The Depth Of Feeling Here

How do you FEEL about the current administration?

  • It's just goovy!

  • No better, no worse than others.

  • There's something very wrong here.

  • Bastards! I hate them all!

Results are only viewable after voting.


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Feelings are important in the construct of opinions, like it or not. To some more than others, since as we have seen the Democrats and their cohorts rely almost entirely on emotions to determine their positions on matters of import.

Just curious. How do you feel about the current administration, and those behind it? No need to be polite here, just answer the question. Your vote will not be made public.
Something is very wrong with this administration. Hell Bidung doesn't know where he is half the time and he's made one mess after another.

He's a walking disaster and one would think those in his administration would do something about the disaster that he is.
Ya, only the dems rely on feelings more than the right. Sure, lets run with that idiocy.

The right has been just as guilty if not more guilty of that recently.

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