The Death Wish Remake - and the Rage of Leftist Reviewers


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The bottom line is simply this: Leftwingers do not want white males to be able to defend themselves or their families.

Juries are giving in to this libearal notion that blacks are the victims and evil white racists are the problem.

The right to self defense is being eroded at an increasing pace.

'The other night, finding myself awake at 3 AM, I poked around Netflix looking for something to fall asleep to, and eventually settled on Eli Roth’s 2018 remake of Death Wish, starring Bruce Willis. I’d watched the classic 1974 original, starring Charles Bronson, several times - in fact I think I saw it, at seventeen, at the time of its movie-theater debut - but I’d never seen the remake, and I assumed it would be a poor copy that would send me off to dreamland quickly enough. In fact I stayed awake to the end. I liked it quite a bit, all in all, and I thought the major changes in the story were good ones: in the new version, for example, the main character, Paul Kersey, is a trauma surgeon instead of an architect, which actually turns out to work much better, plotwise.'


The bottom line is simply this: Leftwingers do not want white males to be able to defend themselves or their families.

Juries are giving in to this libearal notion that blacks are the victims and evil white racists are the problem.

The right to self defense is being eroded at an increasing pace.

'The other night, finding myself awake at 3 AM, I poked around Netflix looking for something to fall asleep to, and eventually settled on Eli Roth’s 2018 remake of Death Wish, starring Bruce Willis. I’d watched the classic 1974 original, starring Charles Bronson, several times - in fact I think I saw it, at seventeen, at the time of its movie-theater debut - but I’d never seen the remake, and I assumed it would be a poor copy that would send me off to dreamland quickly enough. In fact I stayed awake to the end. I liked it quite a bit, all in all, and I thought the major changes in the story were good ones: in the new version, for example, the main character, Paul Kersey, is a trauma surgeon instead of an architect, which actually turns out to work much better, plotwise.'

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The original Death Wish was a classic. I don't remember much of it now, but I had seen it a few times when I was young and remember it was a bit shocking for the age I was while watching it.

I did think the bad guys were a little over the top in their mocking behaviour designed to have the viewer dislike the bad guys, but all in all it made its point.

Bottom line, a remake was probably needed as the original probably didn't age well if I were to watch it today. The "judge, jury and executioner" angle, just goes against my personal principle. As entertainment goes, if I suspend my belief, I imagine I might find a remake enjoyable though if it's done right.

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