The Democrat party's evolving racism towards blacks


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The democrats admit their early history towards blacks was not good but they claim they changed.....not true.

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

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The Democrats biggest problem is putting together rationalizations to cover up their racism. The fact that they control the crooked media is the only way they can pull that off.
The democrats control the "urban plantations" and the MSM. They think that's a winning formula, especially if/when they crank up their voter fraud machines.
But when things get out of control, then they bring in a Republican to restore "law and order". This cycle repeats over and over.
It is unfair, IMHO, to accuse the Democratic Party today of being "racist."

Most Dems no doubt are sincere -- at least in their attitudes and words -- that they feel that African Americans are still the victims of "racism."

In their daily actions, however (that is, in their choice of neighborhoods, schools, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, etc.) many Dems do not walk the walk.
It is unfair, IMHO, to accuse the Democratic Party today of being "racist."

Most Dems no doubt are sincere -- at least in their attitudes and words -- that they feel that African Americans are still the victims of "racism."

In their daily actions, however (that is, in their choice of neighborhoods, schools, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, etc.) many Dems do not walk the walk.
It is fair to call democrats racist. They play the race card all day and all night all year long.
Republicans only play the color-blind card.
So which party is racist and which party is NOT?
It is unfair, IMHO, to accuse the Democratic Party today of being "racist."

Most Dems no doubt are sincere -- at least in their attitudes and words -- that they feel that African Americans are still the victims of "racism."

In their daily actions, however (that is, in their choice of neighborhoods, schools, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, etc.) many Dems do not walk the walk.
It is fair to call democrats racist. They play the race card all day and all night all year long.
Republicans only play the color-blind card.
So which party is racist and which party is NOT?

They are fighting to keep blacks trapped in horrible public schools run by the democrat party....they are fighting to keep Asian Americans out of colleges and universities.....they are pushing "hate whites" curriculums in schools...the democrat party is the party of's core groups, black lives matter, antifa, la raza, the congressional black caucus, the black panthers....are all proudly and openly's leadership, including barak obama are openly racist.......

barak obama has al sharpton, louis farrakhan, and jeremiah wright, as close personal friends and allies....they are all openly and proudly racist and anti-semitic....

The democrat party was founded by slave owners...

The democrat party wanted to expand slavery into the new states....

The democrat party enacted the slave laws that kept guns and rights away from blacks and indians

The democrat party started the Civil War to keep slaves

The democrat party, having lost their war to keep slaves enacted jim crow to keep blacks from owning guns and having all the Rights Americans have...

members of the democrat party created the kkk

blm, a terrorist wing of the modern democrat party is openly racist, marxist and anti-semitic

the democrat party today is trying to segregate private businesses by race

the democrat party today is trying to resegregate colleges and univeristies

the democrat party today is trying to keep Asian Americans from going to colleges and universities

the democrat party is trying to demonize people who are white...

The democrat party has been and always will be the party of racists....
Yep, it doesn't get any more racist than the democrats pushing their Critical Race Theory.
The democrats admit their early history towards blacks was not good but they claim they changed.....not true.

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

This something new for democrats. Italian fascism wasnt racist. Dems seem to be leaning more Nazi.
It is unfair, IMHO, to accuse the Democratic Party today of being "racist."

Most Dems no doubt are sincere -- at least in their attitudes and words -- that they feel that African Americans are still the victims of "racism."

In their daily actions, however (that is, in their choice of neighborhoods, schools, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, etc.) many Dems do not walk the walk.
It is fair to call democrats racist. They play the race card all day and all night all year long.
Republicans only play the color-blind card.
So which party is racist and which party is NOT?

I think that we have to differentiate between the "leaders" of the party (such as the hapless Mr. Biden and the obnoxious hypocrite Ms. Pelosi) and the rank and file Democrats, who may sincerely feel that "racism" exists in 2021 America.
It is unfair, IMHO, to accuse the Democratic Party today of being "racist."

Most Dems no doubt are sincere -- at least in their attitudes and words -- that they feel that African Americans are still the victims of "racism."

In their daily actions, however (that is, in their choice of neighborhoods, schools, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, etc.) many Dems do not walk the walk.
It is fair to call democrats racist. They play the race card all day and all night all year long.
Republicans only play the color-blind card.
So which party is racist and which party is NOT?

I think that we have to differentiate between the "leaders" of the party (such as the hapless Mr. Biden and the obnoxious hypocrite Ms. Pelosi) and the rank and file Democrats, who may sincerely feel that "racism" exists in 2021 America.
Racism does in-fact exist in 2021 in America, and it is there only because the democrats are pushing it.
My partial solution is to eliminate the "black" race designation unless DNA proves it. Most American "blacks" are in-fact "mixed-race", and that designation needs to be pushed instead of just "black". The "one drop rule"
In the United States, the “one-drop rule” — also known as hypodescent — dates to a 1662 Virginia law on the treatment of mixed-race individuals. The legal notion of hypodescent has been upheld as recently as 1985, when a Louisiana court ruled that a woman with a black great-great-great-great-grandmother could not identify herself as “white” on her passport.
The democrats admit their early history towards blacks was not good but they claim they changed.....not true.

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

Some alienated and disgruntled White codgers in the party of alienated and disgruntled White codgers insist upon imposing their political preference upon Black Americans, as if Black Americans are incapable of understanding the history and current affinities of both political parties.

It's quite amusing, actually. Most Black Americans are Democrats, just as are most Hispanic Americans, most Asian Americans, most female Americans, and most younger, better-educated Americans.

Some old White coot dictating to any or all of them is very, very silly.
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The democrats admit their early history towards blacks was not good but they claim they changed.....not true.

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

Some alienated and disgruntled White codgers in the party of alienated and disgruntled White codgers insist upon imposing their political preference upon Black Americans, as if Black Americans are incapable of understanding the history and current affinities of both political parties.

It's quit amusing, actually.

Well, it is the Democratic Party that believes they aren’t capable in mass of providing IDs to vote, so it isn’t much of a stretch to believe they don’t understand history and the intricacies of our two major political parties. Which is it?
DBA said:
Well, it is the Democratic Party that believes they aren’t capable in mass of providing IDs to vote, so it isn’t much of a stretch to believe they don’t understand history and the intricacies of our two major political parties. Which is it?
Attempts at voter suppression are nothing new, and neither party, whether contriving them in the past or now, ever honestly admits to them.

Cui bono?
DBA said:
Well, it is the Democratic Party that believes they aren’t capable in mass of providing IDs to vote, so it isn’t much of a stretch to believe they don’t understand history and the intricacies of our two major political parties. Which is it?
Attempts at voter suppression are nothing new, and neither party, whether contriving them in the past or now, ever honestly admits to them.

Cui bono?

So many minorities and other Democrats are incapable of getting ID’s, thus why it would be considered voter suppression, correct?

Wouldn’t Republicans have the same problem? Oh wait, Republicans are the more responsible, high wage earners in our society so it doesn’t effect them, right? But according to Democrats, Republicans are the low-life uneducated folks. I am so confused. Which is it?
DBA said:
Well, it is the Democratic Party that believes they aren’t capable in mass of providing IDs to vote, so it isn’t much of a stretch to believe they don’t understand history and the intricacies of our two major political parties. Which is it?
Attempts at voter suppression are nothing new, and neither party, whether contriving them in the past or now, ever honestly admits to them.

Cui bono?

So many minorities and other Democrats are incapable of getting ID’s, thus why it would be considered voter suppression, correct?

Wouldn’t Republicans have the same problem? Oh wait, Republicans are the more responsible, high wage earners in our society so it doesn’t effect them, right? But according to Democrats, Republicans are the low-life uneducated folks. I am so confused. Which is it?
Republicans are erecting barriers to voting because they believe that making voting more difficult is in their interest. Whether it is imposing the bureaucratic onus of obtaining an ID to flash at a poll nanny, restricting the ability of Americans to vote by mail, making Americans travel greater distances to vote, or making them stand in line longer, while denying them water.

Why do you pretend that Republicans are contriving so many barriers to make it more onerous for an American to exercise his or her personal franchise in participatory self-governance? Especially when so many states with Republican as well as Democratic secretaries of state and other officials attest to the security of their elections?
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DBA said:
Well, it is the Democratic Party that believes they aren’t capable in mass of providing IDs to vote, so it isn’t much of a stretch to believe they don’t understand history and the intricacies of our two major political parties. Which is it?
Attempts at voter suppression are nothing new, and neither party, whether contriving them in the past or now, ever honestly admits to them.

Cui bono?

So many minorities and other Democrats are incapable of getting ID’s, thus why it would be considered voter suppression, correct?

Wouldn’t Republicans have the same problem? Oh wait, Republicans are the more responsible, high wage earners in our society so it doesn’t effect them, right? But according to Democrats, Republicans are the low-life uneducated folks. I am so confused. Which is it?
Republicans are erecting barriers to voting because they believe that making voting more difficult is in their interest. Whether it is imposing the bureaucratic onus of obtaining an ID to flash at a poll nanny, restricting the ability of Americans to vote by mail, making Americans travel grater distances to vote, or making them stand in line longer, while denying them water.

Why do you pretend that Republicans are contriving so many barriers to make it more onerous for an American to exercise his or her personal franchise in participatory self-governance? Especially when so many states with Republican as well as Democratic secretaries of state and other officials attest to the security of their elections?

You can’t attest to security in elections when I could simply fill out a mail in ballot and sign any registered voter’s name. How many 90+ year old registered voters in nursing homes with dementia are actually voting? Do you think it would be difficult to vote on their behalf? This is just one simple example of just how ridiculously insecure our elections really are. Democrats don’t want voter security. It is to their detriment and they know it.
The democrats admit their early history towards blacks was not good but they claim they changed.....not true.

"Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

This something new for democrats. Italian fascism wasnt racist. Dems seem to be leaning more Nazi.

They have always been more nazi....
DBA said:
Well, it is the Democratic Party that believes they aren’t capable in mass of providing IDs to vote, so it isn’t much of a stretch to believe they don’t understand history and the intricacies of our two major political parties. Which is it?
Attempts at voter suppression are nothing new, and neither party, whether contriving them in the past or now, ever honestly admits to them.

Cui bono?

So many minorities and other Democrats are incapable of getting ID’s, thus why it would be considered voter suppression, correct?

Wouldn’t Republicans have the same problem? Oh wait, Republicans are the more responsible, high wage earners in our society so it doesn’t effect them, right? But according to Democrats, Republicans are the low-life uneducated folks. I am so confused. Which is it?
Republicans are erecting barriers to voting because they believe that making voting more difficult is in their interest. Whether it is imposing the bureaucratic onus of obtaining an ID to flash at a poll nanny, restricting the ability of Americans to vote by mail, making Americans travel greater distances to vote, or making them stand in line longer, while denying them water.

Why do you pretend that Republicans are contriving so many barriers to make it more onerous for an American to exercise his or her personal franchise in participatory self-governance? Especially when so many states with Republican as well as Democratic secretaries of state and other officials attest to the security of their elections?

You are a think blacks, and hispanics are either too stupid or too lazy to be able to get basic ID, ID you need for just about everything else you do in are a racist.....

You can’t attest to security in elections when I could simply fill out a mail in ballot and sign any registered voter’s name. How many 90+ year old registered voters in nursing homes with dementia are actually voting? Do you think it would be difficult to vote on their behalf? This is just one simple example of just how ridiculously insecure our elections really are. Democrats don’t want voter security. It is to their detriment and they know it.
I accept the overwhelming consensus of Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other public servants and independent auditors that voter fraud is extremely rare, and I entertain no paranoid delusions to the contrary. I can find no credible evidence to refute them all.

Should it be made more difficult for an American to participate in democracy? I vote, "No!"

You are a think blacks, and hispanics are either too stupid or too lazy to be able to get basic ID, ID you need for just about everything else you do in are a racist.....
If you need to lash out thusly because my affinity is for the far more diverse political party, and I oppose politicians' erecting barriers to voting in their self-interest, that is the silliness to which you must resort.

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