The Democrats Finally Debated the Green New Deal


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
They are lying. The Green New Deal is going to remove jobs from this country. They are sending manufacturing jobs across seas to make solar panel and etc. They claims that manufacturing industries emits too much CO2 into the atmosphere. And so they want foreign companies like China to make our products.

Bernie Sanders also embraced the Green New Deal on stage, albeit briefly. “The Green New Deal is a bold idea,” he said. “We can create millions of good paying jobs. We can rebuild communities in rural America that have been devastated.” The Democrats finally debated the Green New Deal

They are lying. The Green New Deal is going to remove jobs from this country. They are sending manufacturing jobs across seas to make solar panel and etc. They claims that manufacturing industries emits too much CO2 into the atmosphere. And so they want foreign companies like China to make our products.

Bernie Sanders also embraced the Green New Deal on stage, albeit briefly. “The Green New Deal is a bold idea,” he said. “We can create millions of good paying jobs. We can rebuild communities in rural America that have been devastated.” The Democrats finally debated the Green New Deal


And not one of their assertions is true... They lied out of their mouths...

IT will send jobs overseas..

IT will kill the middle class...

IT will create more poverty...

It will create more DEPENDENCY ON GOVERNMENT HAND OUTS... And that is their number one goal.. Perpetual power by having people fear that their food supplies will be cut off if they elect someone else.. Think for a moment.. As long as dems were in control they failed to give Blacks jobs and kept them on welfare. Why? And to this day many still eat the shit the dems shovel them..
They are lying. The Green New Deal is going to remove jobs from this country. They are sending manufacturing jobs across seas to make solar panel and etc. They claims that manufacturing industries emits too much CO2 into the atmosphere. And so they want foreign companies like China to make our products.

Bernie Sanders also embraced the Green New Deal on stage, albeit briefly. “The Green New Deal is a bold idea,” he said. “We can create millions of good paying jobs. We can rebuild communities in rural America that have been devastated.” The Democrats finally debated the Green New Deal


And not one of their assertions is true... They lied out of their mouths...

IT will send jobs overseas..

IT will kill the middle class...

IT will create more poverty...

It will create more DEPENDENCY ON GOVERNMENT HAND OUTS... And that is their number one goal.. Perpetual power by having people fear that their food supplies will be cut off if they elect someone else.. Think for a moment.. As long as dems were in control they failed to give Blacks jobs and kept them on welfare. Why? And to this day many still eat the shit the dems shovel them..

They are not going to debate the Green New Deal with Pres.Trump. That is why they are debating about it now, among those that agrees with it. That is why that they didn't included Tulsi Gabbard into this debate, but put her on the next debate. And so that they will not have anyone to challenge them on it. They will never tell the public what is in it. And one of it is to move out manufacturing companies.But these Dems are leaving the public in the dark about it.

"I have some concerns with the Green New Deal, and about some of the vagueness of the language in there, so I have not co-sponsored that resolution," the Hawaii congresswoman told ABC's "The View."
Tulsi Gabbard: I have 'concerns' over the 'Green New Deal'
Monkey see monkey do Democrats will always follow each other regardless. It doesn't matter what the drawbacks are, monkey see monkey doers will blindly follow their nincompoop friends. Thank God for Trumpie, the voice of reason.

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