The Deplorables Strike Again


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Few if any of the pollsters predicted it. The resulting bafflement was expressed by one tweet: “How could polls, from every company, for months including exit polls taken on election day not just be wrong but spectacularly wrong?” It was a massive intelligence failure and one worthy of examination. All political parties presumably pay for accurate polling, even if it shows them losing, because possession of the true facts is the only way to adjust their strategy. But after three failed predictions in three major Anglosphere elections, it may be time to ask how the polls got it wrong.

Pollsters Blindsided Again: Australian Labor Party's Surprise Defeat Echoes Hillary, Brexit
Yea, they’ll “examine” it for five minutes, then go right back to lying their asses off in favor of the Marxists and Globalists pigs and continue to attack common sense conservatives as “Nazis”.
9/11 was a "Massive intelligence failure."...this is politics as usual.


But why does the Liberal Deep State glorify the Intelligence Establishment that is obviously so prone to failure?

Why are Comey and Clapper and Brennan, Comey and Brennan are admitted communists, considered infallible gods by the Lamestream Media?
9/11 was a "Massive intelligence failure."...this is politics as usual.


But why does the Liberal Deep State glorify the Intelligence Establishment that is obviously so prone to failure?

Why are Comey and Clapper and Brennan, Comey and Brennan are admitted communists, considered infallible gods by the Lamestream Media?
The shadow government is not liberal or conservative. They operate on power and greed for more power. The fact that they're getting away with it is the result of decades of propaganda, lies, deceptions and dumbing down of society. Read Hedges, Chomsky and books written by some of the CIA/NSA whistleblowers for more on the deep rabbit hole. Comey, Brennan and Clapper are the tip of the iceburg.
You inbred rubes would call Australia's right a bunch of communists if they were here
Keep saying 'deplorables' & associating yourself with Hillary, Dumbocrats.
You're gonna hand the White House back to Trump anyway.

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