The DNC Terrorist Cover Up


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Word is coming out SLOWLY about the facts behind the DNC's domestic terrorist ATTACK on Flint Michigan which may well retard tens of thousands of children.
Gov. Snyder HAD attempted to reach across the isle and appointed a democrat to VERY sensitive and important role in the protection of a MAJOR city and its population.

One of the states highest ranking democrats had the call and the lives and health of tens of thousands at stake as seen below.

In one noteworthy email dated September 25, 2015, Snyder’s then-Chief of Staff Dennis Muchmore offers an answer to perhaps the biggest question that has loomed over Flint for the past two years: who decided to switch the city’s water supply from Detroit to the Flint river?
According to Muchmore, it was former state Treasurer Andy Dillon who made the fateful call.

Snyder emails reveal state's role in evolution of Flint water crisis
it was AFTER the DNC had secured this position to ABUSE and ENDANGER its citizens THIS democrat sought and more IMPORTANT DID release a WMD on his own city! And make no mistake when what you have retards TENS of THOUSANDS of citizens with ONE choice you HAVE in fact released a WMD. So how about a little more background on this DNC terrorist?

  1. Andrew "Andy" Dillon is a Democratic Party politician from the U.S.state of Michigan. He was appointed by Governor Rick Snyder, a Republican, to be the state's treasurer. Before serving in Cabinet, Dillonwas speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives.
    Andy Dillon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAndy_Dillon
It Was a "home grown" terrorist ATTACK by the DNC against the fine people of Flint.
Dillion a DEMOCRAT should be charged with unleashing a massive chemical attack on its citizens.
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I personally never wanted to lay blame at the politicians feet because they thought they hired qualified individuals to provide the water supply. But hey if the Dems want to blame R's game on.

Another D major player in this fiasco was the Democrat who served as Emergency Manager. His name was Darnell Earley.

You had the D's in Detroit that got pissed that Flint was going to switch to another provider and turned off Flint's water supply. Because the RWA facility wasn't running yet Flint had to turn to Flint River.

Oh there are many many D's involved in this nightmare.
I love the summary at National Review.

"In sum: The Democratic government of a Democratic city destroys that city’s finances so thoroughly that it must go into state receivership;

a Democratic emergency manager signs off on a consensus plan to use a temporary water source;

the municipal authorities in that Democratic city responsible for treating and monitoring drinking water fail to do their job;

a state agency whose employees work under the tender attention of SEIU Local 517 fails to do its job overseeing the local authorities;

Barack Obama’s EPA, having been informed about the issue, keeps mum.

Republican scandal.

Read more at: Flint Is Not a Republican Scandal
I love the summary at National Review.

"In sum: The Democratic government of a Democratic city destroys that city’s finances so thoroughly that it must go into state receivership;

a Democratic emergency manager signs off on a consensus plan to use a temporary water source;

the municipal authorities in that Democratic city responsible for treating and monitoring drinking water fail to do their job;

a state agency whose employees work under the tender attention of SEIU Local 517 fails to do its job overseeing the local authorities;

Barack Obama’s EPA, having been informed about the issue, keeps mum.

Republican scandal.

Read more at: Flint Is Not a Republican Scandal
There is MORE then enough legal evidence to show democrats not only started this problem but were in control of it right to the very end.
I love the summary at National Review.

"In sum: The Democratic government of a Democratic city destroys that city’s finances so thoroughly that it must go into state receivership;

a Democratic emergency manager signs off on a consensus plan to use a temporary water source;

the municipal authorities in that Democratic city responsible for treating and monitoring drinking water fail to do their job;

a state agency whose employees work under the tender attention of SEIU Local 517 fails to do its job overseeing the local authorities;

Barack Obama’s EPA, having been informed about the issue, keeps mum.

Republican scandal.

Read more at: Flint Is Not a Republican Scandal
There is MORE then enough legal evidence to show democrats not only started this problem but were in control of it right to the very end.

Great. Lets have it.
I love the summary at National Review.

"In sum: The Democratic government of a Democratic city destroys that city’s finances so thoroughly that it must go into state receivership;

a Democratic emergency manager signs off on a consensus plan to use a temporary water source;

the municipal authorities in that Democratic city responsible for treating and monitoring drinking water fail to do their job;

a state agency whose employees work under the tender attention of SEIU Local 517 fails to do its job overseeing the local authorities;

Barack Obama’s EPA, having been informed about the issue, keeps mum.

Republican scandal.

Read more at: Flint Is Not a Republican Scandal
There is MORE then enough legal evidence to show democrats not only started this problem but were in control of it right to the very end.

Great. Lets have it.
Follow the links moron, just follow the links.
That link to yahoo is pretty damning of the Republican governor. I don't think the OP really understands it.
That link to yahoo is pretty damning of the Republican governor. I don't think the OP really understands it.
The ONLY thing damning to that Gov is he chose a DEMOCRAT to have the final say. That was his LONE mistake.
I saw the Governor last night on TV. I have never seen any politician who looked and sounded more like a weasel than that guy.

And that's really saying something.

I've seen a lot of pols who looked and sounded more retarded, but none who were as weasely looking and sounding.
That link to yahoo is pretty damning of the Republican governor. I don't think the OP really understands it.
The ONLY thing damning to that Gov is he chose a DEMOCRAT to have the final say. That was his LONE mistake.

Someone should have stepped in and bitch slapped the shit out of Detroit Water and Sewage who in their petulant moment forced Flint to find an interim provider till KWA was finished.

Oh another D city.
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That link to yahoo is pretty damning of the Republican governor. I don't think the OP really understands it.

How is the Governor responsible for this?

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

December 21, 2015 Siddhartha Roy Articles
After missing warning signs of spiking childhood lead poisoning that occurred few months after switching to a corrosive river water source in 2014, outside pressure forced officials at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to closely scrutinize their data in July 2015. They discovered scientifically conclusive evidence of an anomalous increase in childhood lead poisoning in summer 2014 immediately after the switch in water sources, but stood by silently as Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) officials repeatedly and falsely stated that no spike in blood lead levels (BLL) of children had occurred. DHHS employees later stonewalled efforts by outside researchers who questioned MDEQ statements and withheld damning documents but released incomplete data suggesting that there were no problems — DHHS officials ultimately fessed up only after incidence of childhood lead poisoning skyrocketed above 10% in the two Flint zip codes with highest water lead risk during summer 2015!

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers
As usual, OP didn't read his own link but with an IQ of 214 ...

In any event, SNyder wasn't responsible in the same way Chris Christie wasn't responsible for the bridge fiasco.

How is the Governor responsible for a Nurse that would tell a mother that her son had only a bit of lead poisoning?

"DHHS’ engagement in the Flint water crisis, started in early 2015 with two phone calls from Lee-Anne Walters to a state lead poisoning nurse in Lansing identified only as “Karen.” When asked about the phone call last night, Walters said she was at first expressing concern over high lead in water measurements in Flint, but on the second call she was in tears because her son’s blood lead had increased to 6.5 ug/dL.

According to Walters, “Karen” stated that “He is barely lead poisoned. If CDC had not changed their lead poisoning standard from 10 down to 5, we would not be having this conversation.” Angry, Walters protested that Karen was minimizing the problem, at which point “Karen” cut her off and said “I am working with kids in their 40’s and 50’s. It is just a few IQ points…it is not the end of the world.” FOIA e-mails do reveal a “Karen” at DHHS who acknowledged receiving phone calls on the dates Walters called (the caller’s name is redacted in the FOIA), but elsewhere this person reveals to colleagues that the last time she actually worked with a child who had blood lead above 45 ug/dL was in 2009."

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers
I saw the Governor last night on TV. I have never seen any politician who looked and sounded more like a weasel than that guy.

And that's really saying something.

I've seen a lot of pols who looked and sounded more retarded, but none who were as weasely looking and sounding.
You want to meet a Weasel? Talk to Dillon, the democrat the man who poisoned an ENTIRE city.

THAT is the face of a Weasel.
And everyone seems to be a D...

Before the appointment of the (Democratic) emergency manager, Flint’s elected mayor and city council (Democrats) had decided to sever the city’s relationship with its drinking-water supplier, which was at the time the Detroit water authority.

Flint intended to join a regional water authority that would pipe water in from Lake Huron, a project that was scheduled to take three years to come online. In a fit of pique, Detroit (a city under unitary Democratic control) immediately moved to terminate Flint’s water supply, leaving the city high and literally dry.

At this point, somebody — no one will quite admit to being the responsible party — decided to rely temporarily on the Flint River.

The Democrats in the city government deny responsibility for this; so does Darnell Earley, the Democrat who served as emergency manager. Earley says that the decisions to terminate the Detroit deal and rely temporarily on the Flint River “were both a part of a long-term plan that was approved by Flint’s mayor, and confirmed by a City Council vote of 7–1 in March of 2013 — a full seven months before I began my term as emergency manager.”

Meanwhile, Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality — no hotbed of covert Republican activity — seems at the very least to have suppressed worrisome findings about Flint’s water supply, and may have done worse than that. The federal Environmental Protection Agency — whose Democratic chief was appointed by our Democratic president — knew for months that there were concerns about Flint’s water, and did nothing.

In sum: The Democratic government of a Democratic city destroys that city’s finances so thoroughly that it must go into state receivership; a Democratic emergency manager signs off on a consensus plan to use a temporary water source; the municipal authorities in that Democratic city responsible for treating and monitoring drinking water fail to do their job; a state agency whose employees work under the tender attention of SEIU Local 517 fails to do its job overseeing the local authorities; Barack Obama’s EPA, having been informed about the issue, keeps mum.

Republican scandal.

Read more at: Flint Is Not a Republican Scandal
Now I for one never wanted to start slinging mud at politicians but the Democrats have brought this fight on themselves by attacking the Governor.

I still believe that the focus should be on the middle management of these agencies who should have reported their true findings instead of lying their asses off and covering up the findings.

Hell's bells. These people should be criminally charged for what they did. They actively LIED and misled the Governor, the City Council and the public culminating in this nightmare.
I saw the Governor last night on TV. I have never seen any politician who looked and sounded more like a weasel than that guy.

And that's really saying something.

I've seen a lot of pols who looked and sounded more retarded, but none who were as weasely looking and sounding.
You want to meet a Weasel? Talk to Dillon, the democrat the man who poisoned an ENTIRE city.

THAT is the face of a Weasel.

Dorko talked to Dillon.

Did Dorko happen to remember to tape the conversation?
That link to yahoo is pretty damning of the Republican governor. I don't think the OP really understands it.
The ONLY thing damning to that Gov is he chose a DEMOCRAT to have the final say. That was his LONE mistake.

Really? Not the year and a half it took the governor to even acknowledge the problem? And why would the state treasurer be responsible for knowing let alone understanding the health issues related to this? I could see the treasurer approving funds, but the responsibility ultimately lies with the governor.

Terrorist attack? You earned your 214 this time, tard.
I saw the Governor last night on TV. I have never seen any politician who looked and sounded more like a weasel than that guy.

And that's really saying something.

I've seen a lot of pols who looked and sounded more retarded, but none who were as weasely looking and sounding.
You want to meet a Weasel? Talk to Dillon, the democrat the man who poisoned an ENTIRE city.

THAT is the face of a Weasel.

Dorko talked to Dillon.

Did Dorko happen to remember to tape the conversation?
Why is it a liberal democrat such as yourself "puddley" have NO concern NO regard and NO willingness to protect children?

Oh excuse me YOU are a democrat just LIKE Dillon who CHOSE to endanger AND retard those children.

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