The Democrats are mild compared to the Tea Partyers.

any time you wish to discuss/debate what really ails this nation instead of pretending to be a non-partisan? Let your little fingers do the walkin' across your keyboard. Step up to the plate, little fella.

I'm happy to do it. I even promise to try and not to be insulting about it as long as you can do the same. Point-by-point, I will debate you in a civilized manner about whatever the hell you want.

Pick the topic........I am always up for debate and can be very civil.

Sure. Let's talk about immigration. Explicitly Mexico. I think we've failed at the idea of curbing illegal immigration from the south as a country for as long as I've been alive. Republicans and Democrats alike have fucked this up beyond belief. How do we solve it?

Don't vote Democrat in the next election is my favorite all around solution...

Partisanship isn't the solution though, is it? At least, at hasn't worked so far...
tea party of 2010 - Google Search

Tea Party movement - Wikipedia

How short your memories are, with the Potus and his cabinet trashing the Dems and Media every minute calling the Mueller a witch hunt at every turn and everyone pro Trump is say "witch hunt". you trumpeters are still the most deplorable people along with the most of the GOP.

Since the tea party I will never vote Rep again, I find your hypocrisy sickening.

Speaking truthfully, you wasps make me ill.

I went to a Tea Party and brought my own tea. The Tea Party served Lipton Tea and I brought Royal Yunan Tea. Royal Yunan Tea has effects similar to marijuana and instead of talking politics we all were laughing and joking. The stoic Tea Partiers dumped out their Lipton Tea and brewed my upscale Chinese Tea.

Lol. That's great!
Do tell? The Taxed Enough Already" Party that didn't want to go along with the socialist agenda of the fabian socialist left and their "collective" ideals (of picking the pockets of others) "trashed" leftards?

Penelope, leftist agent provocateurs showed up at town hall meetings spewing racist bullshit and waving racist signs while the lamestream media gave them the air time and snickered all the way back to their news stations. Leftards and their fabian socialists leaders believe that the ends justifies the means and they will stoop to any disgusting tactic if it furthers the goals of the commie agenda. They don't have a moral compass and there isn't a tactic that they will not employ. Leftards are the kind of people that would pat their foes on the back because they are looking for a place to insert the knife.smiling the whole time.

Here are a few home truths that you need to resign yourself to.......there are MILLIONS of Americans with guns and enough ammo to wipe out the limp-wristed leftists and there are too many in the military that will never fire on their own for "da gubermint". I don't want to hurt anyone but when push comes to shove? Leftards are gonna be in a serious world of hurt....just sayin'.

Man you really scare me. NOT. I am sure there are many militias, I call them gangs, trying to act tough. You are a wasp, probably without the wealth.

"Man you really scare me"

Should be "Man, you really scare me".....see how a strategically placed comma TOTALLY changes the meaning of a sentence?

"I am sure there are many militias, I call them gangs, trying to act tough"

Are you referring to the mask wearing ANTIFA members that attack people in packs that are not on the same page as the commies? Agreed......constitutionalists like myself simply want to be left alone with our unalienable rights intact and will fight to the death to defend them. We do not subscribe to the "collectivism" ideals of today's DNC but if you fuck with us? You do so at your own peril....I hope that you get the message that I am sending but please let me know if clarification is needed.

BTW, my great-grandfather was a full-blooded native of this land and I would wager that my native American blood percentage is exponentially higher than that of "Pocahontas" Liz Warren.
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Valerie, kicking your fat ass from one section of this forum to the other is just too damn easy......

:laugh2: get real, morAn.

the evolution of team trump has PROVEN how 'deplorable' is too good a word for you ignorant thugs!

Valerie, you disappoint me...much in the same way your significant other feels when he/she sees your sagging bosoms stuffed into a Wal-Mart bra. You respond to my posts but yet you don't seem to have even the slightest clue as to what my stance is as it pertains to the left versus right paradigm. I do not participate in the election process of this corporate entity that you call "gubermint" because I changed my status from that of a "person" under the UCC and reclaimed my natural status and birthright....but am I rooting for Trump's success? Damn straight... and thus far I have been pleasantly surprised and would give him the grade of a A-.

IF he was actually recruited by the white hats to try and pull a "JFK" to try and return America to being a republic? We have a shot....otherwise, the country is fucked. The socialist/commie utopia you and those of your ilk envision isn't what you believe it will be............thoughts?


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