complaint to Congress is mandatory. There is no wiggle-room.

Moscow mitch has been very weak on doing what's best for the country. Dubya was a complete screw up. The orange whore is even worse. Should I vow never to vote for another male?
Before you decide, consider this-whistle blowers are snitches at heart and nobody likes a snitch. Dozens of other people on both sides heard the phone call and only one person is concerned? Does not smell right. The wiggle room is "Don't waste our time". Especially if Adam (the mole)Schiff is involved. Mitch has been terrific in pursuing HIS goals. W was a perfect idiot, but nobody's perfect, and DT is better than you think or could acknowledge. As far as not voting for a male? If I was a female, I would not vote until a female was at least VP on a ticket. I did vote Mondale-Ferraro. The only way to show parties you mean business is to withhold your vote.

Maybe only one person was brave enough to file a report. Be that as it may, the black-letter law specifies the limit of seven days to turn the complaint over to Congress.

The orange whore is just a slob, ignorant and bombastic. Why would I keep on voting for males, with all these fuck-ups who have descended on Washington; the pigpences, the mcconnells, etc. I have concerns about the intelligence community, foreign policy, the alienation of our allies, the sabre-rattling, the environment, reproductive rights, the executive branch's unseemly involvement with sectarian religious cults, as well as other issues. I am preparing to show the parties I mean business. I will vote for a white straight male, as long as he is a Democrat. Just walk away.

Is the Speaker suffering from health problems? She seems to be hiding most of the time. Apparently she lives a couple of blocks from a sea of homeless and she doesn't seem to notice.
I see you've gone into that "women are weak, women are ill" playbook again.
The biggest move in American history, Pelosi and all democrats can achieve is finally doing what is politically correct and impeaching not doing so, Pelosi is proving that women are indeed weak on doing what is unpopular and what is right....I will not vote a female in 2020 bc of her and Collins who are basically cowards....I've yet to see one woman in this country stand firm and do what is not popular but do it because its right and not apologize for it later.
I admire Collins for her unpopular decision about Kavanaugh. I admire Pelosi for her resistance to noise. Impeachment is a revenge dream for those who hate Trump, but it will serve no useful purpose. It would fail, it would prevent other IMPORTANT legislation from moving forward, and if it did succeed, Pence would be President. Ole Mikey would pass a law that no woman could be alone by herself. Feel like being chaperoned?
Women need to be chaperoned. It will cut down on their lies.
For months, we along with the democratic controlled congress waiting like little children for the old man, grandpa Mueller to save us all from Trump and his madness and we all know how that turned out, Trump is guilty, but its not my call, its the congress Pelosi again was looked upon to make a move on impeachment. Meanwhile, Trump sensing her weakness has literally went on a catch me if you can mission to completely demoralize not only the house, but our country and its constitution, just begging Nancy to do something, well the something is here....
Whistleblower’s Complaint Is Make Or Break Moment On Impeachment
Democrats have big questions to answer related to Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president.

2018 the american people thought they were sending a message to the nation and to the Trump administration, that checks and balances are now in place and oversight is coming....that was then, this is now and what we now have is a female leader, the 3rd most powerful person in the nation, worrying about her house leadership role, worrying about her job, worrying about perception, doing everything possible through the courts to ride this thing out until the 2020 elections. She's even went so far as to ask the american people to just "pray" for Trump and has promised to re write legislation for future presidents that go mad like this moron....really Nancy????????.

What she is doing, is proving that women, just like the men are not willing to stand for what is right, stand up to a corrupt president and lead, can we expect this from a Warren, a Harris??? That their jobs are more important than the overwhelming evidence of corruption? Wanting to give women a chance, is just not working out and Pelosi and GOP Susan has proven my points...we are all the same...damn!!!!!

Your thoughts?

Nancy needs to stand down and let The Squad lead!
For months, we along with the democratic controlled congress waiting like little children for the old man, grandpa Mueller to save us all from Trump and his madness and we all know how that turned out, Trump is guilty, but its not my call, its the congress Pelosi again was looked upon to make a move on impeachment. Meanwhile, Trump sensing her weakness has literally went on a catch me if you can mission to completely demoralize not only the house, but our country and its constitution, just begging Nancy to do something, well the something is here....
Whistleblower’s Complaint Is Make Or Break Moment On Impeachment
Democrats have big questions to answer related to Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president.

2018 the american people thought they were sending a message to the nation and to the Trump administration, that checks and balances are now in place and oversight is coming....that was then, this is now and what we now have is a female leader, the 3rd most powerful person in the nation, worrying about her house leadership role, worrying about her job, worrying about perception, doing everything possible through the courts to ride this thing out until the 2020 elections. She's even went so far as to ask the american people to just "pray" for Trump and has promised to re write legislation for future presidents that go mad like this moron....really Nancy????????.

What she is doing, is proving that women, just like the men are not willing to stand for what is right, stand up to a corrupt president and lead, can we expect this from a Warren, a Harris??? That their jobs are more important than the overwhelming evidence of corruption? Wanting to give women a chance, is just not working out and Pelosi and GOP Susan has proven my points...we are all the same...damn!!!!!

Your thoughts?

I think you're still butthurt...:11_2_1043:There, there, that better now? :21:
Is the Speaker suffering from health problems? She seems to be hiding most of the time. Apparently she lives a couple of blocks from a sea of homeless and she doesn't seem to notice.
I see you've gone into that "women are weak, women are ill" playbook again.
The biggest move in American history, Pelosi and all democrats can achieve is finally doing what is politically correct and impeaching not doing so, Pelosi is proving that women are indeed weak on doing what is unpopular and what is right....I will not vote a female in 2020 bc of her and Collins who are basically cowards....I've yet to see one woman in this country stand firm and do what is not popular but do it because its right and not apologize for it later.
I admire Collins for her unpopular decision about Kavanaugh. I admire Pelosi for her resistance to noise. Impeachment is a revenge dream for those who hate Trump, but it will serve no useful purpose. It would fail, it would prevent other IMPORTANT legislation from moving forward, and if it did succeed, Pence would be President. Ole Mikey would pass a law that no woman could be alone by herself. Feel like being chaperoned?
Women need to be chaperoned. It will cut down on their lies.
Oh and so agree and that orange bitch with a penis in the white, needs not only a chaperone, but a straight jacket and mouth muzzle.
Triggered59 threads are the best. At least she actually says what leftwingers really are thinking, that President Trump is owning them and they are depressed about it.
For months, we along with the democratic controlled congress waiting like little children for the old man, grandpa Mueller to save us all from Trump and his madness and we all know how that turned out, Trump is guilty, but its not my call, its the congress Pelosi again was looked upon to make a move on impeachment. Meanwhile, Trump sensing her weakness has literally went on a catch me if you can mission to completely demoralize not only the house, but our country and its constitution, just begging Nancy to do something, well the something is here....
Whistleblower’s Complaint Is Make Or Break Moment On Impeachment
Democrats have big questions to answer related to Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president.

2018 the american people thought they were sending a message to the nation and to the Trump administration, that checks and balances are now in place and oversight is coming....that was then, this is now and what we now have is a female leader, the 3rd most powerful person in the nation, worrying about her house leadership role, worrying about her job, worrying about perception, doing everything possible through the courts to ride this thing out until the 2020 elections. She's even went so far as to ask the american people to just "pray" for Trump and has promised to re write legislation for future presidents that go mad like this moron....really Nancy????????.

What she is doing, is proving that women, just like the men are not willing to stand for what is right, stand up to a corrupt president and lead, can we expect this from a Warren, a Harris??? That their jobs are more important than the overwhelming evidence of corruption? Wanting to give women a chance, is just not working out and Pelosi and GOP Susan has proven my points...we are all the same...damn!!!!!

Your thoughts?

I think you're still butthurt...:11_2_1043:There, there, that better now? :21:
Oh and so agree and that orange bitch with a penis in the white, needs not only a chaperone, but a straight jacket and mouth muzzle.

No, there is no 'orange bitch with a penis in the 'white.' You could be referring to the last regime where we had a 'black bitch with a penis' in the 'white' though.
Last edited:

He did not cheat the first time-I think the Democrats did with illegal vote in California
Is the Speaker suffering from health problems? She seems to be hiding most of the time. Apparently she lives a couple of blocks from a sea of homeless and she doesn't seem to notice.
I see you've gone into that "women are weak, women are ill" playbook again.
The biggest move in American history, Pelosi and all democrats can achieve is finally doing what is politically correct and impeaching not doing so, Pelosi is proving that women are indeed weak on doing what is unpopular and what is right....I will not vote a female in 2020 bc of her and Collins who are basically cowards....I've yet to see one woman in this country stand firm and do what is not popular but do it because its right and not apologize for it later.
I admire Collins for her unpopular decision about Kavanaugh. I admire Pelosi for her resistance to noise. Impeachment is a revenge dream for those who hate Trump, but it will serve no useful purpose. It would fail, it would prevent other IMPORTANT legislation from moving forward, and if it did succeed, Pence would be President. Ole Mikey would pass a law that no woman could be alone by herself. Feel like being chaperoned?
Women need to be chaperoned. It will cut down on their lies.
Oh and so agree and that orange bitch with a penis in the white, needs not only a chaperone, but a straight jacket and mouth muzzle.
You let that guy trigger you. Stay calm. Trump has the bully pulpit for now, and we have to accept that.

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