The Dems may not like what the GOP Senators consider "disqualifying" going forward

What will the GOP controlled Senate consider disqualifying for dem USSC nominees going forward

  • Any sexual misconduct

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any juvenile transgression (theft, underage drinking, etc.)

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • Any drug use, including marijuana

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any DUI

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any police booking of ANY type

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters
Ask Garland why he was disqualified

Garland wasn't "disqualified" for personal behavior, McConnell simply used the "Biden Rule" not to confirm a nominee in a presidential election year. Trump won and picked Gorsuch. If Hillary had won she could have re-named Garland or pick someone else. Who do you think she would have nominated? Probably not Garland.
No! Garland was disqualified for being nominated by President Obama!


Mitch used the Biden Rule.

(Remember him? He was the sitting VP when Garland was being nominated. Bet that stung))

It would have prevented ANY nominee being considered until after the election
That sophistry is also a load of shit! Just where is the alleged "Biden Rule" codified in law or compiled in any Senate rulebook? What Biden said in 1992 when he was a Senator sure as Hell can only be construed as a "Rule" by fools, malcontents or partisan sheep of a RWNJ tribe.Which group are you in?


Which are you in?
time for the filibuster on lifetime SC nominees to be put back in place... it forces them to be the deliberative side of our Congress and come to compromise, as long as it isn't abused by the minority... it's better than this heels dug in at all costs crapola!

WTF?? They can't even get 51 votes. IMHO the filibuster is dead and not coming back. The USSC would all die off before anyone could get approved. Hyper-partisanship killed the filibuster. Look at the votes RBG, Kagen, and Sotomayor got compared to Gorsuch and Alito, and now Kavanaugh. QED. (Its not just qualifications anymore)
time for the filibuster on lifetime SC nominees to be put back in place... it forces them to be the deliberative side of our Congress and come to compromise, as long as it isn't abused by the minority... it's better than this heels dug in at all costs crapola!

Pandora's Box was opened, and using parliamentarian procedures to bypass restrictions is something both sides were willing to do. When you play with nukes, assured mutual destruction is what you get.

Too little too late, you don't get to eat your cake and have it too.
and you don't either, as seen or will be seen with Kavanaugh... enjoy the cat fight!

the hundreds of Trmp judicial appointments occurred because the Republicans when in the Minority, ABUSED the filibuster and prevented Obama from getting the judges he picked even voted on for years....

those positions were left open, and when Trump was elected, he got to fill those judicial openings that the Republicans never let even come up for a vote.

Schumer had it... and nuked the filibuster for circuit court judges... in order for Obama to get some judges to the floor for a vote.

it was a mistake... though I understand his frustration.

Supreme court justices are all of our justices, for their entire lifetime, not just a circuit of the court or an appellate court for your region.... those on it, should represent us ALL.
Ask Garland why he was disqualified

Garland wasn't "disqualified" for personal behavior, McConnell simply used the "Biden Rule" not to confirm a nominee in a presidential election year. Trump won and picked Gorsuch. If Hillary had won she could have re-named Garland or pick someone else. Who do you think she would have nominated? Probably not Garland.
She would have picked some black broad. She could also picked a transgender type
and you don't either, as seen or will be seen with Kavanaugh... enjoy the cat fight!

the hundreds of Trmp judicial appointments occurred because the Republicans when in the Minority, ABUSED the filibuster and prevented Obama from getting the judges he picked even voted on for years....

those positions were left open, and when Trump was elected, he got to fill those judicial openings that the Republicans never let even come up for a vote.

Schumer had it... and nuked the filibuster for circuit court judges... in order for Obama to get some judges to the floor for a vote.

it was a mistake... though I understand his frustration.

Supreme court justices are all of our justices, for their entire lifetime, not just a circuit of the court or an appellate court for your region.... those on it, should represent us ALL.

If by cat fight, you mean a bunch of howling, spitting in screaming that doesn't solve anything, I am pleased with the way my Senator has handled it, and if you have a problem with yours, tell them.
Ask Garland why he was disqualified
He was?

Don't remember reading anything about him being 'disqualified'.

That's right. No advise or consent. Nothing.
The Senate didn't give consent.............and they didn't accuse him of being a rapist either.

Yet still disqualified. Disqualified, disregarded and disavowed. Dissed in every way.
How does it feel to be...

Got feelz?
time for the filibuster on lifetime SC nominees to be put back in place... it forces them to be the deliberative side of our Congress and come to compromise, as long as it isn't abused by the minority... it's better than this heels dug in at all costs crapola!
A little late.

That horse rode off into a Nevada sunset, between Harry Reid's legs.
Ask Garland why he was disqualified

Garland wasn't "disqualified" for personal behavior, McConnell simply used the "Biden Rule" not to confirm a nominee in a presidential election year. Trump won and picked Gorsuch. If Hillary had won she could have re-named Garland or pick someone else. Who do you think she would have nominated? Probably not Garland.
No! Garland was disqualified for being nominated by President Obama!


Mitch used the Biden Rule.

(Remember him? He was the sitting VP when Garland was being nominated. Bet that stung))

It would have prevented ANY nominee being considered until after the election
No such thing as the Biden Rule

There is now a McConnell Rule that says a Senate controlled by an opposition party is under no obligation to consider his Supreme Court picks

May God help us all
Ask Garland why he was disqualified
He was?

Don't remember reading anything about him being 'disqualified'.

He wasn’t?

Then why isn’t he on the Supreme Court?


The echo and ringing in your ear comes from the not so distant past.

Elections have consequences.

Sorry 'bout your luck.

What advice or consent did Republicans offer Garland?
Kavanaugh received it........Garland was blocked
There is now a McConnell Rule that says a Senate controlled by an opposition party is under no obligation to consider his Supreme Court picks

Odd, that sounds JUST like the Biden Rule, which he created, while he was Chair of the Judiciary Committee.
Ask Garland why he was disqualified
He was?

Don't remember reading anything about him being 'disqualified'.

He wasn’t?

Then why isn’t he on the Supreme Court?


The echo and ringing in your ear comes from the not so distant past.

Elections have consequences.

Sorry 'bout your luck.

What advice or consent did Republicans offer Garland?
Kavanaugh received it........Garland was blocked
I honestly don't care.



Where do bad Bills go when they die?

They don't go to heaven where the Angels fly.

The go to Harry Reid's desk where they fry.

Elections have Consequences.

Sit in the back of the bus.

You can come along for the ride.

But you have to sit in back.

My sincerest condolences for your loss.
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time for the filibuster on lifetime SC nominees to be put back in place... it forces them to be the deliberative side of our Congress and come to compromise, as long as it isn't abused by the minority... it's better than this heels dug in at all costs crapola!
A little late.

That horse rode off into a Nevada sunset, between Harry Reid's legs.
I agree with you, but I still believe in miracles! :p
when Clarence Thomas was put in, after such a contentious hearing, with things coming out after he was seated that Anita Hill was telling the truth...

the next Justice picked, by Clinton this time... 2 years or so after the Thomas pick... Ruth Bader Gingsburg... flew through the Senate, 96 to 3. The Senators did not want to put on a contentious show as they did with thomas and anita hill.

so, miracles can happen! :)
Neither party thinks beyond the end of their nose anymore they do whatever they think will give them a short term political advantage and the fact the other party will use whatever they did against them the first chance they get is totally lost on them.
After the dems put up such a circus against Kavanaugh, one of the most qualified candidates in history, what repercussions can the dems expect from the GOP going forward. IMHO any "sexual misconduct" (including bringing the big dog out) is one, any "juvenile transgression" (theft, underage drinking, etc.), any drug use, including marijuana, any DUI, any PFA, any felony, etc.

I'm sure the FBI or Senate investigators could find something disqualifying on any and all democrat nominees going forward. If they can even find anyone to run that gauntlet.
This is inevitable now, given how toxic the partisans have made things.

Every last damn thing is going to be a big ugly fight, like spoiled children squabbling over a doll.

Evidently we like this. We keep enabling it.
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