The Democrat Establishment Think They Can Appeal To Trump Voters, They're Sadly Mistaken

The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

Hahaha...that’s some funny ass shit.
A LefTarded regressive grows a beard, throws on a Cooter hat and pretends to be a Redneck with the hopes of being taken seriously by Trump supporters. FUCK OFF you filthy pieces of shits.
Remember, 30 states and 2,623 counties....GOOD LUCK!
I don't see any change in the Democrats election strategy for the past 50 years...


They stick with what they know best.
Exactly, that's why the country has been going more and more and more radically rightwing.

Just at a slower rate.

Like you've seen me state numerous times, Obama ran and legislated like a moderate Republican.

Obamacare came from the Heritage Foundation, one of the most far rightwing think thanks you can think of.

You actually are making my point.
The right wing are the civil rights leaders.
Why would Americans look at the Democrats to solve problems when they’ve spent the first five months in control of the House doing nothing but holding hearings to try and “get“ Trump?
Total nonsense.

The Republican congressional leader stated on camera that their "number 1 goal should be to make President Barack Hussein Obama a 1 term President" and they went out to obstruct and attack him at every. single. turn.

Not once did I see any such sentiment from you about the President then.

So spare me the crocodile tears now.
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Why would Americans look at the Democrats to solve problems when they’ve spent the first five months in control of the House doing nothing but holding hearings to try and “get“ Trump?
Total nonsense.

The Republican congressional leader stated on camera that their "number 1 goal should be to make President Barack Hussein Obama a 1 term President" and they went out to obstruct and attack him at every. single. turn.

Not once did I see any such sentiment from you about the President.

So spare me the crocodile tears now.
Isn’t that the goal one term president, republicans voted with him many times.. and they let his policies fail like they knew they would
With Biden they may get back some of the saner voters but as long as the swingers are emotively charged with nationalism it is a waste of time..They also need to promote an agenda and a plank not just empty promises like Mexico paying for a wall on the US border or free college..

Thats funny, mg. They always promote freebies and then the costs skyrocket. Lol.
The repubs offered no less by allowing any and all freebies to continue to exist when they were in power. The rich and powerful get their freebies also yet yous guys never bitch about that..

You're stating the obvious. Dems, repubs always give tax cuts to rich and powerful. I don't place my faith on any side. I just do it myself.
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

Hahaha...that’s some funny ass shit.
A LefTarded regressive grows a beard, throws on a Cooter hat and pretends to be a Redneck with the hopes of being taken seriously by Trump supporters. FUCK OFF you filthy pieces of shits.
Remember, 30 states and 2,623 counties....GOOD LUCK!

I have one word for you. “Midterms“.
I don't see any change in the Democrats election strategy for the past 50 years...


They stick with what they know best.
Exactly, that's why the country has been going more and more and more radically rightwing.

Just at a slower rate.

Like you've seen me state numerous times, Obama ran and legislated like a moderate Republican.

Obamacare came from the Heritage Foundation, one of the most far rightwing think thanks you can think of.

You actually are making my point.

country has been going more and more and more radically rightwing

You are truly delusional if you believe that.
With Biden they may get back some of the saner voters but as long as the swingers are emotively charged with nationalism it is a waste of time..They also need to promote an agenda and a plank not just empty promises like Mexico paying for a wall on the US border or free college..

Thats funny, mg. They always promote freebies and then the costs skyrocket. Lol.
The repubs offered no less by allowing any and all freebies to continue to exist when they were in power. The rich and powerful get their freebies also yet yous guys never bitch about that..

You're stating the obvious. Dems, repubs always give tax cuts to rich and powerful. I don't place my faith on any side. I just do it myself.
If Democrats gave tax cuts for the wealthy they would be Republicans. The reason Democrats and Republicans are different is that Republicans are white and Democrats are everyone else. So naturally their policies are going to be different.

The only people that say Republicans and Democrats are the same are Republicans who are trying to keep Democrats from voting.
Republicans are white, Democrats are everyone else including white people that Republicans absolutely hate.

That means democratic congressman by definition are US congressman.

Republican congressman work for billionaires and corporations. That’s just the reality.

Republicans can’t name any legislation that helped their base. All they can do is name Republican legislation that damaged their lives terribly.
The GOP base votes race. That’s the only reason they vote.

The biggest mistake to make is to presume that GOP voters are like that guy or even over half the posters on this forum.
The fight is not really on the internet but the internet is bleeding into mainstream conservative (i.e. Fox)... I think the Dems should be on Fox.. Line them up and go on, very hard to call you evil when you are on looking for money for sick kids.

Just ask normal questions of there viewers, give the other side, why should you be worried about healthcare insurance for your kids? The rest of the first world isn't and these guys keep on telling us we are greater... Why does US have higher poverty when we are supposed to be richer?
New One: Why would my sin or daughter risk being killed because Saudi Arabia/Israel want a proxy war with Iran?

You won't win the hardcore over but the hardcore will eventually over reach... You can only keep on calling someone a Communist for so long until someone goes, they aren't Communists, they just want everyone to have proper access to affordable healthcare...

When Democrats say that this type of Police action needs to be investigated
Let the far right try and defend them

At the end of the day a vast majority of people are reasonable and caring, the way to screw that is misinformation, the hardcore you see have been so misinformed at this stage they now are refusing to accept reasoned debate with evidence.. The only way they change is when moderate GOP stand up and say you have to listen but at this moment that side has been ousted or silenced...
Every outlet that conservatives communicate on shows them having nothing but vitriol for the Democrats and anything to the left.

From here, to other forums, to social media, to their righting media, hatewing radio , FOXNEWS and OAN (sp).

To a man those on the right and Republicans are disparaging to their fellow Americans on the left.

How can I think otherwise if this is what is portrayed, literally, everywhere?
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Republicans are white, Democrats are everyone else including white people that Republicans absolutely hate.

That means democratic congressman by definition are US congressman.

Republican congressman work for billionaires and corporations. That’s just the reality.

Republicans can’t name any legislation that helped their base. All they can do is name Republican legislation that damaged their lives terribly.
The GOP base votes race. That’s the only reason they vote.
Republicans can’t name any legislation that helped their base.

This is what people who believe in the benevolence of the leaders will never understand. It isn't legislation that helps Americans in most cases, it's the removal of it.

A government shutdown isn't a threat ... it's a tease.
Both party's should be speaking to all Americans, explaining there vision for All. the president, senate, house need to work for all of us. not dollars or one party.
You are 100% correct.

The Dems should focus their campaigning ONLY on the people they already have and forget about any Trump voters.

That is a winning strategy. I support it.

I hope the Dems are listening.


Which Democrat could you see yourself voting for hack?
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

Hahaha...that’s some funny ass shit.
A LefTarded regressive grows a beard, throws on a Cooter hat and pretends to be a Redneck with the hopes of being taken seriously by Trump supporters. FUCK OFF you filthy pieces of shits.
Remember, 30 states and 2,623 counties....GOOD LUCK!

I have one word for you. “Midterms“.

Your beaners can’t play the same role in a national election though...YOU’RE SO FUCKED! hahaha
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

There are many people who voted for Trump who can be won back.

Example. How many women are mad Republicans are trying to ban abortion?

Or, how many medicaid workers voted for Trump because they fell for the "it was time for change" line? Republicans cut their benefits. I know one guy personally. I couldn't believe he voted for Trump. Clearly he doesn't know that the GOP doesn't give a shit about him.

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