The Democratic Party's Attempts to Steal Elections


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"During his guilty plea hearing, DeMuro admitted that an unnamed political consultant gave DeMuro directions and paid him money to illegally add votes for certain Democratic candidates.

Democrat/Socialist/Bolsheviks-to-be like to pretend that there is no election fraud, but everybody, including the Assholes making the claim---know better. The Democrat cheating is hard to catch in the large Northern Rotting Cities---first, because they are all run by Democrats. Second, it cost so much to catch a person for a few cheat ballots---say a person voting once for himself, and then later for a dead person (Which is why Democrats just hate Voter I.D)---well, anyway, the cost to catch and prosecute A SINGLE Fraudulent Voter is so expensive, it like prosecuting for jaywalking.

But, organized----a few cheaters in every Democrat controlled Precinct adds up quickly in critical swing states. Mail Out voting will be a Festival of Democrat Fraud.

So, it is nice to see one criminal Nailed---and we can hope he gets a nice sentence---but we can let this cheating piece of shit off with a fine IF, as he likely will---GIVE UP the scumbag Democrat unnamed political consultant. As in FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Good job DOJ. It's nice to see you do your job, instead of operating as the KGB-like enforcement arm of the Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel.

Not fooling anyone when there is an incredibly well funded and organized republican voter suppression effort underway in every state where they think it might work.
So this is the lie of the day: Democrats cheat therefore extreme voter suppression is justified.
Voting is a process you need to show up.. I honestly think mail in if you don’t cheat will hurt democrats, because blacks to mail much they don’t trust the post office

Democrats keep cheating,,only way they can win
This had absolutely nothing to do with mail-in voting, shit-for-brains.
It show democrats will cheat in mass forms. Mail In votes,
Let’s see when I vote I don’t sign the card, that means you could mail in 1 million per person ,, you all are nuts!
We need voting integrity.
How do we accomplish that? Certainly not with mail ins.
Certain people need to be able to vote this way. Obviously the president is one who qualifies. CEOs and CFOs and company executives who have to travel often for business would also qualify.
So this is the lie of the day: Democrats cheat therefore extreme voter suppression is justified.
Voting is a process you need to show up.. I honestly think mail in if you don’t cheat will hurt democrats, because blacks to mail much they don’t trust the post office
Quit thinking you know how black people think.

You'd just scream voter suppression because you had to buy your own stamp.
Get back to us when you find out the name of the "unnamed political consultant."

They will release that when he/they are indicted ...or plead and give up the ones who paid them.

Its called working your way UP the chain...following the Democratic see who funds the big money for the stealing of elections for the Democratic Party.

Bill Barr scares the shit out of you Bolshevik Turds, doesn't he?
There were no 300,000 to 0 precinct votes against Trump like there were against Romney.

Every precinct needs poll watchers to prevent this
"During his guilty plea hearing, DeMuro admitted that an unnamed political consultant gave DeMuro directions and paid him money to illegally add votes for certain Democratic candidates.

Democrat/Socialist/Bolsheviks-to-be like to pretend that there is no election fraud, but everybody, including the Assholes making the claim---know better. The Democrat cheating is hard to catch in the large Northern Rotting Cities---first, because they are all run by Democrats. Second, it cost so much to catch a person for a few cheat ballots---say a person voting once for himself, and then later for a dead person (Which is why Democrats just hate Voter I.D)---well, anyway, the cost to catch and prosecute A SINGLE Fraudulent Voter is so expensive, it like prosecuting for jaywalking.

But, organized----a few cheaters in every Democrat controlled Precinct adds up quickly in critical swing states. Mail Out voting will be a Festival of Democrat Fraud.

So, it is nice to see one criminal Nailed---and we can hope he gets a nice sentence---but we can let this cheating piece of shit off with a fine IF, as he likely will---GIVE UP the scumbag Democrat unnamed political consultant. As in FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Good job DOJ. It's nice to see you do your job, instead of operating as the KGB-like enforcement arm of the Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel.

Get back to me after expressing your outrage at what went on in North Carolina. Otherwise, same old, same old from the right wing.
The military has been using mail in voting for decades. Several states have early voting mail in. No big issues with fraud there. If
it's good enough for the military, it can be scaled for the whole country.
So this is the lie of the day: Democrats cheat therefore extreme voter suppression is justified.
We need voting integrity.
How do we accomplish that? Certainly not with mail ins.
We have voting integrity, what we don't have yet is a system so rigged that it always produces republican winners no matter what. Getting there though.
Not fooling anyone when there is an incredibly well funded and organized republican voter suppression effort underway in every state where they think it might work.

No red herrings please. We're discussing democrat ballot stuffing. Is this how they got those 300,000 to 0 precincts?
Then they whine about voter suppression. Actually its "voter ID" not voter suppression.
"During his guilty plea hearing, DeMuro admitted that an unnamed political consultant gave DeMuro directions and paid him money to illegally add votes for certain Democratic candidates.

Democrat/Socialist/Bolsheviks-to-be like to pretend that there is no election fraud, but everybody, including the Assholes making the claim---know better. The Democrat cheating is hard to catch in the large Northern Rotting Cities---first, because they are all run by Democrats. Second, it cost so much to catch a person for a few cheat ballots---say a person voting once for himself, and then later for a dead person (Which is why Democrats just hate Voter I.D)---well, anyway, the cost to catch and prosecute A SINGLE Fraudulent Voter is so expensive, it like prosecuting for jaywalking.

But, organized----a few cheaters in every Democrat controlled Precinct adds up quickly in critical swing states. Mail Out voting will be a Festival of Democrat Fraud.

So, it is nice to see one criminal Nailed---and we can hope he gets a nice sentence---but we can let this cheating piece of shit off with a fine IF, as he likely will---GIVE UP the scumbag Democrat unnamed political consultant. As in FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Good job DOJ. It's nice to see you do your job, instead of operating as the KGB-like enforcement arm of the Obama-Clinton Crime Cartel.

Get back to me after expressing your outrage at what went on in North Carolina. Otherwise, same old, same old from the right wing.
The military has been using mail in voting for decades. Several states have early voting mail in. No big issues with fraud there. If
it's good enough for the military, it can be scaled for the whole country.

Why did Gore try to get their votes tossed in 2000?
India gets it. Every single voter-aged individual gets a voter ID card and, upon casting their votes, they get their finger inked with indelible "voter ink" that takes weeks to wear off. 25 other countries do the same thing. There is no multi-voting.

How India's election ink helps the world vote

Why do 3rd world shitholes emerging countries respect cherish the right to vote while our 3rd world shithole marxist Dims do everything they can to thwart it?

It's a rhetorical question.

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