Green new Deal is bankrupting America and enriching China , thanks Biden

So China invested in the sensible technologies, and we didn't, and now that the rubber hit the road, it's China's fault that we didn't do the sensible thing because Big Oil controls our policies.

You see, while we were pissing away a Trillion Dollars in Iraq, the Chinese were investing in Solar and Wind power.

Seems like some misdirected rage to me.

Your home nation builds 2 NEW COAL PLANTS EVERY WEEK!!!!!



Only 2 options: Protest China or GFY
Your home nation builds 2 NEW COAL PLANTS EVERY WEEK!!!!!
My home country is the US.

So let's look at the chart you provided.

The US has 4% of the world's population and is emitting 13% of the greenhouse gases. China is 19% of the world's population and is emitting 31% of the greenhouse gases. Seems like the US is the much worse offender here.
They also have 1.5 Billion people... but you guys like to pretend that isn't an issue.
And ? The problem with you loons is that you want the US and the rest of the Western world held to ridiculously impossible standards but make excuses or outright ignore countries like China.
My home country is the US.

So let's look at the chart you provided.

The US has 4% of the world's population and is emitting 13% of the greenhouse gases. China is 19% of the world's population and is emitting 31% of the greenhouse gases. Seems like the US is the much worse offender here.

Wait so CO2 is only an issue on a per capita basis????????????? Is that the new "Settled science"?????

This sounds familiar: All CO2 is equal, but some CO2 is more equal than others, right?
My home country is the US.

So let's look at the chart you provided.

The US has 4% of the world's population and is emitting 13% of the greenhouse gases. China is 19% of the world's population and is emitting 31% of the greenhouse gases. Seems like the US is the much worse offender here.

You're a fucking sleeper for Xi. You ALWAYS stand up and defend the CCP
And ? The problem with you loons is that you want the US and the rest of the Western world held to ridiculously impossible standards but make excuses or outright ignore countries like China.
Except the standards aren't impossible, and most of the rest of the west is already meeting them.

China is heading in the right direction.

The problem is you don't want to be inconvenienced.
Wait so CO2 is only an issue on a per capita basis????????????? Is that the new "Settled science"?????

This sounds familiar: All CO2 is equal, but some CO2 is more equal than others, right?

Math is clearly a challenge for you.

Yes, per capita is the issue here.
Except the standards aren't impossible, and most of the rest of the west is already meeting them.

China is heading in the right direction.

The problem is you don't want to be inconvenienced.
Europe is in the middle of a energy crisis, Spain tried a green economy and it was a disaster and China is building new coal fired plants every year. You are delusional.

I'm not going to give up my lifestyle because you lunatics have been suckered. The elite giving you morons your marching orders sure aren't practicing what they want to force on the peasantry.
Europe is in the middle of a energy crisis, Spain tried a green economy and it was a disaster and China is building new coal fired plants every year. You are delusional.

I'm not going to give up my lifestyle because you lunatics have been suckered. The elite giving you morons your marching orders sure aren't practicing what they want to force on the peasantry.

It is sad you are blissful in your ignorance and denial.

I used to be skeptical of climate change, until I realized that winters are much milder than when I was a kid and summers are much hotter...but you do you, man.
Except in my state, all the power plants are nuclear. The thing about coal is that it's a dead-end technology. Besides the enormous damage it is doing to the environment, we only have a finite supply of it, probably less than 50 years. We need to look at something else. Renewables should be a major part of that.

Oh, look, man, I get that you hate the fact that Biden is taking climate change seriously.

At the same time, however, China has been making massive investments in energy transition. “China saw an economic opportunity in low-carbon industries,” according to Kelly Sims Gallagher, Director at the Tufts University Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, “and they formed industrial policy.” While Europe was an early mover in clean energy, China has harnessed its competitive advantage in policy consistency and lower-cost capital to lead the market in solar, wind, and EV technology exports. With the passage of the CHIPS, Infrastructure, and Inflation reduction bills in 2022, the United States has finally significantly accelerated clean energy investment. But is it too late for the Americans to catch up? At a recent Critical Issues Confronting China talk hosted by the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Gallagher gave an update on the current state of the global race for Leadership in low-carbon tech and provided her outlook on the future of clean energy.

Nowhere is China’s leading position clearer than in the solar energy sector. China has an estimated 2.7 million people employed in the solar energy sector, making up more than half of the world’s 4.3 million solar jobs. How did China do it? Initially China’s solar industry began in the 1990s to supply Germany’s high demand. The Chinese government provided tax incentives and credits to lure in investors and scoured the globe for supplies of machinery and polysilicon. This vertically integrated supply chain in China created a mammoth solar manufacturing industry that produced more solar panels for less. When western countries imposed tariffs (charging dumping), the Chinese government was able to quickly develop a domestic market. In contrast, the U.S. outsourced its solar production to China. In 2014, the U.S. had a dozen factories producing Photovoltaic wafers and ingots. Today, none exist. According to Gallagher, the disassembling of clean energy infrastructure is making it difficult for the U.S. to claw its way back.
Climate Change is bullshit. I spent montjhs studying it. If I can't get it, who can. ANd that means whatever is behind the curtain can say -- and they do : Look, this is for us geniuses , you go play outside.
Senator Cruz laid out the facts. Biden is crushing our economy. His mega-spending is making his most recent cash cows unworkable. If they arenot losing a billion like the wind farms , they are too expensive to implement under the inflation the previous spending has caused . But China, which would be on its last legs, is getting tons of cash from Biden's China-heavy projects

“China controls refining capacity for 73 percent of the world's cobalt, 40 percent of the copper, 59 percent of the lithium, 68 percent of the nickel, and 83 percent of the rare earth metals,” Mr. Cruz said. “Every one of those is necessary for wind and solar power.

"China is responsible for 80 percent of global solar panel manufacturing. ... 70 percent of global wind turbine manufacturing, and 77 percent of global lithium-ion battery manufacturing.”

Biden the stupid lazy poor judgement ill-spoken moron

76th out of a law school class of 85. His undergraduate academic records show that he graduated from Delaware 506th in a class of 688 with a "C" average

You're quoting a communist website with ties to China, so there is that.

Old saying from law school: A students make professors; B students make judges; C students make MONEY.

Where you graduate in law school is irrelevant in terms of your ability as a lawyer.
Climate Change is bullshit. I spent montjhs studying it. If I can't get it, who can. ANd that means whatever is behind the curtain can say -- and they do : Look, this is for us geniuses , you go play outside.

The sad thing about the Right Wing Loons is that you guys deny science.

Evolution disproves the Bible? Deny the Science.
Climate Change might require us to change our indulgent lifestyles? Deny the Science.
Climate Change is bullshit. I spent montjhs studying it. If I can't get it, who can. ANd that means whatever is behind the curtain can say -- and they do : Look, this is for us geniuses , you go play outside.

You spent months studying it and if you can't get who can???? Well Dr. Hawking, it just might not be within the scope of either your education or expertise to comprehend it.

You just admitted you don't understand climate change, then you say you that the rest of us are being tricked. Did you look at the data for hurricanes, tornadoes, and catasrophic climate events for the past 50 years?

Did you look at the frequency and severity of storms over the past century, or since they started keeping data? A "once in a century" storm is now happening every 5 years now, on average.

Have you looked at insurance claims for catastrophic climate events? In the 1980's climate change insurance claims were less than $1 billion per year. Last year climate insurance claims topped $190 billion in the USA. Insurance companies are pulling out of the state of Florida completely. Rates are through the roof.

If you can't buy insurance for your property, your can't get a mortgage on the property.

If you can't see what is happening here, you have to be wilfully blind. You don't have to have a PHD in climate science, to understand that the rising temperatures are unsustainable economically, and that we need to slow the rate of increase, or nature will make the planet unliveable until enough of us die, that we're no longer a problem.
The sad thing about the Right Wing Loons is that you guys deny science.

Evolution disproves the Bible? Deny the Science.
Climate Change might require us to change our indulgent lifestyles? Deny the Science.

Foreign companies are no longer looking to the USA for investment in technology and science because far too many American workers are the product of home schooling and religious schools which are denying science, and teaching creationism, indoctrinating right wing radicalism, and that God gave man dominion and all of the other religious dogma that science debunks, that they have problems finding qualified workers.

A right wing education guaranteed to turn out a good little right wing Christian nationalist, doesn't tend to turn out innovative science based graduates, with an eye to the future of the world.

Canada is profitting immensely from all of the high end companies building facilities in Canada to get entry into the North American Free Trade Zone. Canada is #1 in the world for an educated work force. Stable government. Low crime rates, sensible gun laws. Universal Health Care. Sound infrastructure. As the USA has dropped like a stone since 2015 on the best places to live rankings, Canada has risen to the top of the charts!!!!!
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