The Democrat Establishment Think They Can Appeal To Trump Voters, They're Sadly Mistaken

I have to believe some of the women in America who voted for Trump are not happy with Republicans doing away with Roe V Wade
I have to believe some of the women in America who voted for Trump are not happy with Republicans doing away with Roe V Wade
Why? What evidence do you have to support this belief?
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

I think you’re absolutely wrong in this assessment because you’re misreading the vote for Trump.

In both the 2008 and the 2016 elections, the voters voted for CHANGE. They voted for someone who had their interests in the forefront. Trump promised to “Put America first”. Obama promised “Hope and change”

Neither leader delivered on the promise. Obama was hamstrung by the economic realities of Bush’s Great Recession, and Trump just lied.

Contrary to your reading that Trump voters are ecstatic with his performance, I think the results of the mid-Terms speak for themselves. Trump was crushed.

The polls show that 80% of REPUBLICANS, support Trump. Not voters in general, just Republicans. What those polls fail to mention is that the number of Republicans is dropping like a stone.

Trump is driving Republican voters away in droves. Mostly, it’s the women and there are 8 million more female voters than male. Abortion, birth control covered by health insurance, family leave, affordable day care, these are HUGE issues for women and they’re issues that Republicans are consistently on the wrong side of. Women are tired of Republican either ignoring their issues, or making things worse.

The abortion debate is s HUGE loser for Republicans. 80% of Americans are pro-choice to some extent or another. Stripping abortion rights women fought for generations to get back, will be the end for Republicans.

25% of all American women over 40 have had an abortion. A safe legal abortion. Many of us are old enough to remember when abortion was illegal. To which we say “Never again”, and we mean it.
Why would Americans look at the Democrats to solve problems when they’ve spent the first five months in control of the House doing nothing but holding hearings to try and “get“ Trump?
Total nonsense.

The Republican congressional leader stated on camera that their "number 1 goal should be to make President Barack Hussein Obama a 1 term President" and they went out to obstruct and attack him at every. single. turn.

Not once did I see any such sentiment from you about the President then.

So spare me the crocodile tears now.

So your reasoning for people to support the Democrats in next year's elections is because they behave exactly like the Republicans when they're in the minority?

I'm pretty sure that won't seal the deal for you.
I think you’re absolutely wrong in this assessment because you’re misreading the vote for Trump.

In both the 2008 and the 2016 elections, the voters voted for CHANGE. They voted for someone who had their interests in the forefront. Trump promised to “Put America first”. Obama promised “Hope and change”

Neither leader delivered on the promise. Obama was hamstrung by the economic realities of Bush’s Great Recession, and Trump just lied.

Contrary to your reading that Trump voters are ecstatic with his performance, I think the results of the mid-Terms speak for themselves. Trump was crushed.

The polls show that 80% of REPUBLICANS, support Trump. Not voters in general, just Republicans. What those polls fail to mention is that the number of Republicans is dropping like a stone.

Trump is driving Republican voters away in droves. Mostly, it’s the women and there are 8 million more female voters than male. Abortion, birth control covered by health insurance, family leave, affordable day care, these are HUGE issues for women and they’re issues that Republicans are consistently on the wrong side of. Women are tired of Republican either ignoring their issues, or making things worse.

The abortion debate is s HUGE loser for Republicans. 80% of Americans are pro-choice to some extent or another. Stripping abortion rights women fought for generations to get back, will be the end for Republicans.

25% of all American women over 40 have had an abortion. A safe legal abortion. Many of us are old enough to remember when abortion was illegal. To which we say “Never again”, and we mean it.
Remember the rhetoric before November 2016?

Very similar to this regarding women.

Well, women, read white women, didn't do what they were slated to do in 2016.

I will not be left flat-footed again.

I'll have to see that to believe it.

From what I've observed, we're not there yet.

I could be wrong, but we're not there yet, as I see it.

Again, this thread is against Establishment Democrats, which has been historically Republican Light, which Joe Biden, is the king of.

We need a progressive to start undoing some of this damage that has been done by the right.

Joe Biden ain't it.
So your reasoning for people to support the Democrats in next year's elections is because they behave exactly like the Republicans when they're in the minority?

I'm pretty sure that won't seal the deal for you.
As usual, you're missing the entire point, see my previous post above.
I don't see any change in the Democrats election strategy for the past 50 years...


They stick with what they know best.
all the right wing knows is, the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer.
Chris Wallace is one of the pet Democrats over there. It's to be expected under the new management.

What I find most interesting is that the latest Democrat whine is that there is no need to investigate the origins of the Russia probe. There must be quite a few if them involved, and deep down.

I thought it had been, twice?
The trump guy meeting in London with an Aussie discussing Russian help.
Way before the dossier (first bought by right wing group)
Isn't this early enough for you?
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

It could have worked, if they didn't have Jesse Smollett crazy candidates.

Honestly, if you had run a decent candidate in 2016, I might have voted for them.
Democrats are placing a lot of hope in reparations, Medicare for all and all the other giveaways. They are hoping that they can keep painting Trump as a bad president. A large portion of Democrats are praying for an economic collapse or a nuclear war just to insure a win.

The only problem is that most normal people are happiest when taxes are low, unemployment is low. Most normal people understand that free is never free. Most normal people do not want nuclear war. A large percentage of the population is not interested in those always yelling that the sky is falling (in other wards they are not interested in partisan politics) they like their life and want it to continue.
Giveaways? That’s somebody who’s been completely brainwashed.
We paid taxes into Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security for our entire lives. They are not giveaways, they are investments.
Tax cuts for billionaires when the economy is doing really well, those are giveaways.
Deany you are still brain dead. No one was talking about Medicare or Social security. In case you did not notice I stated specifically Medicare for all which since you have problems understanding simple English is a Bernie Saunders idea of single payer.

But why let reality interfer with your nonsense.
Democrats are placing a lot of hope in reparations, Medicare for all and all the other giveaways. They are hoping that they can keep painting Trump as a bad president. A large portion of Democrats are praying for an economic collapse or a nuclear war just to insure a win.

The only problem is that most normal people are happiest when taxes are low, unemployment is low. Most normal people understand that free is never free. Most normal people do not want nuclear war. A large percentage of the population is not interested in those always yelling that the sky is falling (in other wards they are not interested in partisan politics) they like their life and want it to continue.
How much do you pay for air?
Obviously I use more air then your oxygen deprived brain.
I have to believe some of the women in America who voted for Trump are not happy with Republicans doing away with Roe V Wade
Why? What evidence do you have to support this belief?
Because I know a lot of pro life women who voted for Trump. They didn't think he was that kind of Republicans. In fact neither did I. He's only doing this because if he doesn't he will be a 1 term president.

He's counting on a lot of pro choice wemen not voting. Smart bet because we know pro life women vote.

39% of all women voted for Trump, while 54% supported Clinton. White women, who made up 41% of the electorate, went for Trump by a 2-point margin, 47% to 45%, but neither candidate got a majority of their votes. Trump won 35% of college-educated white women and 56% of white women without college degrees

The fact that Trump won the number of women that he did, he must have won over some pro choice women who just never believed Roe V Wade would ever seriously be challenged.
Democrats are placing a lot of hope in reparations, Medicare for all and all the other giveaways. They are hoping that they can keep painting Trump as a bad president. A large portion of Democrats are praying for an economic collapse or a nuclear war just to insure a win.

The only problem is that most normal people are happiest when taxes are low, unemployment is low. Most normal people understand that free is never free. Most normal people do not want nuclear war. A large percentage of the population is not interested in those always yelling that the sky is falling (in other wards they are not interested in partisan politics) they like their life and want it to continue.
How much do you pay for air?
Obviously I use more air then your oxygen deprived brain.
It would need to be than instead of then.. So you pay for air,,, amazing...
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

Epical ongoing problem with the Democratic Party's appeal, of which they have none--other than "anyone but Trump"-- is not the skeletons in their closet but the highly noticeable "corpses" in their streets. Presuming, despite our glaring ideological differences, you're a rational fellow you must "see" even if you refuse to acknowledge, the miles wide taint running down your party's dorsal exterior. Your Party's core platforms go far beyond what the average, patriotic, morally recognizable American can stomach, with very good reason. True enough, the Democrats have done a fair enough job of wrapping the psycho in gilded paper, for example how they've tried and tried to disguise abortion and the transgender transformation of children inside a prettier, all encompassing shell of 'equality for all' and 'do as thou wilt without fear of punishment'. Tragically, for your Party, every time the Democrats try to present these rotten to the core platforms to the American People in shinier and shinier packages, we still see blood dripping from beneath the bow. Until your Party realizes the American People will never be "okay" with moral relativism, cultural Marxism and child murder, to name but a few of the more nefarious, you'll either have to improve your long game deception and social brainwashing or get a whole new set of schticks. That doesn't seem likely to go down, as you guys have been at this atheist/sadist led cultural reform crusade since the Enlightenment, day one.
Democrats are placing a lot of hope in reparations, Medicare for all and all the other giveaways. They are hoping that they can keep painting Trump as a bad president. A large portion of Democrats are praying for an economic collapse or a nuclear war just to insure a win.

The only problem is that most normal people are happiest when taxes are low, unemployment is low. Most normal people understand that free is never free. Most normal people do not want nuclear war. A large percentage of the population is not interested in those always yelling that the sky is falling (in other wards they are not interested in partisan politics) they like their life and want it to continue.
How much do you pay for air?
Obviously I use more air then your oxygen deprived brain.
It would need to be than instead of then.. So you pay for air,,, amazing...
You seem to be the only one talking about paying for air. Have no idea in what universe that has anything to do with anything.
I don't see any change in the Democrats election strategy for the past 50 years...


They stick with what they know best.
all the right wing knows is, the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer.

The poor aren't getting poorer. The poor today have a living standard higher than the middle class of a century ago.

American poor live better than most of the third-world middle class today.

I have to believe some of the women in America who voted for Trump are not happy with Republicans doing away with Roe V Wade
Why? What evidence do you have to support this belief?
Because I felt the appeal that Trump had on these idiots. Some small part of me wanted to throw a monkey wrench into the system too. Shake things up. Drain the swamp. I remember him lying on 60 minutes. I knew he was lying but it all sounded very good.

So me being a pro choice person, I didn't think Trump would push for banning abortion. He is a snake and will do whatever it takes to get re elected. And that means he needs to reward the pro life people who showed up for him. They deserve to get their way. THey won politically. The idiots who are pro choice and either voted for Trump or didn't show up need to learn voting has consequences. And they need to learn the differences between the two parties. They need to learn judge appointments matter. Now we have a bunch of corporate cronies on the bench.

I know lots of pro choice women who voted for Trump. They didn't believe him when he said he would punish women who get abortions.
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

... and still no Russian connection
I have to believe some of the women in America who voted for Trump are not happy with Republicans doing away with Roe V Wade
Why? What evidence do you have to support this belief?
Because I felt the appeal that Trump had on these idiots. Some small part of me wanted to throw a monkey wrench into the system too. Shake things up. Drain the swamp. I remember him lying on 60 minutes. I knew he was lying but it all sounded very good.

So me being a pro choice person, I didn't think Trump would push for banning abortion. He is a snake and will do whatever it takes to get re elected. And that means he needs to reward the pro life people who showed up for him. They deserve to get their way. THey won politically. The idiots who are pro choice and either voted for Trump or didn't show up need to learn voting has consequences. And they need to learn the differences between the two parties. They need to learn judge appointments matter. Now we have a bunch of corporate cronies on the bench.

I know lots of pro choice women who voted for Trump. They didn't believe him when he said he would punish women who get abortions.

Trump ran a pro life campaign? In the end he left it up to the states. There is no federal abortion policy. How do you feel about the Democrats allowing biological males who identify as females competing and taking prizes and slots from biological females? Is that not the bigger issue?

Terry Miller, Andraya Yearwood, transgender sprinters, finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut championships
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