The destruction of Dr. Who......the woke message destroys everything in its path....

Actually, having just watched the Children in Need short this is based on, it's pretty clear that this was an event that happened before "Genesis of the Daleks" at a time when Davros was still a fully-abled person. So before the Kaled race mutated into Daleks.

It's actually kind of amusing.

So, a lot of the usual white male fanboy whiners find a controversy that isn't there.

Yeah...then tell that to the show runner who said they don't want someone being evil in a wheel the 3:18 mark on the video in the first post....
Yes, that's the one
here she is .....she is 72.....

Yeah...then tell that to the show runner who said they don't want someone being evil in a wheel the 3:18 mark on the video in the first post....
Um, yeah, so?

My own thought is that Davros was fine in his first appearance, but he's been overused in the last 40 years, where they keep coming up with outlandish excuses for a creature in a life support chair to survive his last calamity.

dam you are going to freak out when Tennant regenerates into the new doctor coming up later..........
You mean 2TinyGuy is going to be freaked out by a black, gay actor playing the Doctor?
Um, yeah, so?

My own thought is that Davros was fine in his first appearance, but he's been overused in the last 40 years, where they keep coming up with outlandish excuses for a creature in a life support chair to survive his last calamity.

You mean 2TinyGuy is going to be freaked out by a black, gay actor playing the Doctor?
thats the one.....
thats the one.....
I'm trying to keep an open mind.

In the modern era,
Didn't like Eccleston
Liked Tennant
Really liked Matt Smith
Thought Capaldi was okay. (He would have worked better as a classic-era doctor)
Hated Whitaker, and not because she had two hanging high instead of two hanging low, but because the stories were awful, the companions were dull, and her portrayal was flat. Also, they bastardized the Master as a character.

I have this awful image of the 14th Doctor saying, "I'm ready to go" at the end of his run, as opposed to the Tenth saying, "I don't want to go!"
I'm trying to keep an open mind.

In the modern era,
Didn't like Eccleston
Liked Tennant
Really liked Matt Smith
Thought Capaldi was okay. (He would have worked better as a classic-era doctor)
Hated Whitaker, and not because she had two hanging high instead of two hanging low, but because the stories were awful, the companions were dull, and her portrayal was flat. Also, they bastardized the Master as a character.

I have this awful image of the 14th Doctor saying, "I'm ready to go" at the end of his run, as opposed to the Tenth saying, "I don't want to go!"
its going to be interesting.....
Colin Baker?

I want to make note, this premiered on Disney Plus, and not BBC America.

You can see where the Disney money kicked in with much higher production values.
i think david tennants return is just to get the shows popularity back up....they no doubt paid him a lot....
I used to watch the Tom Baker and other Dr.s when I was in high school.....before Dr. Who became cool or popular....

Now, as with everything, the left has destroyed it......

Davros, the creator of the DALEKS.....can't be in a robot chair can't have someone evil in a wheel chair.....

The left is vile.....

I enjoyed the old Dr. Who and I enjoy the new ones. Sorry I don't see any problems with the new series.
Wait......give them day those scenes will disappear from the movie, or the whole movie will go away.
Maybe so. The movie "Holiday Inn" with Bing Crosby and Fred Astair featured the song "White Christmas". The 40's plot revolves around a Ct. inn that s only open on holidays. For Lincoln's birthday the movie featured actors in blackface so Lincoln's birthday was cut out of the movie. The same left wingers who want to groom kids with drag queens and allow porn in grammar schools think movie history is offensive and should be censored.
Tom Baker
The joke went right over your head, didn't it?

Maybe so. The movie "Holiday Inn" with Bing Crosby and Fred Astair featured the song "White Christmas". The 40's plot revolves around a Ct. inn that s only open on holidays. For Lincoln's birthday the movie featured actors in blackface so Lincoln's birthday was cut out of the movie. The same left wingers who want to groom kids with drag queens and allow porn in grammar schools think movie history is offensive and should be censored.

Or they very sensibly realized that scene didn't add anything to the movie.

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