The democrat war on babies


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
The Left's War on Babies - Brent Bozell - Page full

In the wake of the Obama administration dictate that private insurance companies cover contraceptives and abortifacients, supporters have defined anyone who would oppose this mandate as waging a "war against women." Obviously, no opponent of this policy is actually bombing, shooting or stabbing women to death.
The same cannot be said for what the cultural left favors -- a war against babies. The latest front of "advanced" leftist medical ethics has emerged from the experts at Oxford University. They don't just favor abortion, even partial-birth abortion. They favor "after-birth abortion."

The article carries the chilling title "After-Birth abortion: Why should the baby live?" Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva argue newborn babies aren't "actual persons" but "potential persons."

Once it becomes morally acceptable for you to kill your children, it is morally acceptable to kill someone else's child. If a newborn is not a person, but only a potential person, should it be a crime to kill one? Perhaps it is only a Trespass to Chattle issue. Some interference with property rights. Certainly not murder.
Abortion is murder. Perhaps not legally (since it's currently legal and 'murder' is legal term,) but in effect the deliberate slaying of your own child is infanticide at best. If not because of rape, or your life or well-being is at risk carrying to term, I'm against abortion.
This does go both ways. Democrats want to allow women to murder their babies in the womb,Republicans want to let them live but once they are born well then who gives a shit! We obviously need a different idea here...not only allow them to be born but make sure they are given good homes and if needed take care of them.
This does go both ways. Democrats want to allow women to murder their babies in the womb,Republicans want to let them live but once they are born well then who gives a shit! We obviously need a different idea here...not only allow them to be born but make sure they are given good homes and if needed take care of them.

Really? Do elaborate....
This does go both ways. Democrats want to allow women to murder their babies in the womb,Republicans want to let them live but once they are born well then who gives a shit! We obviously need a different idea here...not only allow them to be born but make sure they are given good homes and if needed take care of them.

Really? Do elaborate....

Simple. Republicans want to cut food stamps,medicaid,programs for the poor etc. They fight to the death and commit murder in some instances to protect babies in the womb but as a whole the republican party and its members don't want programs to help babies or kids once they are out of the womb.

Here this is a helpful link shows what they want to cut from kids that need it instead of raising taxes on the wealthy.

The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
The House Committee on Agriculture found 100 percent of its savings from cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Nearly half (48 percent) of the program’s 46 million participants are children. And because the House budget included cuts to a provision that coordinates this essential nutrition assistance with other safety net programs, 280,000 children would no longer be automatically eligible for free school breakfast and lunch.
The House Ways and Means Committee axed programs that help abused or neglected children and gutted programs that help low-income working families with kids. The committee eliminated the Social Services Block Grant, which helps over 11 million kids through funding to states for services such as child abuse prevention and intervention, foster care, and child protective services.
The House Ways and Means Committee would also deny access to the child tax credit to parents who pay federal income taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number instead of a Social Security number, mainly harming American children whose parents are low-income working immigrants. Specifically, this change would take $1,800 away from the families of 5.5 million children in working families with incomes below the poverty level at a time when more than 1 in 5 kids are living in poverty.
- See more at: The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
This garbage again?

Killing babies is infanticide.

Despite what the voices in your head say(or what you read in TownHall), most liberals do not support a parental right to infanticide.
Again, those on the right know not how to use the English language.

The correct heading would read.

The Democrat's War on Babies.

Yet we see the article is about leftists.

All leftists are not democrats alone.
I can bet you that those on the right and republicans get abortions.
This does go both ways. Democrats want to allow women to murder their babies in the womb,Republicans want to let them live but once they are born well then who gives a shit! We obviously need a different idea here...not only allow them to be born but make sure they are given good homes and if needed take care of them.

Really? Do elaborate....

Simple. Republicans want to cut food stamps,medicaid,programs for the poor etc. They fight to the death and commit murder in some instances to protect babies in the womb but as a whole the republican party and its members don't want programs to help babies or kids once they are out of the womb.

Here this is a helpful link shows what they want to cut from kids that need it instead of raising taxes on the wealthy.

The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yeah, so? Please tell us how having, according to your own link, 46,000,000 (13% of the population) on assistance is compassionate? You don't see the mess, the total breakdown of dignity your programs create?

You lefties are sick fucks.. you really are.
This does go both ways. Democrats want to allow women to murder their babies in the womb,Republicans want to let them live but once they are born well then who gives a shit! We obviously need a different idea here...not only allow them to be born but make sure they are given good homes and if needed take care of them.

Nice an arrogant racist socialist! You are such a good little Nazi!

Stupidity like that almost INSURES more children will be in poverty and without a pot to piss in.
The House Committee on Agriculture found 100 percent of its savings from cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Nearly half (48 percent) of the program’s 46 million participants are children. And because the House budget included cuts to a provision that coordinates this essential nutrition assistance with other safety net programs, 280,000 children would no longer be automatically eligible for free school breakfast and lunch.
The House Ways and Means Committee axed programs that help abused or neglected children and gutted programs that help low-income working families with kids. The committee eliminated the Social Services Block Grant, which helps over 11 million kids through funding to states for services such as child abuse prevention and intervention, foster care, and child protective services.
The House Ways and Means Committee would also deny access to the child tax credit to parents who pay federal income taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number instead of a Social Security number, mainly harming American children whose parents are low-income working immigrants. Specifically, this change would take $1,800 away from the families of 5.5 million children in working families with incomes below the poverty level at a time when more than 1 in 5 kids are living in poverty.
- See more at: The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yet you never, ever, see those in Congress that are willing to cut their income, their retirement, their fringe benefits.
Really? Do elaborate....

Simple. Republicans want to cut food stamps,medicaid,programs for the poor etc. They fight to the death and commit murder in some instances to protect babies in the womb but as a whole the republican party and its members don't want programs to help babies or kids once they are out of the womb.

Here this is a helpful link shows what they want to cut from kids that need it instead of raising taxes on the wealthy.

The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yeah, so? Please tell us how having, according to your own link, 46,000,000 (13% of the population) on assistance is compassionate? You don't see the mess, the total breakdown of dignity your programs create?

You lefties are sick fucks.. you really are.

The righties must be sick fucks also, since they had the reigns of the federal govt. welfare was not reduced, in fact it was expanded.
Bush phones were popular then also.
Simple. Republicans want to cut food stamps,medicaid,programs for the poor etc. They fight to the death and commit murder in some instances to protect babies in the womb but as a whole the republican party and its members don't want programs to help babies or kids once they are out of the womb.

Here this is a helpful link shows what they want to cut from kids that need it instead of raising taxes on the wealthy.

The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yeah, so? Please tell us how having, according to your own link, 46,000,000 (13% of the population) on assistance is compassionate? You don't see the mess, the total breakdown of dignity your programs create?

You lefties are sick fucks.. you really are.

The righties must be sick fucks also, since they had the reigns of the federal govt. welfare was not reduced, in fact it was expanded.
Bush phones were popular then also.

Yeah, and tomatoes are hamhocks... could you be any less relevant? Go smoke some more pot you ignorant fuckwad.
Opposition or approval of abortion is a temporal issue. The arguements depend on whether an unborn baby is a baby at all, or not. But, if you leave it alone it'll become a baby so the arguement is actually very simple. If you don't support murdering babies out of the womb, argueing you're ok with murdering them inside the womb is just stupid.

The reason this is a debate at all is women wanna try to make it out to be a woman's issue. Women may carry the baby, but ask them how they got pregnant in the first place. It's their body, but not all their baby.
Really? Do elaborate....

Simple. Republicans want to cut food stamps,medicaid,programs for the poor etc. They fight to the death and commit murder in some instances to protect babies in the womb but as a whole the republican party and its members don't want programs to help babies or kids once they are out of the womb.

Here this is a helpful link shows what they want to cut from kids that need it instead of raising taxes on the wealthy.

The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yeah, so? Please tell us how having, according to your own link, 46,000,000 (13% of the population) on assistance is compassionate? You don't see the mess, the total breakdown of dignity your programs create?

You lefties are sick fucks.. you really are.
Never said having them on welfare was compassionate but people should be taken care of. How the hell did society all of a sudden become a its all about me society? We ALL came from tribes...every race at one time lived in tribes they worked together they took care of one another its all about ME not help my fellow man,woman or child...damn what's wrong with you people.

This does go both ways. Democrats want to allow women to murder their babies in the womb,Republicans want to let them live but once they are born well then who gives a shit! We obviously need a different idea here...not only allow them to be born but make sure they are given good homes and if needed take care of them.

Nice an arrogant racist socialist! You are such a good little Nazi!

Stupidity like that almost INSURES more children will be in poverty and without a pot to piss in.
So we should allow the republicans to cut everything off and let the kids starve and be homeless? BRILLIANT!
The House Committee on Agriculture found 100 percent of its savings from cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Nearly half (48 percent) of the program’s 46 million participants are children. And because the House budget included cuts to a provision that coordinates this essential nutrition assistance with other safety net programs, 280,000 children would no longer be automatically eligible for free school breakfast and lunch.
The House Ways and Means Committee axed programs that help abused or neglected children and gutted programs that help low-income working families with kids. The committee eliminated the Social Services Block Grant, which helps over 11 million kids through funding to states for services such as child abuse prevention and intervention, foster care, and child protective services.
The House Ways and Means Committee would also deny access to the child tax credit to parents who pay federal income taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number instead of a Social Security number, mainly harming American children whose parents are low-income working immigrants. Specifically, this change would take $1,800 away from the families of 5.5 million children in working families with incomes below the poverty level at a time when more than 1 in 5 kids are living in poverty.
- See more at: The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yet you never, ever, see those in Congress that are willing to cut their income, their retirement, their fringe benefits.

Oh of course not!
I think your a going at the opposite extreme. Most Democrats believe in abortion but MANY are against late term abortion. The vast majority would consider killing a newborn murder. There ar quakes and many of them on the liberal side they would allow abortion in the 3rd term for any reason or kill newborns.

That said, I fall on the right in my voting, but I see 1st term abortion as a necessary evil, I believe later term abortions are acceptable as the lesser evil if the mother's life is in danger or birth defects are discovered.

There is also and emerging problem with child birth and raising a child - COST!!! Back in the day children were a plus (a net positive), since they helped on the farm and took care of you in your old age. No the case now. Children, might bring you joy, but they drain your cash flow and threaten your retirement.

The costs start during pregnancy and delivery stage. When the baby is in the womb, a women needs to get special meds and she might have to take off work (yep she gets maternity leave, but it's mostly unpaid). You have doctor bills, ultra-sounds etc. Then the baby is born. Delivering a baby is EXPENSIVE. A non-complication birth can cost 10K. Without insurance coverage that costs falls on parents. Maternity-care is ultra expensive, which people signing up for Obamacare are experience. The reason it's so expensive is because the majority of people who add it to their insurance plan do it for a reason, they are planning on having a baby (many group plans like mine offer it). Obaminationcare made this necessary for all insurance, which is good for some, but for many it's adding extrordinary costs. I digress. The birth is expensive. Even if you are full covered with PPO, you could have a deductible to pay and the 20% co-insurance. The delivery could cost you a few thousand. If you have complications, the costs sky-rocket!.

Then you have clothes, formula, food, medicine, doctors visits (trust me those $20 co-pays add up), education (preschool is crazy expensive, same with tutoring) and activities. My oldest daughter figure skates for $350 a month private lessons and my son's hockey costs $4,500 a season. Eating out is NUTZ, I have 4 kids, that is $4-5 a kids meal plus $2 a drink. Before my wife and I order that's $24-$28 for just the kids without tax and tip (and people wonder why I go to Buffalo Wild Wings every Wed - $1 kids meal with a drink, $75 very meaty drumbstick, $3.50 tall boys).

Then you have to save for college, average college cost is $40K a year now and still rapidly going up. Then you have iphones, laptops etc.

Kids are so expensive, I seriously don't know how anyone making less than $100K a year could even think of having kids.

Point of the story, of course National Socialist believes the answer is gradle to grave support. Because he is an idiot. That was tried in the USSR and it ended with everyone suffering.

The answer is to LOWER COST OF LIVING!!! Cost of living is the culprit. Government can't regulate or do price controls, but they can do many other things. (1) Balance the budget, (2) Stop printing money, (3) Reduce regulation and change them to smart regulations (the 1000s pages must go, they must be 10-20 pages or glup under 10 pages like they used to be, (4) Get rid of collective private pensions and go to individual pensions, (5) Open up the gov lands, ANWR, over shore and deep sea for oil exploration, (6) Stop all the red tape in areas that shouldn't have them and (7) Start a war on illegal immigration (see ND, they don't have a war in illegals, but they have few very if any illegals in the state. The result is a huge storage in labor for the service industry. They are starting KIDS are $15 a hour. I have a friend who works the oil rigs in ND. He told me that guys he knows are bringing they families out their and they kids are make $15-$18 an hour working at McDonalds. Labor storage equate to higher worker wages. Americans would and DO work the farming fields, but not for slave labor. Create a labor shortage in the agriculture sector and see wages rise.)
Simple. Republicans want to cut food stamps,medicaid,programs for the poor etc. They fight to the death and commit murder in some instances to protect babies in the womb but as a whole the republican party and its members don't want programs to help babies or kids once they are out of the womb.

Here this is a helpful link shows what they want to cut from kids that need it instead of raising taxes on the wealthy.

The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yeah, so? Please tell us how having, according to your own link, 46,000,000 (13% of the population) on assistance is compassionate? You don't see the mess, the total breakdown of dignity your programs create?

You lefties are sick fucks.. you really are.
Never said having them on welfare was compassionate but people should be taken care of. How the hell did society all of a sudden become a its all about me society? We ALL came from tribes...every race at one time lived in tribes they worked together they took care of one another its all about ME not help my fellow man,woman or child...damn what's wrong with you people.

So we should allow the republicans to cut everything off and let the kids starve and be homeless? BRILLIANT!
The House Committee on Agriculture found 100 percent of its savings from cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Nearly half (48 percent) of the program’s 46 million participants are children. And because the House budget included cuts to a provision that coordinates this essential nutrition assistance with other safety net programs, 280,000 children would no longer be automatically eligible for free school breakfast and lunch.
The House Ways and Means Committee axed programs that help abused or neglected children and gutted programs that help low-income working families with kids. The committee eliminated the Social Services Block Grant, which helps over 11 million kids through funding to states for services such as child abuse prevention and intervention, foster care, and child protective services.
The House Ways and Means Committee would also deny access to the child tax credit to parents who pay federal income taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number instead of a Social Security number, mainly harming American children whose parents are low-income working immigrants. Specifically, this change would take $1,800 away from the families of 5.5 million children in working families with incomes below the poverty level at a time when more than 1 in 5 kids are living in poverty.
- See more at: The Republican War on Kids ? I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists

Yet you never, ever, see those in Congress that are willing to cut their income, their retirement, their fringe benefits.

Oh of course not!

Republicans don't cut off everything mental midget and no Republican could get away with that or even has proposed that. You aren't worth my time so I won't explain it to you!
Oh but they have tried it and want to do it. Thankfully there are very few on that extreme right of the republican party so highly doubtful it will happen any time soon.
This does go both ways. Democrats want to allow women to murder their babies in the womb,Republicans want to let them live but once they are born well then who gives a shit! We obviously need a different idea here...not only allow them to be born but make sure they are given good homes and if needed take care of them.

Republicans support adoption. If a woman has a child she doesn't want, someone else does want that child. Instead democrats fight adoption to the point where Americans that want to adopt must go outside of the country.

The trend is to kill babies both before and after they are born.

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