The demrats obession with idenity politics

I have to admit, identity politics is a remarkably good strategy. If you can convince 320,000,000 Americans that the other 319,999,999 are out to get them, you can easily get their vote if you promise them an advantage.
I’m sorry . Are you implying thy Cons don’t practice identity politics ?

victim politics or whatever term you want to use is a ridiculous as old jim crow crowd of yesteryear. Must be the only thing they can peddle now.

Pretty much all politics is identity politics :

Identity politics are political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify. Identity politics includes the ways in which people's politics are shaped by aspects of their identity through loosely correlated social organizations.
Combined with the illiberal, authoritarian Political Correctness, Identity Politics has been the hardcore Left's bread and butter for generations.

As our demographics continue to change, it will probably end up being pretty successful for them.

It's an irony of ironies: We're told we're supposed to treat everyone the same, by the very same people who have successfully divided us into myriad competing grievance groups.

Cynical as hell.

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