The Dems may not like what the GOP Senators consider "disqualifying" going forward

What will the GOP controlled Senate consider disqualifying for dem USSC nominees going forward

  • Any sexual misconduct

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any juvenile transgression (theft, underage drinking, etc.)

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • Any drug use, including marijuana

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any DUI

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any police booking of ANY type

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters
Seems to me he is a very wet and active drunk.
Yet, he is the pick of the President. Either he gets a confirmation vote or he does not.

Don't have the votes? Tough shit.

Don't have the votes to stop it? Tough shit.

Use Senate rules to prevent Court appointments? Rules get changed.

The point of advice and consent is to determine qualifications. The guy sat on the 2nd highest court for more than a decade. The allegations against him are nearly 4 decades old.

This is Dems ONCE AGAIN trying to prevent the consequences of a presidential election.
Explain it to Garland

Kavenaugh got what he deserved, so did Thomas

Kavanaugh gets what he deserves when he is seated on the USSC. Hopefully this week...Thomas (age 70) should retire soon so Trump can put a nice young justice on the USSC, then its an RBG (age 85) retirement watch...any day now...any day now...then again Breyer (age 80) could retire soon too...
Here's what Joe said:
"In a speech on the Senate floor in June 1992, Mr. Biden, then the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said there should be a different standard for a Supreme Court vacancy “that would occur in the full throes of an election year.” The president should follow the example of “a majority of his predecessors” and delay naming a replacement, Mr. Biden said. If he goes forward before then, the Senate should wait to consider the nomination.
Joe Biden Argued for Delaying Supreme Court Picks in 1992

That was 8 months after Clarence Thomas.

What then Chairman Biden said, didn't require anyone to do anything. Indicating what the Senate "could" do, merely indicates a possibility. Indicating what Chairman Biden thought "should" be done, merely indicates what Chairman Biden would prefer to occur.

Any attempt to put any weight into what then Chairman Biden argued, is an attempt to assign partisan politics as a "requirement" instead of a "choice".
The selection of Judges for the Supreme Court

What about it, The number of votes required to confirm a nominee could be changed. Making it higher would require finding a nominee that suited a broader purpose than satisfying the incessant bickering and partisan politics associated with the current condition. It used to be 60 (for a cloture vote to close debate), and I don't see why it would be a problem moving it upwards of that.

The assholes in Washington DC will figure out how to do it, or screw them. You can keep playing the red v blue game if you want, but I don't see where that will amount to anything worthwhile.
New ball game

The courts used to be off limits for politics and most justices were approved bilaterally almost unanimously

Now, the party line will hold, a mere majority to appoint and seats will sit empty for years

It is on the Republicans

I rest my case.
Bork had his hearing and a vote and was found to be unsuitable
I rest my case
Seems to me he is a very wet and active drunk.
Yet, he is the pick of the President. Either he gets a confirmation vote or he does not.

Don't have the votes? Tough shit.

Don't have the votes to stop it? Tough shit.

Use Senate rules to prevent Court appointments? Rules get changed.

The point of advice and consent is to determine qualifications. The guy sat on the 2nd highest court for more than a decade. The allegations against him are nearly 4 decades old.

This is Dems ONCE AGAIN trying to prevent the consequences of a presidential election.
Explain it to Garland

Kavenaugh got what he deserved, so did Thomas

Kavanaugh gets what he deserves when he is seated on the USSC. Hopefully this week...Thomas (age 70) should retire soon so Trump can put a nice young justice on the USSC, then its an RBG (age 85) retirement watch...any day now...any day now...then again Breyer (age 80) could retire soon too...
Kavenaugh will be forced through
We will have to see who has the Senate and White House for the rest
Kavenaugh will be forced through
We will have to see who has the Senate and White House for the rest

That is still yet to be seen, and "forced through" is a less than accurate portrayal. All that needs to happen for Kavanaugh to be confirmed is receiving the votes required to be confirmed, and no one is forcing anyone to do that. Republicans and Democrats can vote any way they want on the confirmation.
Kavenaugh will be forced through
We will have to see who has the Senate and White House for the rest

That is still yet to be seen, and "forced through" is a less than accurate portrayal. All that needs to happen for Kavanaugh to be confirmed is receiving the votes required to be confirmed, and no one is forcing anyone to do that. Republicans and Democrats can vote any way they want on the confirmation.

He will receive his vote regardless of the findings of the FBI
That is why McConnell has already scheduled a vote
He will receive his vote regardless of the findings of the FBI
That is why McConnell has already scheduled a vote

I never thought the FBI investigation would amount to much, as a matter of what could be discovered in evidence.

If Majority Leader McConnell thinks he has the votes, he should go ahead and call a vote, It would be interesting if a vote he is counting on swings the other way. That may be improbable, but not impossible. It would also take the issue off the table for a little bit if it stalls out the confirmation. Lining up an alternative would take longer than what he has procedure wise. I have grown weary of trying to guess what any of the goofballs in Congress may do. There are some players that have nothing to lose (Senator Flake being one of those).
If the Kav vote fails there are two options.
1. See if the GOP wins seats in the mid-terms, if so, delay the vote until January, then put Kavanaugh on.
2. If the dems win the senate, then ram the ND professor (Barrett) thru ASAP, RBG only took 23 days from nomination to seated, so its doable.

Option 2 would be the more fun one to watch, the dems would be apoplectic. She is more conservative than Kav. If I was a GOP senator I wouldn't ask her any questions, I'd just say "congratulations Justice Barrett....yield back".
This topic cracks me up. It is built on the hilarious false premise that it is impossible to find a judge who doesn't have any sexual misconduct or drug use or a police record.

After the dems put up such a circus against Kavanaugh, one of the most qualified candidates in history, what repercussions can the dems expect from the GOP going forward. IMHO any "sexual misconduct" (including bringing the big dog out) is one, any "juvenile transgression" (theft, underage drinking, etc.), any drug use, including marijuana, any DUI, any PFA, any felony, etc.

I'm sure the FBI or Senate investigators could find something disqualifying on any and all democrat nominees going forward. If they can even find anyone to run that gauntlet.
This is what Republicans call disqualifying:

Helping children

Healthcare for the average American

Telling the truth

Helping those with pre existing conditions
He will receive his vote regardless of the findings of the FBI
That is why McConnell has already scheduled a vote

I never thought the FBI investigation would amount to much, as a matter of what could be discovered in evidence.

If Majority Leader McConnell thinks he has the votes, he should go ahead and call a vote, It would be interesting if a vote he is counting on swings the other way. That may be improbable, but not impossible. It would also take the issue off the table for a little bit if it stalls out the confirmation. Lining up an alternative would take longer than what he has procedure wise. I have grown weary of trying to guess what any of the goofballs in Congress may do. There are some players that have nothing to lose (Senator Flake being one of those).
If McConnell tries to force a vote while there are still substantial concerns about Kavenaugh......he could lose Collins, Murkowski and Flake
If McConnell tries to force a vote while there are still substantial concerns about Kavenaugh......he could lose Collins, Murkowski and Flake

As Senate Majority Leader, he has the power to call a vote. Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski are attempting to force him not to call the vote. If the Majority Leader and a few Senators want to play games, I'd fire Senator Cornyn as Majority Whip for starters (but then again, I deal more in business than most politicians do).
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Helping children - [aka taking money from one person and giving it to another via threat of violence and loss of liberty to ensure compliance]

Healthcare for the average American - [aka taking money from one person and giving it to another via threat of violence and loss of liberty to ensure compliance]

Telling the truth - [Irony Overload]

Helping those with pre existing conditions - [aka taking money from one person and giving it to another via threat of violence and loss of liberty to ensure compliance]
If McConnell tries to force a vote while there are still substantial concerns about Kavenaugh......he could lose Collins, Murkowski and Flake

As Senate Majority Leader, he has the power to call a vote. Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski are attempting to force him not to call the vote. If the Majority Leader and a few Senators want to play games, I'd fire Senator Cornyn as Majority Whip for starters (but then again, I deal more in business than most politicians do).

If you don’t have the lose
Flake, Collins and Murkowski have been clear on what they expect

Forcing a vote could lose them
If you don’t have the lose
Flake, Collins and Murkowski have been clear on what they expect

Forcing a vote could lose them

I'm not a Democrat or Republican so you don't have to tell me what it takes to lose, especially when you are fighting partisan political bullshit.
Stalling the vote prevents it the same as losing it (as in it doesn't seat a nominee), which is why I said I would fire Senator Cornyn for being a sorry ass Majority Whip. You are talking in circles (which in business amount to wasted time), and no one is forcing anyone to do anything. Majority Leader can make the Senators vote, and the Senators can vote whatever way they feel like.

Shit or get off the pot. :21:

Maybe it would help if I reiterated that Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski have been playing this game since before President Obama nominated Merrick Garland. There's no need to pretend the game is any different.
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If McConnell tries to force a vote while there are still substantial concerns about Kavenaugh......he could lose Collins, Murkowski and Flake

As Senate Majority Leader, he has the power to call a vote. Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski are attempting to force him not to call the vote. If the Majority Leader and a few Senators want to play games, I'd fire Senator Cornyn as Majority Whip for starters (but then again, I deal more in business than most politicians do).

If you don’t have the lose
Flake, Collins and Murkowski have been clear on what they expect

Forcing a vote could lose them
Could .....Would....maybe......if............Oh well

Let's roll the dice and see what happens.

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