The Democrats war on men continues


Active Member
Jan 21, 2009
Democrats seem to spend all their waking moments trying to distract folks from the inherent bigotry of liberalism. We hear about a war on women, yet most of the inequities are against men.

Firstly, there is a male only draft. That's an inequity against men -- not women.

Secondly there is male only registration for the draft. That's an inequity against men -- not women.

Thirdly, there is the phony anti-male statistics Dems like Hillary Clinton trot out about a glass ceiling. Yet, this myth has been disproven over and over again and if it were true, why would any business hire a man when women are cheaper??

Fourthly, we keep hearing about women's reproductive rights from Dems. How about men's reproductive rights?? When a woman gets pregnant, the man has no say in whether the baby is born. Suppose she tricked the guy into pregnancy. Oh, I get it, it's her body her choice! How much sense does that make?? Suppose I come up and punch you in the face and say, "Hey it's my body (fist) and my choice!" Would that make any sense?? Then why do Dems keep allowing this inequity against men to continue? Because they have a war against men's equality

Fifthly, men live on average 8 years less than women. Yet women receive twice the medical research funding. So to make things REALLY equal Dems probably want women to receive an even more lopsided share of research money. Apparently if men live 20 years less than women, then we REALLY will have equality...

Sixthly, if Dems and the feminist movement are so hell bent on equality between them, presumably any disadvantage or burden one sex has should be given to the other. For instance, the burduen of pursuing is still on the man. So since that is the subservient role, shouldn't Dems want to make pursuing easier? If so, then why have over-reaching sexual harassment laws, where it's a "reasonable woman standard" to decide if it's harassment?? Why not a reasonable man standard since the burdensome role is on the man?? Real equality, would be that men get tax breaks if they are the pursuer like tax breaks on dates, reductions on wedding rings, and just generally an easier time of things. Clearly that's not what has evolved as a guy failing to cover his mouth when sneezing three cubicles down, can be charged with sexual harassment. Even if he is found innocent, why should men have to go thru this harassment of it's own. This new McCarthyism??

These are just a few of the things that constitute a war on men. And Dems have the nerve to talk about a war on women?? Ha ha. Now that is funny...

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