The DemocratVirus would be far less of an issue if the democrats didn't ruin our healthcare system with Obamacare

Oct 5, 2019
Thanks to obamacare our healthcare system has been inundated with new patients who used to not be able to take up our precious resources. As a result, there are fewer doctors, nurses, and equipment to go around, because now every freeloader has free or heavily subsidized health insurance. Had this happened pre-obamacare, then those people would not be using up our resources that should be going toward people who can actually pay for their medical services.

At this point the only way to solve this issue is for people to stop going to the hospitals if they get the ObamaVirus This will serve the same goal as flattening the curve, but allow us to keep our economy open. People need to work and live life, and if you get sick from this virus then stay home and ride it out. Hope for the best, but please do not go to the hospital. We also need to issue an emergency order that ceases all obamacare insurance plans effective immediately. Hospitals also need to be given the power to turn away anyone who doesn't have REAL insurance (non-obamacare) and who cannot pay their deductible and co-insurance up front. Taking these steps will allow us to stay open and maintain quality service in our hospitals to those who need medical assistance and can pay their way.
we dont turn sick American citizens away in this country ! Obama care did hurt our medical system but thats besides the point ! Americans take care of Americans ! punk! Trump 2020 !
Giving out care to people who cannot afford it leads to shortages that in turn lead to rationing. We need to ensure equal access to our healthcare system by not giving away free services to people who cannot pay. If people who cannot afford medical care get sick, then they need to stay home and not flood our hospitals. It's the only way to flatten the curve without destroying our economy. Other than my kids, I don't any lives that worth more than sparing our nation's economy.

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